Calamity Frontier

Chapter 281 Leader

Chapter 281 Leader

A "shadow of the night" looking around was decapitated by Qiao Yu.

This kind of dark night shadow is difficult to kill, but when Qiao Yu gathers a large amount of magic energy on the bullet and hits the dark night shadow, the magic energy bursts out, so that these dark night shadow creatures can be wiped out in one fell swoop.

The night shadow creature is the most lethal creature in the twilight beast tide, bar none.

The shadows in the dark night are like pieces of paper, the whole body is pitch black, and they move very fast. They can shuttle through the gaps between the corpses, and then sink into the buried fortresses, hunting down the border fighters hiding in the fortresses.

Before shooting this night shadow, Qiao Yu's Sky Striker Demon Vine had already been killed by these night shadows by more than [-] people.

With a quick glance, Qiao Yu saw a dark night shadow groping here in the twilight beast tide.


After one shot, the shadow of the shining night was directly decapitated, and then died.

Qiao Yu continued to search for other legal creatures approaching here.

"How long has it been?" Qiao Yu asked Deng Ping after firing another [-] rounds.

"We've been on guard for sixteen hours."

"Sixteen hours? I feel like a month." Qiao Yu put down the devil's fang and looked at the endless twilight creatures behind him.

"It was only a little more than a day before and after, and there will be a long time to come, at least a week."

A week of tireless fighting, even Qiao Yu couldn't bear it, but the two of them were horns, so they could persist.

"The first day's attack should be almost over, and the subsequent attacks will ease up a lot." Then Deng Ping said.

"Oh, that's not bad, there is still enough time to absorb energy." Qiao Yu nodded and said.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu picked up the Devil's Fang and continued to shoot and kill gradually.

After shooting more than 2000 rounds again, Qiao Yu sat cross-legged on the second floor of the fortress and began to restore the magic power and physical strength of the abyss.

During the ten-hour continuous battle, Deng Ping had already rested four or five times, and Qiao Yu had rested for the first time.

While resting and recovering his strength, Qiao Yu also began to absorb energy.

At this time, in the surrounding world, there is already dense energy that almost covers the entire skeleton of the giant mammoth.

Qiao Yu just absorbed the surrounding energy unscrupulously.

Soon, Qiao Yu's physical strength was almost recovered, but Qiao Yu did not stop, but continued to absorb these energies.

After more than an hour.


A slight stirring sound bloomed.

At this time, the battlefield is full of bustling, noisy, and extremely lively, but the sound of shock can be transmitted.Obviously its power is not weak.

"Look, it's the dusk leader creature."

"It's really a dusk leader creature."

"Haha, the Twilight leader belongs to me. Don't fight me for it, or I will kill him."

"The leader of the dusk belongs to you, but the equipment that explodes belongs to me, hahaha..."

"If you dare to steal my equipment, I will kill you."

Before Qiao Yu opened his eyes, not far away, on the roofs of many fortresses, many experts started talking.

Qiao Yu, who opened his eyes, looked in the direction where many masters were staring.

In the elite area below, there is a huge antelope that is six to seven meters high and [-] to [-] meters long.Walking up the road.

The huge antelope, just the twirling horns, is a full two to three meters long, which is very scary to look at.

"Twilight leader." Qiao Yu's heart moved slightly.

"The dusk leader—the golden horned antelope."

At this time, Deng Ping also stopped manipulating his sword energy to hunt and kill those dusk creatures, and looked at the huge antelope.

In the land of dusk, after basically all creatures die, a large amount of energy will burst out.Rarely pop out, equipment, skills, props, material scrolls and so on.

But the dusk creatures above the boss and above, such as some dusk bosses, or some dusk lords, etc., they are an exception.

Killing the Twilight Boss-level creatures, at least speaking, will bring out silver-level good equipment.

At the level of B-level and A-level, at least among the many frontier fighters that Qiao Yu saw, silver equipment is not uncommon, and there are even some gold equipment.

Relatively speaking, Qiao Yu's current equipment has fallen behind his own strength.It can also be said that Qiao Yu's current equipment lags behind those many frontier fighters.

"Brother Qiao, it's time for us to upgrade our equipment." Deng Ping said as he watched the antelope leader stepping up.

"Indeed." Qiao Yu also nodded slightly.

Qiao Yu's equipment really can't keep up with Qiao Yu's own strength.

"In this twilight beast tide, there will be many powerful leader creatures. If we can kill these leader creatures, we can burst out a lot of good equipment." Qiao Yu said.

"Yes." Deng Ping said the same. "There are quite a few twilight creature leaders and even twilight creature lords in the back. As long as we preserve our strength, we don't have to worry about equipment at all."

In the twilight beast tide, there are a lot of leader creatures. If you want to kill this powerful twilight creature leader, you need to be so powerful.

"We don't need to get involved with the leaders of the dusk creatures in front of us. Those guys will definitely fight wildly, and even fight and kill each other, get injured, and die."

"When the leader creatures come up one after another, we will hunt and kill them gradually. The two of us cooperate well, and we can hunt and kill many powerful leader creatures."

"Hmm." Deng Ping knew very well that there were a lot of Twilight boss creatures in the middle and late stages of the Twilight Beast Swarm, and Deng Ping was not in a hurry.

Soon, the antelope leader reached the edge of the expert area.

More than 20 A-level masters rushed out.

All of a sudden, various skills and attacks fell on the antelope leader like raindrops.

The antelope leader is very powerful, and his defense ability is also extremely strong.

In the attack of more than 20 people, he persisted for a full minute before falling down.

As soon as the antelope leader fell, a piece of silver equipment burst out.

All of a sudden, all these people started fighting wildly, and even fought each other.

In the end, a rather powerful mage snatched the silver equipment.

"The strength is not bad." Qiao Yu watched the battle and had a rough idea of ​​the strength of the many masters.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu set his sights on the mighty community of evening creatures.

At this time, in the community of dusk creatures, there are a very large number of leader creatures of unusual size.

Obviously, there are still many Twilight Lords behind, and some of them are killed.

(End of this chapter)

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