Calamity Frontier

Chapter 284 End

Chapter 284 End
The twilight beast horde was a disaster for many people.

For those low grade F grades, E grades.Even for D- and C-rank survivors, there is a certain risk of falling.

But for some masters, this is actually a rewarding trip.

At least for Qiao Yu and Deng Ping.

Together, the two hunted down many dusk creature leaders in this beast tide, and directly changed all the equipment on their bodies, and both of them put on silver suits.

In the dark small fortress.

Qiao Yu meditated in the darkness.

At this time, the surrounding world is filled with massive amounts of energy. During the several days of fighting, there were not 100 million dead or injured twilight creatures, but 80.

With so many twilight creatures, one can imagine how much energy will be released.

"Breathe... breathe... breathe... breathe..."

With Qiao Yu's huffing and absorbing, a large amount of energy was absorbed and digested by Qiao Yu.

"With the continuous absorption of energy for several hours every day, the evolution rate of my body cells has become faster and faster." Feeling the increasing changes inside his body, Qiao Yu looked calm, but deep down, he was abnormal. happy.

"Brother Qiao, the twilight beast tide is coming to an end."

While Qiao Yu was hesitating and absorbing, Deng Ping's cheerful voice with a bit of joy came in.

"Huh? The twilight beast tide has receded?" Hearing this, Qiao Yu opened his eyes deep in the dark fortress.

Quickly coming to the top of the fortress, Qiao Yu looked around.

What caught the eye was that a large number of dusk creatures did not continue to attack the Blackthorn Fortress, but slowly wandered towards the distant mountains and forests.

The twilight beast tide faded away at this time.

"The twilight beast tide has finally receded." Seeing this, Qiao Yu had a smile on his face.

"Nearly nine days, this twilight beast tide is finally coming to an end." A weary smile appeared on Deng Ping's face.

"That's right, I'm so exhausted after so many days of sleepless nights."

"Still sleeping, you slept all day yesterday."

"That's when I was injured and rested."

"'s finally over."

At this time, many masters in the master area, seeing the twilight beast tide dissipate, finally all faces were filled with smiles.

The twilight beast tide, there will be four times a year, once every three months or so, this is the characteristic of the twilight domain,
And every other area is full of various disasters. This border land of disaster is not a good place, at least for most people.

And this time, the protracted twilight beast swarm, which lasted nine days, finally came to an end.


In the light of dusk, a long howl came from melodiously.

Sweeping through the mountains and forests, across the grasslands, the sound rolled and hit the mammoth skeleton where the Blackthorn Fortress was located.

Qiao Yu, standing on the fortress, even felt the energy balls around him surging with this melodious howl.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu's expression changed, and he looked towards the distant forest where the voice came from.

At the same time, many other border fighters also looked there one after another.

I saw that one was four to fifty meters high, one hundred meters long, blood-red in color, graceful in shape and proud in expression—the blood wolf lord.Standing on the edge of the majestic mountain peak, the layers of forests more than ten meters high are at its feet, just like grass.

"Look, it's the blood wolf lord."

"It really is the blood wolf lord."

"The life strength of this blood wolf lord has increased again. During the whole year, it was only more than 3, and today it is in the early [-]."

"The life strength of more than 4 is not considered strong at the lord level, but the most important thing for creatures like lords is their bloodline ability. It is said that this blood wolf lord has very strong bloodline strength, and its strength is comparable to that of a lord. In the stage, it can be regarded as a very powerful existence."

"This blood wolf lord is naturally extremely powerful. I heard that this blood wolf lord has a chance to become the dominant creature in our Twilight Realm."

"Overlord-level creatures, it's unlikely." Someone said.

Overlord-level creatures are terrifying existences comparable to human beings.

Whenever such a terrifying creature appears, it is a huge disaster for the entire human race in the Twilight Realm.

"I'm just saying that it's just a possibility. It's not certain whether it can become a dominant creature."

"Lord Blood Wolf." Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the Lord Blood Wolf.

Lord-level creatures are basically powerful existences that only S-level, SS-level, and even SSS-level powerhouses can compete with.Every S-level terrifying creature, if they want to escape, it will be difficult for human S-level powerhouses to keep them. After all, it is really difficult for these huge creatures with a size of hundreds of meters to keep them without powerful means.

"Looking here, does the blood wolf lord want to attack this blackthorn fortress?" Qiao Yu said softly.

"Aww..." After staring at the Blackthorn Fortress for a moment, the blood wolf lord let out a high-pitched howl.Then the blood wolf lord turned around and sank into the depths of the towering mountains.

at this time.

Top of Blackthorn Fortress.

The Lord of Castle Blackthorn watched as the blood wolf lord disappeared into the depths of the Dao Mountains.

There was a trace of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you dare to attack? You are really smart. I killed both of your children and drained all of your blood. Over the past year, the power of the blood wolf in your blood has been fully digested by me. If you If you dare to come here, I promise to reunite you mother and child." In the depths of the eyes of the Lord of Black Thorn Castle, traces of ruthlessness emerged.

In the Twilight Realm, many places will not be attacked by Twilight creatures day and night like Blackthorn Fortress.

The reason why the Blackthorn Fortress was continuously attacked by the Twilight Creatures was naturally that the Lord of the Blackthorn Fortress personally slaughtered the two children of the Snow Wolf Lord.

That's why the blood wolf lord frantically directed those dusk creatures to launch continuous attacks on the Blackthorn Fortress.

"This time I have refined the power in the blood of the snow wolf, and my strength is even stronger than before. After a while, the Holy Origin Xiaomi Realm will be opened, and I can bring a group of people in." Thinking of this, the blood wolf lord The smile became stronger.

"Presumably, my old enemies will also enter it. This time, my strength has improved so much that I can show those guys some color."

"Castle Master." At this time, Sishui, a delicate and soft woman next to the Black Thorn Castle Master, said slowly with her red lips slightly parted. "This time the beast tide has receded. During this beast tide, there are many masters in the area below, and there are also many talented people."

"Hmm." The Lord of Castle Blackthorn nodded slightly.

"All according to the old rules, let them practice for a while first, after all, the energy between the heaven and the earth can only exist for a few days. Wait until the energy dissipates, and then you can look for them and see if they are willing to join me."

"Yes, Castle Master." Sishui nodded slightly in response.

(End of this chapter)

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