Calamity Frontier

Chapter 286 Gathering.

Chapter 286 Gathering.

Following the maid, Qiao Yu and Deng Ping soon came to a very spacious and rough-looking hall.

In this hall.

On the ground is a huge carpet sewn with the fur of the "Evening Fox".

The crystal lamp carved from the Eternal Herla crystal in the "Night Realm" on the roof, this kind of crystal can continuously release a softer light in the dark night, and it is perfect for being used as a lamp.

The tables, chairs and benches are all carved from the ancient "iron locust wood" in the "Giant Wood Field".In the domain of giant trees, there are not many things, but there are a lot of ancient trees of that kind.

In addition, bead curtains, window glass, carved patterns, dining utensils, various fruits and foods, snacks and drinks, etc., can all be seen. These things are all good things in various regions of the Borderlands.

At this time, there are already more than thirty people in this hall.

Many of them were seen by Qiao Yu in the previous twilight beast tide. These guys are all extremely powerful masters.

Following the maid's guidance, the two soon sat down in a corner.

"Well, the place is pretty good, much better than our dark little fortress." Deng Ping laughed looking at this rather luxurious hall.

"Indeed." Qiao Yu nodded slightly. "Outside, I'm always busy with either fighting or practicing. It's rare to have some time to calm down and enjoy it."

After staring at it for a while, Qiao Yu's heart moved slightly, and then he looked towards a corner.

What met his eyes was a pair of fierce and gloomy eyes.

Ke Lie, who was 20 meters away from Qiao Yu, was watching Qiao Yu and Deng Ping.

"Jumping beam clown, if you have a chance, kill him directly." Qiao Yu secretly said in his heart.

"Have you heard? I heard that Xiyue, the youngest daughter of the Twilight Lord, was killed."

At this moment, a discussion voice came to mind.

"Lord of the Twilight?"

As soon as everyone heard the topic about the Lord of the Twilight, they immediately listened and left.

Qiao Yu and Deng Ping listened calmly, and listened carefully.

"I've also heard about this news. A friend of mine sent it to me. It is said that it was killed in a corner of the Blackthorn Mountains on the eve of the twilight beast tide."

"As far as I know, after the Twilight Lord heard about this incident, he led a large group of S-rank powerhouses to search for traces of the murderer in the Blackthorn Mountain Range."

"Once it is found out, who killed it, with the temperament of the Lord of the Twilight, he will definitely let that person live or die."

"That's natural. Back then, the Lord of the Twilight was killed all the way in the mountains of swords and seas of fire. The methods were extremely vicious, and it was not a good thing."

"I don't know if the Lord of the Twilight has found any information."

"I heard that there seems to be some traces. The traces of the battle at that time were extremely fierce, and the power was very powerful. It should be done by an S-level master."

"S-level master?"

"That's a bit difficult. S-level masters come and go without a trace in the twilight domain. It is very difficult to find S-level masters."

When other people were talking, Qiao Yu and Deng Ping both looked indifferent, without any abnormal expression fluctuations.

between slight.

A thick breath bloomed faintly.

Everyone looked up.

I saw that on top of the high platform, the Lord Blackthorn appeared there at some point.

"I have seen the castle master." Everyone got up and said.

"You don't have to be polite, let's all sit down!" The handsome middle-aged man, the master of Castle Blackthorn, said with a light smile.

"A few days ago, the swarm of beasts came at dusk. Thanks to all of you, we were able to block the attack of the swarm of beasts. Prepare a banquet. I hope you don't dislike it."

Naturally, the crowd was full of polite words such as "Fortress, you are welcome."

After some simple exchanges.

The feast begins.

Following the shadows of the maids, they shuttled over many seats.

Soon, many gourmet delicacies were served.

These foods are cooked with many twilight creatures, or many ingredients in the twilight domain.

Very exotic, and the way of cooking is also extraordinary.Overall, these foods are naturally extremely delicious.

The people who can eat these delicacies in the usual place naturally opened their bellies and started to eat vigorously.

Deng Ping and Qiao Yu are no exception.

In this way, a banquet was gradually carried out amidst the feasting and feasting of the crowd.

As border fighters of this level, everyone has extremely strong absorption and digestion capabilities.

This banquet lasted an extremely long time, which lasted for four hours.

During the entire banquet, although everyone's appetites were wide open, everyone could eat more than ten catties of food and drinks.

But there is only one exception, and this person is naturally Qiao Yu.However, everyone was devouring food, and they didn't notice Qiao Yu's abnormality.

During these four hours, others were eating, drinking, chatting and communicating with each other.After all, they are under the command of the Lord of Black Thorn Castle, and they will fight together in the future. Naturally, it is better to know each other better, but Qiao Yu just keeps his head down.

Cakes made of wild yam, wine brewed from golden rice, Qiao Yu can eat as much as he serves.

Qiao Yu ate four of an iron-feathered rooster out of more than 30 kilograms.

Qiao Yu ate fourteen of the six-pound three-toothed black worms.

Qiao Yu ate 22 of the ten-jin iron-shelled scorpions.

Qiao Yu ate 62 golden thread snake eggs the size of a fist.

Qiao Yu ate 23 of the Haifeng Gray Rabbit out of five catties.

In addition, cloud mushrooms at dusk, man-eating cauliflower, black cabbage Artemisia buns, bone jade corpse flowers and fruits... and so on.

Qiao Yu eats as much as he wants, and at the same time, there are many delicacies on Deng Ping's table, but if Deng Ping can't eat, or if he doesn't like it, Qiao Yu will not refuse, and he swallows all of them into his stomach.

The maid who brought things to Qiao Yu was still smiling at the beginning, but gradually, her smile disappeared, and then her face became unbelievable, and finally, the way she looked at Qiao Yu changed, becoming a little weird.When looking at Qiao Yu, it was like looking at a monster.

If not, she saw Qiao Yu swallowing a lot of food with her own eyes, and she would have suspected that Qiao Yu had packed many affairs into her ring.

"I said Brother Qiao, you are too edible." Seeing Qiao Yu eat all the food on his table, and then stretched out his hand, he couldn't help sighing.

"Oh, this food, do you eat it?"

"I'm already full."

"Then it's over, give it to me, it's only three minutes full."

"After eating so much, I'm only three percent full." Deng Ping was completely speechless.

Now, Qiao Yu's cellular armament has gradually occupied most of Qiao Yu's body cells. Now Qiao Yu is in the transition stage of life form and needs a lot of food to transform.

Just eat slowly, not to mention such food, even if it is a mountain of food, Qiao Yu can eat it slowly.

After more than four hours, the banquet ended, and what followed was the post-banquet—the talk stage.

The Lord of Castle Blackthorn personally narrated many aspects about S-rank powerhouses.

(End of this chapter)

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