Calamity Frontier

Chapter 327 Diagnosis

Chapter 327 Diagnosis
"finally reached."

When Qiao Yu landed on this larger floating island, the surrounding gusts were blocked by an invisible barrier on the island.

Steampunk laboratory.

A long time ago, here was a very old and magnificent factory laboratory.

Many strange props can be born here, such as divination cards, fate symbols, floating machines, miniature nano-humans, special equipment weapons and so on.

And now, this steampunk laboratory has stopped working.

Qiao Yu waved his hand, and several blood-eyed bats flew out.

A few minutes later, the blood-eyed bat flew back.There was no one in the entire steampunk laboratory.

"It's not surprising that there is no one. After all, this laboratory has stopped operating. Without the baby, naturally no one will come here at the risk of hardship."


When Qiao Yu was just about to climb over the railing on the outer wall of the steampunk laboratory.A slight hiss sounded from behind.

Qiao Yu turned around and looked, and what caught his eyes was a "Wrangler Warrior" in the form of a centaur.

The Wrangler warrior just followed the strong wind through the barrier and came to this small floating island.

"Wrangler warrior?" Seeing the appearance of this shepherd warrior, Qiao Yu suddenly felt strange.

"There's something wrong with this. The horse herders should be on the shore of Lake Khorol. The shore of Lake Khurol. There is a very long distance from here. How did these horse herders come here?"


The Wrangler warrior saw that Qiao Yu was here, but he didn't attack.It seemed exhausted, and the Wrangler warrior walked to a corner and crawled down directly, and began to rest there.

Although the Wrangler Warrior is also a powerful creature, the Wrangler Warrior in front of him is only A-level strength, not too strong.There is basically no threat to Qiao Yu.

After looking at the Wrangler Warrior for a while, Qiao Yu shook his head and ignored the Wrangler Warrior, and flew straight to the steampunk laboratory.

Enter the experimental factory held here.The huge machines that catch the eye, the five-meter-thick and 20-meter-long mechanical arms.A gear with a diameter of 20 meters and a piston the size of a building.A huge bearing shaft with a diameter of [-] meters and a thick ball with a diameter of one meter.There is also a wind wheel energy transmitter powered by the external gust of wind.

I have to say that this steampunk factory is really extraordinary.

"My broken source key needs to be recast here before it can be restored to its normal state. But first, I need to activate this factory."

After thinking for a moment, Qiao Yu reached out and made a move.Little Zilong emerged.

"Steampunk Factory, you have come to Fenglingdu."

"Of course." Qiao Yu nodded slightly. "You are a mechanical creature, so you should be familiar with machinery. Show me if this steampunk factory is damaged, or if there is something wrong, and how can I get it started."

"No problem." Xiao Zilong said confidently.

As creatures of the mechanical life family, they are born with extraordinary insight and perception abilities for all machines.

Following the surging of the little purple dragon's back, soon, hundreds of small thumb-sized mechanical bugs intertwined with purple and orange flew out.

"What are these bugs?" Qiao Yu asked looking at the small, chubby mechanical bugs flying out.

"A special type of scouting mechanical bug. I have multiple choices in the process of evolution, and this mechanical scouting bug is one of my choices."

"This is a very good choice." Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

During the conversation, all the detectives disappeared in every corner of the entire factory.

Time passed quickly, and after a few minutes, Xiao Zilong received a lot of information.

"In this steampunk laboratory, many places are blocked by things."

"Blocked by something?"

"Six-phase Rubik's Cube." Xiao Zilong said seriously.

"Six-color Rubik's Cube?" Qiao Yu was slightly surprised.

"Yes. It is the six-color Rubik's Cube. Those six-color Rubik's Cubes appeared in some special positions, and these positions happened to block the operation of this machine, and then the laboratory could not operate."

"Oh." Hearing this, Qiao Yu smiled.

"For others, this six-color Rubik's cube is a knot, but for me, this six-color Rubik's cube is not a problem at all."

"Tell me the location of the six-color Rubik's Cube, and I'll collect all of these Rubik's Cubes," Qiao Yu said.

"Come here, there's one over here."

Xiao Zilong flew to one side, and Qiao Yu followed closely behind.

On a rotating rod bearing a shaft.A slight ray of light bloomed.A six-color Rubik's Cube is stuck here.


With a thought, Qiao Yu gathered a six-color Rubik's Cube here.

"Here's another one."

Following Xiao Zilong, he shuttled back and forth very quickly.A total of seven Rubik's Cubes of six phase colors were collected by Qiao Yu.

"There is another one among these pistons." Xiao Zilong said as he tapped the huge piston.

Qiao Yu thought for a while and took out a virtual prop. After using it, Qiao Yu entered the state of a semi-spiritual body. With a vertical posture, Qiao Yu directly passed through the barrier of the piston.

After a while, Qiao Yu shuttled out, and at the same time the six-color Rubik's Cube had already been collected by Qiao Yu.

"Okay, the obstacle is cleared, and when I activate the wind wheel on it, I can activate the entire steampunk laboratory." Xiao Zilong said enthusiastically.


With a vertical movement, Xiao Zilong flew towards the wind wheel.

At this time, Qiao Yu came to the energy transmission entrance of this large machine.

The location of this energy energy transmission entrance is a large blue light glass energy storage device.


After a while, the wind wheel started to rotate, and the energy was transmitted along the exposure, and the energy flowed slowly towards the blue light glass energy storage device like a blue water flow.

First of all, this wind wheel needs to store the energy storage device full of energy, and then the entire steampunk laboratory can be operated.

At the same time, for Qiao Yu, he also needs to store enough energy here to be able to repair his broken source key.

"Okay, Brother Qiao, the energy is starting to gather." Xiao Zilong responded.

"Understood, but the energy storage is too slow. This wind wheel is not good. I see that there are several small wind wheels on the side. You open all the wind wheels and start storing energy with all your strength." Qiao Yu ordered.

"sure no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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