Calamity Frontier

Chapter 332 Conversation

Chapter 332 Conversation
Fear, boiling, despair, struggle, madness, unwillingness, many emotions crazily spawned, bloomed, and wailed in everyone's hearts.

He slapped hard.

The air shattered, the sky shook, flesh and blood flew, and life died.

All the complicated and many emotions are instantly annihilated under this palm, and all disappear in smoke.

In an instant, the whole world fell silent.

Qiao Yu, who was watching the battle from a distance, held his breath.

"The power of this palm." Qiao Yu's eyes twitched slightly.

At the same time, more than 30 human beings who escaped by teleportation flew outward in a frightened manner.

After the strange beast eclipsed the sky and slapped hundreds of people to death with its palm, it did not continue to chase and kill those who escaped by chance.Otherwise, those who teleported out would surely die.After all, as far as the alien beast eclipses the sky, those guys who are not at the supreme level are no different from mosquitoes, they are all slapped to death.

Xitian raised his head and looked at the top platform of the "Erz Ladder".

"Xi Tian, ​​I heard that you seemed to come out a few days ago. I didn't expect that you actually came out." On the platform, a deep and unusually thick voice said slowly.

"Hahaha..." The strange beast Xitian laughed loudly when he heard the voice say that.The sound spread rollingly, and the air vibrated in the whole world, forming air shock waves, and many vines and suspended stone forests around were washed back by the air shock waves and expanded more than ten feet.

If there is no accident, the alien beast will eclipse the sky, it will be permanently sealed until it dies.But Yishou Xitian never thought that the six-color Rubik's Cube that sealed him would disappear.This really caught him by surprise.

"How did you break the six-color Rubik's Cube?" The sealed Ghost King asked excitedly.

This time the alien beast eclipsed the sky and broke the seal, his "ghost king" was naturally very happy when he heard about it. After all, he and this alien beast eclipsed the sky, and he still had some friendship, so he naturally expected the alien beast to eclipse the sky. Be able to break the six-color Rubik's Cube and let him out.

"I don't know either, the 36 six-color Rubik's cubes just disappeared by themselves. Then I came out."

The words of the strange beast eclipsing the sky directly startled the ghost king.

"Didn't you break the six-color Rubik's cube yourself?" Immediately the ghost king asked in surprise.

"I've said it all, they disappeared by themselves." The strange beast eclipsed the sky and said with a chuckle.

After hearing the confirmation from the strange beast, the ghost king fell silent.

"So, that is to say, you can't let me go?" After a while, the ghost king spoke. At this time, the original message in his words had faded, replaced by a trace of frustration and discouragement.

"I'm here this time to try to break the seal that seals you with the 36 six-color Rubik's Cubes." Said Yi Beast Eclipse.

"You can't break it, and you can't move it at all. You and I both know that this six-color Rubik's Cube is a supreme treasure that imprisons a world, and it has the most top-level original power. If you and I can move or absorb the six-color Rubik's Cube Xianghu Rubik's Cube, how could you and I have been sealed here for so many years."

"The supreme treasure that imprisons the world? It also has the top source power?" Qiao Yu's expression moved slightly.

"How do you know if you don't try it."

The voice fell.The strange beast eclipsed the sky and blatantly tentacled.


A punch suddenly struck down.

This punch is so fast.Incredibly fast.

A violent shock wave swept away.

"Not good." Qiao Yu, who was hiding ten thousand meters away, suddenly felt bad.

That shock wave swept away, and Qiao Yu suddenly felt that the surrounding vines and stone forests were torn apart crazily like mountains and seas.Qiao Yu quickly displayed his many defensive skills.But even so, Qiao Yu was disturbed a bit.

That strange beast eclipsed the sky, such a fierce blow.But the 36 six-phase color Rubik's Cubes on the platform are still intact.

" really can't be broken." The strange beast eclipsed the sky and shook his head to himself.

"I've said it all. We can't move this thing at all." The ghost king's voice came calmly.After all, he is a king who has gone through a storm, and the ghost king quickly calmed down.

The strange beast Xitian also knew that he probably couldn't break the six-color Rubik's cube, he was just trying.

"Your Majesty, this time, I was able to come out. After taking me out, I can use my fists. I will definitely turn this Holy Source Treasure House upside down in the future. Even if you can't be released now, there are many ways in the future. Release you. However, before that, you need to lend me your divine weapon, the Crown of the Ghost King. After all, you know those guys outside, their strength should not be underestimated."

After thinking for a moment, the ghost king nodded slightly.

"I can lend you my artifact, but you have to remember what you said, and you must let me out in the future."

"Don't worry, even though you and I were not life-and-death friends back then, we were also somewhat familiar with each other in battle. I know your strength. When I go out, I will definitely try my best to let you out. At that time, you and I can work together. Turn the world upside down."

"Hahaha..." The ghost king burst out laughing after hearing this.

"Well said, that group of guys relied on authority to seal us back then, and when they go out this time, they will definitely slaughter their offspring. To avenge the past." The ghost king said fiercely.

While speaking, the crown of the ghost king, an artifact on the high platform, had already floated up.

The strange beast Xitian stretched out his hand and took the ghost king's crown under his hands.

"Thank you." After receiving the ghost king's crown, the strange beast eclipsing the sky moved its wings, and its figure quickly flew high into the sky.

"Remember the agreement between you and me." The ghost king's voice reverberated between the heaven and the earth.

"Don't worry." The voice of the alien beast Eclipse who had already left came slowly.

With the departure of the strange beast Eclipse, the whole world became quiet.

In the suspended stone forest of broken ruins, Qiao Yu looked at the sky. After a long time, Qiao Yu finally set his eyes on the highest step of the Erz ladder.

"Fortunately, it wasn't destroyed." Qiao Yu looked at the Erz Ladder that hadn't been destroyed, feeling a little relieved.

If the ghost king is really released, Qiao Yu will be in vain.

"The alien beast Eclipse has already left, so it's up to me to act." Looking at the high platform at the top of the Erz ladder, Qiao Yu laughed.

After saying that, Qiao Yu straightened his body and flew towards the Erz ladder.

(End of this chapter)

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