Calamity Frontier

Chapter 338 Doctor Scalpel

Chapter 338 Doctor Scalpel
"I didn't expect that Duguye would be so powerful after breaking through to S-rank, and even reached SSS-rank." Deng Ping was a little surprised.

He, Deng Ping, practiced the way of swordsmanship, and his breakthrough this time was barely enough to reach the threshold of SS rank.But once Duguye, who is also a genius, breaks through and directly becomes the SSS class, he is naturally surprised, after all, there is still a big gap between the SS class and the SSS class.

"That Duguye's talent is extraordinary, and he has been trained by a big man, so he can have such strength. Brother Qiao Yu has always cultivated by himself. If Brother Qiao Yu has broken through and become S-level, his overall strength must be stronger than that of Duguye. Much stronger." Hegel said so deeply.

"Indeed, if it comes to talent, I, Brother Qiao, won't be afraid of anyone." Deng Ping has always praised Qiao Yu's talent in cultivation.

"Okay." Qiao Yu waved his hand.

"Those are things in the past. After coming out of the treasure house of the holy source, you must have gained enough good things. In the following period of time, we still need to improve our strength."

"What you said is quite correct." At this moment, a black shadow flew in, and it was the crow "Lie".

"Senior." The three said at the same time.

"How is the harvest of the three of you this time?" Lie Luo asked on the rock beside him.

"Basically, we have received everything that Senior ordered," Deng Ping said.

"I got it all." Hegel nodded.

"It's more than planned." Qiao Yu said lightly.

"Not bad, not bad." Lie nodded slightly.

"The time for my crow body to hold on is coming soon. With your current strength, you three should be able to walk around in the borderlands without any problems. After going out, go to the blood cliff in the 'Blood Weeping Realm'. After going there , the tide of the golden stars in the calamity world will gradually begin. You should be able to launch a preliminary attack on the calamity world."

"Launch an attack on the calamity world."

When the three heard this, their eyes lit up.

In the Far Lands, the whole world is dead and dead, full of dangers.Maybe he died in the disaster at any time.And that calamity world, if it has authority, can be like a legion soldier, possessing many extraordinary rights, and even having a long lifespan.

The three of them all wanted to enter the disaster world and obtain extraordinary permissions.It's not like in this border land, life and death.

"Well, Senior Lie, we know, we will rush to the Bloody Cliff in the Crying Blood Realm as soon as possible." After thinking for a while, Qiao Yu said.

"You three, be careful all the way." After finishing speaking, the body of the crow projected by Na Lie dispersed with Lie's power, and the body of the crow turned into dust and dissipated in the air.

"It's time to leave here." Deng Ping said slowly.

"Well, we are indeed leaving here." Hegel nodded.

Hegel, as a human being in this borderland, he naturally wants to get out of the confinement of this borderland, and now that he has such a good opportunity, he will naturally not let it go.


After a while, the three of them left the small cave, and then entered the dangerous mountain range.

But at this time, the three of them are all S-level and SS-level masters, so they are naturally not afraid of any other enemies.Even within the Xiaomi Realm of the Holy Source, the three of them can travel freely in many places.

The three of them walked through the mountains, neither fast nor slow. After all, the three of them also had to practice along the way and continue to improve their strength.

Before I knew it, several days had passed.

this day.

The scorching sun scorched the earth hot.

Under a waterfall, Qiao Yu was alone on a huge rock in the rapids of the waterfall.And beside the waterfall, a giant bear fell into a pool of blood.

Deng Ping and Hegel sat cross-legged on each side of the creek.

This giant mountain bear was at the beginning of the SS class, but after meeting three people and fighting fiercely, it finally fell to the ground.

After absorbing the energy of the giant mountain bear, Qiao Yu gradually opened his eyes.

"It seems..." Qiao Yu glanced slightly and saw a white sand dune not far from one side.

The white sand dunes are about 50 meters high, very spectacular, as if carved from white jade marble.

Qiao Yu knew that this white sand dune was the nest of "white sand ants".

The white sand ant is a very terrifying creature in the Xiaomi world of Shengyuan. Although the white sand ant is only about the size of two fists, its attack ability is very powerful, and it can be called a full blow of a C-level fighter.This kind of attack doesn't seem to be very powerful, but if thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of attacks are superimposed, it is quite terrifying.

"In that white sand ant nest, there seems to be a portion of the power of the holy source, and my power of the holy source is still about 30 points away from being full."

"I haven't encountered any power of the holy source during the past few days. I finally encountered one this time, and it's still in someone else's lair."

After thinking about it, Qiao Yu gritted his teeth and tried to see if he could absorb the power of the holy source at the edge.Qiao Yu thought secretly.

Immediately, Qiao Yu jumped up, like a dexterous bird, soaring towards the white sand ant's nest.

After a while, Qiao Yu landed on the edge of the white sand ant.

"It's a bit far away, try it first."

Immediately, Qiao Yu crossed his legs and meditated.

Following the natural and mysterious trajectory, Qiao Yu began to gradually absorb the power of the holy source in the white sand ant's nest.

"Huh?" After a while, a smile appeared on Qiao Yu's face.

In a short while, wisps of the power of the holy source continued to emerge towards Qiao Yu.

"Although the speed is a bit slow, it can be absorbed, which is very good."

Qiao Yu, who absorbed the power of the holy source, was very happy in his heart.

"Breathe... breathe..."

With the gentle breathing, the many powers of the holy source began to be continuously absorbed by Qiao Yu into his body.


Inside the huge tree hole of a redwood blood bone tree with a height of 300 meters and a thickness of more than 20 meters.


Accompanied by the sound of breathing, Dr. Scalpel, her face was flushed, and at the same time, a trace of pain emerged from her breath,

After a long time, Dr. Scalpel's breathing gradually stopped.At the same time, the flushed face gradually receded, replaced by a dry and pale complexion.

With his arms floating above the tree wall, Dr. Scalpel's body trembled slightly.There was a trace of bitterness and unwillingness in the depths of her eyes.

"The golden cells. I can't suppress it anymore. If this situation continues, I'm afraid that my whole body will be swallowed up by the golden cells in all directions." The proud golden cell, Dr. Scalpel, who has begun to turn against customers now, feels shuddering.

(End of this chapter)

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