Calamity Frontier

Chapter 345 Tianshui Cloud Lake

Chapter 345 Tianshui Cloud Lake
The Realm of Crying Blood is a not-so-famous area in the Far Lands.

However, this blood weeping domain is rich in the power of blood weeping. The power of blood weeping comes from the power of an ancient giant beast, which is very terrifying and terrifying.

Therefore, many people plundered and killed all kinds of blood-colored creatures in the floating blood river in the Blood Weeping Realm.Maybe killing a powerful creature can gain some blood weeping power.

After all, for many masters above S rank, absorbing all kinds of power is the fastest and most correct way to improve their own strength.

Tianshui Yunhu is an extremely mysterious area in the Blood Weeping Domain.

In Tianshui Yunhu Lake, the lake water floats in the air, and the floating river channel connects the earth and the sky, with a vertical and horizontal radius of thousands of miles.Tens of thousands of floating waterways run through the space between heaven and earth.It looks spectacular from a distance.

Many masters will hunt and kill all kinds of powerful creatures here.

On the side of Tianshui Yunhu Lake.

Qiao Yu and the other four stood on a plateau, watching the huge Tianshuiyun Lake suspended within the sky, earth and sky.

Looking at this mighty, majestic realm with misty water mist.Everyone felt an unbelievable heroic spirit filling their bodies.

"In Shuiyun Lake this day, there are many S-level and above creatures. Killing these creatures can explode energy crystals containing the power of blood weeping. Only by absorbing these special powers can our holy source power grow even stronger. Hurry up." Hegel said slowly.

Now, everyone's strength is also stronger, and the things they talk about have naturally risen to the super level.Everyone wants to be stronger.

"Unfortunately, no one here has the talent of water attribute. It seems that no one can enter it to hunt those powerful creatures." Deng Ping shook his head.

"Okay." Qiao Yu glanced over the misty Tianshui Yunhu Lake.He opened his mouth slowly.

"Nowadays, the entire border land is being ravaged by all kinds of wild beasts. A few days ago, you also know that we accidentally exposed our tracks, and as a result, we were hunted down by a group of SSS-level blood dragons all over the world. run."

Imagining the scene a few days ago, everyone felt shuddering.

Fortunately, there was Tian Kari, an SSS-level expert, who was able to block them for a while, and then everyone escaped, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"I heard that those desolate beasts have not arrived in this realm of weeping blood. At this time, we must rush to the blood cliff, otherwise, when the entire border land is completely in chaos and desolate beasts are rampant everywhere, we But it's dangerous." Qiao Yu said slowly.

"Let's go." Immediately, Qiao Yu's figure jumped, and the striker took off quickly.Everyone followed closely behind.

Over the past few days, as they traveled along the way, everyone learned through many channels that under the leadership of the alien beast, many powerful and terrifying alien beasts were raging everywhere, and the entire border land was already in chaos.

Everyone needs to go to the Bloody Cliff quickly, where Lie is located, and only when they reach that place can everyone be safe.

All the way forward rapidly, everyone's speed is extremely fast.

When everyone was advancing rapidly around Tianshui Yunhu Lake.

Suddenly, hundreds of people rushed out of the water curtain near Tianshui Yunhu.

"Quick, run."

"Be careful."

"Lying in a trough..."

"Damn... Hurry up..."


These people rushed out, and immediately various corners and horrifying sounds passed over.

"Let's go." Instinctively, Qiao Yu felt something was wrong.

Now in the Borderlands, there is a trouble, so I have to leave quickly.Otherwise, you don't even know how you died.

"Peng..." In an instant, the water wall exploded.

People haven't seen it clearly yet.


There was an indescribably terrifying howl, stirring up like thunder.

"That is……"

Qiao Yu glanced slightly past the one coming from the water curtain wall, and saw a giant with a height of 800 meters walking out with extremely flexible body.

This terrifying giant with a height of 800 meters is dark brown all over.Faint white stripes spread all over his body, and the most vivid one was this giant, with rock runes all over his body.It was a kind of rock rune that was layered like waves.

"It's the Giant Stone Demon Lord." With just one glance, Qiao Yu could see clearly what kind of creature that giant was.

The Boulder Demon Lord is a powerful supreme-level creature that was suppressed in "Da Kunshan".Later, he was released by the strange beast Eclipse.

Qiao Yu didn't expect that one of the many giant stone demons would appear here.

"It's a terrifying creature of the supreme level, run away."

Everyone was terrified, and Qiao Yu was also shocked in his heart.

At this moment, no one can say that they have the strength to face the huge stone Demon Lord coming out of the water curtain wall, and they all want to escape.

If they escaped too slowly, they would all be directly shot to death.


A roar shook the world.

The giant boulder demon struck down with a punch.

The punch of this punch directly covers a radius of one kilometer.

"help me."

"not good……"

"Oh shit……"

With a punch, more than 30 frontier practitioners who used various props and fled in a hurry were directly bombarded to death by the boulder demon king.

He killed more than 30 people with one punch, and then the boulder demon lord punched down again.

More than 20 people were enveloped by his punch.

Seeing this scene, everyone turned pale.

In front of the Boulder Demon Lord, no matter how terrifying your strength is, you will be instantly killed with one punch.After all, this boulder Demon Lord is really terrifying.

"Brother Qiao, what should we do? Our department can't deal with this big guy, and he looks like he's about to be wiped out." Deng Ping, who was taking off rapidly, turned slightly pale through voice transmission.

As an S-level master, he has awakened the power of the holy source, and he can easily master the small skills of sound transmission.

Glancing slightly, he saw that the boulder Demon Venerable had once again killed those 20 people with one punch.

Qiao Yu could roughly see that the Boulder Demon King was about to hit this area with his next punch.

"Gather by my side." Qiao Yu roared suddenly.

Deng Ping on the side leaned directly on Qiao Yu's side without hesitation.The scalpel doctor didn't dare to disobey Qiao Yu's order.

Hegel knew many of Qiao Yu's methods, and at this moment, seeing Qiao Yu's words, he naturally did not hesitate.

On the contrary, it was Takari who was slightly taken aback, but he was an SSS-level master after all, and his reaction was extremely fast.directly approached.

"Come out." Qiao Yu suddenly waved while roaring.

At the same time, the gigantic boulder demon blatantly crashed towards him with a single punch.

The momentum of the boxing was overwhelming, and the entire sky was eclipsed by this punch.

The air shattered, and even time and space were distorted under this punch.

Facing the overwhelming punch, except for Qiao Yu, the other four were all terrified.


The fist that shook the world exploded with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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