Calamity Frontier

Chapter 348 Plan

Chapter 348 Plan
"All of this depends on the magic of the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube, otherwise, I can't trap this guy." Qiao Yu stared at the blue-brown stone statue that was restrained and unable to move, and said slowly.

"However, brother Qiao Yu can control the six-phase color Rubik's Cube. This method is really unheard of and never seen before." Hegel on the side said softly.

It's okay for Takari, but he doesn't know the problem of the hexa-color Rubik's Cube.But Dr. Scalpel on the side is very clear, since the hexa-color Rubik's Cube came on a large scale in the last era.No one can move or even manipulate the Rubik's Cube.

Seeing that Qiao Yu could manipulate the six-phase Rubik's Cube, Dr. Scalpel had already had many thoughts in his heart, but at this time his own life was in the hands of the other party, and Dr. Scalpel could only bury those thoughts in the other party's hands. bottom of my heart.

"Killing this extremely ancient and terrifying supreme-level creature from the previous era should produce very terrifying good things!" Looking at the trapped supreme, Qiao Yu laughed and said.

"Of course, a terrifying creature at the supreme level will at least produce high-level dark gold equipment. Besides, this guy is a supreme from the previous era. There may be a small chance of a divine weapon bursting out."

"The artifact burst out."

Everyone's expressions moved when they heard the words.Miraculous thing, that is an extraordinary treasure, many Supremes don't have it.

"High-level dark gold equipment, even artifacts." Qiao Yu laughed. "In this way, killing this blue-brown stone demon statue will bring huge benefits."

"But the problem is, we want to kill this supreme being. As far as our attack ability is concerned, I'm afraid..." Hegel shook his head while speaking.

"Supreme is too scary. You have all seen the strength of this guy just now. With one punch, the sky fell apart, and Qiao Yu blocked this guy with a six-color Rubik's Cube. Otherwise, we will all die."

"The strength of this supreme level, its defensive ability is simply unmatched. Let alone kill him, even if we want to hurt him, it is almost impossible. After all, our attack is too weak. Takari is SSS level, but It can cause a little damage to him, but if you want to destroy him, I don't know how many times you have to attack. I'm afraid that at that time, Brother Tianshou will not be able to persist."

"Oh?" Qiao Yu smiled slightly after hearing Hegel's words. "Could it be that this terrifying creature of the supreme level really cannot be eliminated?"

"That's not necessarily the case. If there are some powerful formations or some kind of heaven-defying props, he can also be eliminated. However, we don't have such props or treasures in our hands."

"Actually." Gazing at the huge blue-brown stone demon statue, Qiao Yu said slightly. "The Supreme is not that strong. In fact, relatively speaking, the Supreme also has many weak aspects. If we can attack its core point, we can kill him very quickly. You must know that the Supreme's arm is I was seriously injured." Having said that, Qiao Yu smiled lowly.

"You mean, while this huge guy is injured, we use some kind of energy annihilation method to gradually eliminate this monster." After thinking about it, Hegel said slowly.

"No..." Qiao Yu shook his head slowly, "That way is certainly possible, but you have to know that it will be very slow, and it may take two or three months. If it takes such a long time, this guy has already Just pass the information out in some way, maybe his companions will rush over soon."

"Then what method?" Hegel looked over.

Several other people also looked over.

The power of the supreme level is beyond imagination, and everyone can't figure out how to kill this terrible supreme creature.

"The method is actually very simple, we just need to be a little more dexterous. This method is, the physical body collapses."

"The physical body collapsed?" Everyone was quite shocked.

There are many supreme level existences.Every existence at the supreme level is the existence that commands one side of the world.

Relatively speaking, the supreme being of human beings is more than capable of controlling the body and energy. After all, the human body is small and contains less energy. Because it is less, the control is fine and nuanced.

However, the Supreme Beings at the level of desolate beasts, they are different.

"The supreme desolate beasts rely on their energy on the one hand, but more importantly, they need to rely on their powerful bodies."

"However, relying on the body also makes them have a more fragile side, that is, if the body is broken, it is easy to die."

"At the same time, when their energy detects that their bodies are damaged, they will desperately restore everything, and will not be controlled by themselves. After all, the energy of wild beasts is too thick, and they cannot be as finely controlled as us humans. As long as we Connect the broken part of his arm to everything, and then hinder their recovery, let him recover by himself, so that his energy will be exhausted soon, and at that time, without the support of energy, the wild beast will enter the flesh The state of double depletion of energy and energy. At that time, they will surely die."

"Hahaha... This is really the stupidest method I've ever heard. Do you really think this method can kill me?" At this moment, the cyan-brown stone Demon Lord immediately sneered when he heard what Qiao Yu and others said. up. "We, the giant stone statue family, have never died in this way."

"Then I would like to congratulate you. You will be the first creator of this method of death in your giant stone statue family in history."

"Then I'll wait and see if you can kill me." The blue-brown stone statue demon said fiercely.

"Don't worry, there is a senior who has personally tested many giant beast creatures like you. He probably knows your body better than you do."

The senior Qiao Yu mentioned was naturally Lie, and Qiao Yu would not say it easily regardless.

Immediately, Qiao Yu started to act.

Soon, the half arm that fell from the blue-brown stone statue Demon Lord was controlled by everyone with a six-phase color Rubik's Cube in the opposite position to the wound.The distance is only half a meter away.

At this time, the wound on the arm of the cyan-brown stone demon statue had a tendency to heal.

"Open." Using his wizard's hand, Qiao Yu directly opened a two-meter-diameter gap in the barriers on both sides.

Immediately, the energy of the green-brown stone Demon Lord surged towards the broken arm continuously.

This surge of energy is for the arm to be reconnected and restored, which is the instinct of the powerful body of the Qingtan statue Demon Venerable.

If it recovers normally, it doesn't consume much energy. Even if the cyan-brown stone demon can move, then he can avoid the wound, and then slowly recover and re-grow. Color Rubik's Cube was imprisoned and unable to move, and his arm was also imprisoned.

In this way, the energy pulls between each other, and he can only watch his own energy pass away quickly.It is as if the needle of a syringe is pierced into a vein, and the blood will flow out continuously, and it cannot be recovered. In this way, the blood will flow continuously.If you can move, then you can easily pull out the needle, and nothing will happen, but if you can't pull it out, then... just such a small wound is enough to cause death.

When he felt his own energy start to flow out along the wound, the green-brown stone Demon Venerable was first startled.Immediately after feeling it for a while, the blue-brown stone statue Demon Lord laughed again. "Boy, with such a little energy consumption, I'm afraid you won't be able to destroy me next year."

"Really?" Qiao Yu smiled lightly. "Don't worry, you will soon find that your energy is passing faster and faster."

"Hmph!" The blue-brown stone statue Mozun snorted coldly, but stopped talking.

On the surface, the cyan-brown stone demon was speechless, but in fact, through a special way of communication, the cyan-brown stone demon was quickly calling for help at this very moment.

(End of this chapter)

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