Chapter 360 The Return
In the dark alleyway, Qiao Yu walked forward quietly.

"It's ahead." The Blue Star Clan said softly.

"Yeah." Qiao Yu nodded and moved forward quickly.

"Not good, they are here, suspend contact first." Suddenly, the Blue Star clansman said in a very brisk voice, and then the voice stopped.

Seeing this situation, Qiao Yu was not too surprised. During this period of time, Qiao Yu also had a little understanding of the Blue Star Clan through conversation.That Blue Star tribe talked to himself through special authority.If the Supreme of their race came to check, he would not be able to continue talking to himself.

Seeing that the Blue Star clansman lost contact, Qiao Yu directly took out the Gate of Annihilation, and while allowing the Gate of Annihilation to absorb authority, Qiao Yu himself sat up cross-legged and began to gradually gain control over his physical body.

After all, Qiao Yu's physical body suddenly doubled in strength, so Qiao Yu naturally needed to have a process of adaptation.

Before you know it, several hours have passed.

"Joe Yu."

A voice sounded leisurely, but this time, the voice was not from the Blue Star Clan, but Lie.

"Senior Lie, what's the matter?"

"You come back, there is something abnormal here." Lie said slowly.

"An abnormal situation?" Qiao Yu's heart moved slightly.

"Well. Just go back."

It has been a long time since I came to this authority mothership.At this time, there is something outside, so Qiao Yu will not stay here any longer.

ten minutes later.

Through the teleportation array, Qiao Yu returned to the blood cliff from the authority mothership.

As soon as he appeared in the blood cliff, a faint smell of blood filled Qiao Yu's nostrils.At the same time, Qiao Yu also felt a strong energy and a trace of death in the world.

At this time, Xue Yu, Deng Ping, Hegel and others were all waiting here.

At the same time, these people are all armed with weapons, ready to fight at all times.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Qiao Yu had a slight guess in his heart.

"The beast tide is attacking the mountain." Deng Ping said.

"Sure enough." Qiao Yu said inwardly.

"How's the battle going?"

"In the past few days, the beast horde has been very ferocious, and there are many terrifying existences of the supreme level among them. However, fortunately, there are a lot of supreme beings on the blood cliff, so they can be prevented." Xueyu narrated.

"However, the number of beast hordes is increasing. The higher-ups can withstand it, but the lower-level people may not be able to withstand it."

"I called you out this time to prevent that if the Bloody Cliff falls, I can take you out of here together."

"So that's the case." Qiao Yu nodded slightly. "Then I will stay on this bloody cliff for the next few days, in case there is any change."

"En." Xue Yu nodded slightly.Then Xue Yu smiled lightly and said, "The improvement of your attribute is really scary."

Qiao Yu's heart moved slightly after hearing this. "During this period of time, I killed so many people in the borderlands, and there were a lot of calamity coins. All these accumulations allowed my attributes to soar to such a high level in one step. Increasing so many attributes at once is very beneficial to strength. The subtle control is a bit rusty, and it’s just right to come back this time and sharpen it in the battle. At the same time, let’s eat and fight to see if we can find a chance. Make a breakthrough.”

Seek a breakthrough.

When the surrounding people heard the words, their expressions all moved.

As far as Qiao Yu's current strength is concerned, everyone knows that if he breaks through this time.The overall strength is bound to soar.

"Okay, now that Qiao Yu is back, everyone is looking for a place to rest and recharge their batteries, then the beast horde may launch an attack at any time."

After everyone nodded, they were already looking for a resting place everywhere.

Qiao Yu was not in a hurry to find a place to rest, and followed the passage to the edge of the Bloody Cliff.

At this time, within the nine floors above and below the Blood Mountain Cliff, flames of war were everywhere.Ruins, wreckage and corpses can be seen everywhere.The bloody smell permeated the entire blood cliff along with the air.

At this time, although no battle broke out, the traces of battles in various places are shocking.Obviously the previous battle was extremely tragic.

Qiao Yu walked around, and there were tragic scenes everywhere. There were even some birds flying around the blood cliff, taking away some human corpses from time to time, and then many birds snatched and devoured them.


Letting out a long breath, Qiao Yu looked up into the distance.

I saw that within a radius of more than ten kilometers from the target, a large number of animal hordes were layered on top of each other, and the outer three layers tightly surrounded the entire Blood Mountain Cliff.

"It will be another tragic and cruel protracted battle." Qiao Yu secretly said in his heart. "Before, it was the other places in the Borderlands that attacked. Now it's the turn of the Crying Blood Realm."


More than 30 kilometers away from the blood cliff, behind a mountain peak.

The mountain rock is like a demon, standing here, he just stared at the bloody cliff quietly.He could feel that killing the green-brown stone statue Demon Lord, this time, he had made up his mind to wake up, and he would definitely destroy the entire blood cliff.Kill all the people to pay homage to the spirit of the blue-brown stone statue Demon Venerable in heaven.

"Qiyun." After a long time, the rock statue Demon Lord said slowly.

"Yes." A giant ten-meter-long beast curled up on the shoulder of the mountain rock statue Mozun replied.

"Continue to attack."


hum ——

A melodious, low-pitched, thick horn sound rolled and bloomed like thunder.

This horn is a treasure of the dark gold level, and every time it is blown, it can make the blood of their desolate beasts boil without fear.This kind of treasure is a big killer on the battlefield.

hoo hoo...


oh oh...


With the release of the horn, all the resting beasts of all levels felt the beast blood in their bodies burn.

Then they roared, and gradually boiled with the roar.

In a blink of an eye, the entire battlefield was already filled with the roar of a wave of beasts, their voices were like mountains and forests, sweeping in, and the earth and mountains were also trembling.


At this time, within the Bloody Cliff, although not very grand, but a firm, crisp, sharp, iron-blooded roar that contained steel-like will burst out.




The human beings here on the Bloody Cliff also had a ferocious killing intent.

At this time, the beast tide surrounds the mountain, and human beings have no way to retreat, so they can only fight to the death.

Suddenly pinching the sword and weeping red, a ferocious killing intent came out of Qiao Yu's body.His eyes glanced over the endless wild beasts at the foot of the mountain.A high-spirited fighting spirit grew in Qiao Yu's body.

"This battle is the opportunity for me to break through and become S-rank." Staring at the endless beast tide ahead.Qiao Yu said so.

"Brother Qiao." At this moment, Deng Ping's voice sounded behind Qiao Yu.

"Master." Dr. Scalpel said softly.

Hegel and Takari also appeared together.

With a slight twist of the neck, there was a crackling sound, and the blossoms bloomed.

"Kill!" A deep roar slowly burst from Qiao Yu's throat, like the roar of a dark god of death.

Now, at dusk, the sun was setting, and the battle had just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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