Calamity Frontier

Chapter 372 Plants

Chapter 372 Plants
With the transmission of the message,
The matter of the strange beast eclipsing the sky and worshiping the Fengli Sword Saint was quickly spread throughout the entire Bloody Cliff.

Everyone who heard it was overjoyed and cheered for it.

After all, this beast horde lasted for several months. I don't know how many people in the borderlands died in this catastrophe.

However, following the Fengli Sword Master's defeat of the Alien Beast, the human momentum in the entire borderlands suddenly changed, sweeping away the previous decadence and despair.

"It's an excellent time for the beast tide to recede. Now I can also take advantage of this opportunity to enter the permission mothership to absorb more permissions, so that my gate of annihilation can have a wider channel for releasing the power of annihilation Some, in this way, can also make my strength improve faster."

Qiao Yu secretly said in his heart.

"At the same time, I can also have some cosmic octopuses. Now that I have broken through to become an S-class, I can completely absorb a large amount of cosmic crystal nucleus energy, making my physical body extremely indestructible."

When others were cheering for the beast tide, Qiao Yu had already arrived in the mountain stream.

"Senior Lie." Qiao Yu said softly.

"The beast tide has receded, and this place is safe. Although you have broken through to S-rank this time, and your strength has also improved greatly, but you still have to be careful when you enter the authority mothership. After all, it is an authority mothership. You If you are trapped in it, I'm afraid I won't be able to rescue you now."

"Don't worry senior, I will be extremely careful."

Following the passage, Qiao Yu leisurely entered the finger of the cosmic authority mothership.

In the dark, silent corridor.Qiao Yu entered it, and as soon as he entered, Qiao Yu saw a cosmic octopus floating at the end of the passage.

As soon as Qiao Yu appeared, the octopus also discovered Qiao Yu's existence.

The octopus seemed to regard Qiao Yu as his own kind, and slowly swam over.

"Hiss..." The octopus hissed slightly.

Qiao Yu didn't want to get entangled with the other party. With one hand, Qiao Yu released the six-color Rubik's Cube, trapping the octopus and himself in it.

Then Qiao Yu grabbed the Red Weeping Sword in his hand.


A fierce knife fell suddenly.

As soon as the knife fell, the cosmic octopus immediately neighed in pain.

Qiao Yu's blade was like a surging air wave, rolling in.In an instant, dozens of knives swung down.The octopus was unavoidable.

Ka Ka Ka... Peng!

After dozens of knives, the octopus collapsed directly, and a cosmic crystal nucleus fell out.

Now Qiao Yu's strength has been improved in all aspects, and the efficiency of killing the octopus has also increased by more than ten or twenty times.

For fifty or sixty dollars, Qiao Yu wiped out this mid-S-level octopus.

After killing the octopus, Qiao Yu took out the Gate of Annihilation and let the Gate of Annihilation absorb the surrounding authority. At the same time, Qiao Yu also felt outward slightly along the authority.

This gate of annihilation has extraordinary functions, and the most terrifying thing is the swallowing of authority.

Qiao Yu can perfectly control the gate of annihilation, and even absorb the power of annihilation within the gate of annihilation.Naturally, Qiao Yu can also use the door of annihilation to absorb and devour the authority to perceive what you want.

"There is no such subtle feeling of prying eyes. It seems that those Blue Star people have not noticed my arrival."

Previously, after Qiao Yu's door of annihilation absorbed a lot of authority, Qiao Yu could already feel through the door of annihilation whether the other party was peeping at him.

"Since you haven't found me, let's start." With one hand, blood-eyed bats emerged one after another.

Now that Qiao Yu has broken through to S rank, naturally these blood-eyed bats have also risen with the tide.soon.

"Go." With a thought, many blood-eyed bats began to spread around.

At the same time, Qiao Yu also enabled the map survey generation mode, and all the areas that the blood eyes passed will be clearly displayed.It won't take long for Qiao Yu to investigate the internal situation of the entire authority mothership.

And Qiao Yu started his hunting journey.

Although Qiao Yu will not be attacked by these cosmic octopuses, the blood-eyed bats will. Whenever a certain bat dies, Qiao Yu will know that there must be a cosmic octopus in that place, and he will kill it directly.

While detecting, while hunting, while advancing.At the same time, wherever he went, Qiao Yu would use the Gate of Annihilation to absorb authority.

In this way, Qiao Yu continued to go deep, explore, and hunt many cosmic octopus creatures in the quiet space mothership with high and rapid efficiency.

Every time one is hunted, Qiao Yu will use up the cosmic crystal nucleus.

Such treasures, Qiao Yu will only use them to strengthen himself, as for others, it has nothing to do with Qiao Yu.

Keep hunting, strengthening, hunting, strengthening.As he went deeper, Qiao Yu didn't even know how many octopus creatures he had hunted and killed.

Anyway, as long as you meet Qiao Yu nearby, you will never let him go.

On the contrary, those cosmic octopuses who were originally unrestrained and free here suffered.In their perception, those with the indestructible attribute are all of the same kind. After all, their cosmic octopus family has relied on this indestructible attribute for tens of millions of years to survive in the void of the universe.

While many octopuses feel it, there's a weird guy in their pack.However, those octopuses whose IQ is not enough, still confirm that the guy is their kind.For once, those cosmic octopuses didn't attack in groups.

But soon some octopuses found out, and their kin were less and less.

However, the cosmic octopuses didn't care about these things, they were still floating leisurely in every corner of the space mothership.After all, in their view, this cosmic mothership is simply a warm nest plus a safe haven. Compared with the terrible cosmic storms and dark matter surges in the universe outside the universe, it is much more comfortable.

One place, in a wide corridor.

After a hundred knives, the trapped SSS-level cosmic octopus in front of Qiao Yu suddenly collapsed, and at the same time a fist-sized cosmic nucleus with strong indestructible attributes fell out.

"What a big guy."

Seeing this, Qiao Yu immediately laughed.At this time, every time a cosmic crystal nucleus is obtained, Qiao Yu's body strength will increase by one point.Qiao Yu enjoyed this terrifying progress.

"What is this?" Following the vision of a blood-eyed bat nearby, Qiao Yu discovered a place that seemed rather strange.

"Go over and have a look." With a thought, Qiao Yu walked towards that rather strange place.

Going all the way, in about 3 minutes, Qiao Yu arrived at the edge of the authority mothership.

Because, through the glass windows of this authority mothership, Qiao Yu can clearly see the scene outside the universe.


Looking over a corner of the window, Qiao Yu's expression moved slightly.

"Is that some kind of plant? A plant that grows in the universe? This is a bit too amazing." Looking at the existence of some kind of plant in the universe, Qiao Yu suddenly laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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