Chapter 388

Da da da……

A series of dense bullets bombarded.

The bullet bombarded Ao Tuo's body, and Ao Tuo was not afraid of the attack of these bullets and hot weapons.

Because Otto itself is an AA-level master.Although he is a beastman, Otto is far more intelligent than ordinary humans.

When the other beast races rushed wildly regardless of their lives, Ao Tuo was hiding in the beast tide.

As a creature below S rank, Ao Tuo knew very well that his mission was to be cannon fodder.Although many people regard this charge as an honor, in fact, in Ao Tuo's view, it is a cannon fodder march.

The rushing torrent is the return of death.

Therefore, Ao Tuo himself was very careful to hide among the herd of beasts, dodging attacks and trying to attack the enemy at the same time.

Although Ao Tuo also knew that the charge was cannon fodder, but as a beast, Ao Tuo would not tolerate fleeing. Therefore, Ao Tuo found a good opportunity in the battle to kill the enemy, because the only way to kill the enemy is to collide with the enemy's front. , Otto was able to survive the melee and not die on the way to the charge.

Otto's thinking is obviously different from that of most orc warriors. Therefore, most orc warriors charge, while Otto kills the enemy more effectively.

Otto, holding a submachine gun, continued to shoot and kill the legion soldiers one by one behind the defensive measures formed by the accumulation of four orc deaths on one side.

The battle has erupted for more than an hour, and at this time the two sides have completely entered a state of intense heat.

Those legionnaires carefully hid inside the house and shot at everyone.

The orcs swarmed up with firepower.

Otto cautiously pushed forward between the corpses.

In the midst of heavy artillery fire, Ao Tuo was always able to find a suitable evasion point.

After a flash, Otto came to the corner where seven or eight orc corpses were piled up.

At this time, no shells were fired in this direction.

"It's now." Otto smiled lightly.

Immediately, Ao Tuo took out a medium-sized fusion nuclear bomb, and then installed the launcher.

"Spatial teleportation delivery." After aiming at a place.Otto directly pulled the trigger.


This medium-sized fusion nuclear bomb was instantly dropped into the urban jungle behind the legion soldiers' front line.

A dazzling white light suddenly appeared.

Then there was an indescribable "boom" explosion, and a shock wave of energy visible to the naked eye exploded.

Then a mushroom cloud slowly bloomed.

Under this nuclear bomb, I don't know how many legion soldiers died.At the same time, under this nuclear bomb, the firepower of the legionary soldiers collapsed.


Seeing that the enemy had no firepower, the numerous orcs rushed forward with all their might.

Soon after passing the trestle, the orcs at the front rushed into this floating island named DJ12.


Many subsequent orcs frantically poured into it.

Once a floating island is captured, that's fine.After all, with the strongholds of many subsequent orcs, they can pour in continuously.

At this time, on a high platform on the Blue Star Floating Island, everyone smiled as they watched the tens of thousands of orc warriors swarming up.

"This attack is crazier than ever. I hope this time, even if I can't wipe out the legion fighters, I hope that I can completely disable the legion fighters." At this time, a The tall orc said so.

"That's right, this legionary soldier was too strong in the past, but if his strength is weakened this time, once the legionary soldier is weakened, then life will be easier for all of us." A supreme-level dark elf responded in this way.

"Indeed." Many other Supremes also nodded.

"Is it just to weaken the opponent instead of destroying them?" Qiao Yu said slowly on the seat.

Many supreme beings looked at Qiao Yu's projected body one after another.

"Qiao Yu, although I admire you for being able to obtain the authority of the Blue Star Clan. But you have to understand that the legionnaires are not as easy to be wiped out as the Blue Star Clan."

"If you want to go deep into the legion and forcibly refine their authority, I advise you to give up this plan as soon as possible. You must know, that group of guys is very terrifying, and the methods are beyond your imagination. .If you dare to go in, you basically don’t want to come out. That group of guys is definitely not comparable to the group of idiots from the Blue Star Clan.”

"Since the Blue Star Clan has a level nine authority, but is lingering on their last legs when being beaten by a legion soldier's level seven authority, I think you should understand that those legion soldiers are terrible."

In the abyss shrouded in darkness, the "Scythe of the Banquet" said so.

Listening to everyone's words, Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and didn't say much.

"You guys sit here. I'll go back first. If you have anything to do, just contact me." After Qiao Yu finished speaking, the projection immediately collapsed.

After the projection collapsed, Qiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in the authority mothership, slowly opened his eyes.

Thinking about the many situations of the war, Qiao Yu restrained himself.

Then Qiao Yu flipped his hands and took out a six-phase color Rubik's Cube.

"Absorb and try first."

Qiao Yu has not used the six-color Rubik's cube since he got the method of using the six-color Rubik's cube from Lie.

At this time, the war has started, and it will last for a month or two. On the authority mothership, the time will be longer. After all, the time flow on the authority mothership is very fast.It is about six times that of Calamity Castle.

Therefore, Qiao Yu has enough time to practice and improve.

Holding the six-color Rubik's Cube, Qiao Yu came to hit the edge of the furnace of authority.

With a light release, this six-color Rubik's Cube was dropped into the furnace of authority by Qiao Yu.

Under the infiltration of mind, Qiao Yu's divine sense slowly opened the six-phase color Rubik's Cube with that special method.

When the six-phase Rubik's Cube was gradually opened, hot white light bloomed, and at the same time an extremely terrifying coercive force came to suppress Qiao Yu.

This force is terrifying, but the ninth-level authority can withstand most of the coercion, and Qiao Yu only needs to resist a small part.

"Start absorbing it!"

Under the surge of thoughts, the most original power of the world in the six-color Rubik's Cube began to permeate into Qiao Yu's body.

What the six-phase Rubik's Cube possesses is the deepest and most original power in this world.

This "world origin" power is invisible and qualityless.It can even be said that it does not have the characteristics of power.

However, the biggest feature of this kind of world origin is transformation.

good.It is transformation.

Transforming the original power into all kinds of power you need is the biggest feature of the six-phase Rubik's Cube.

(End of this chapter)

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