Calamity Frontier

Chapter 390 Discovery

Chapter 390 Discovery
In this abstract world, Qiao Yu saw his thoughts turning into red and blue lines constantly emerging.

As he moved forward, even Qiao Yu didn't know if he was moving in one direction, and the shapes displayed by those spherical or square trajectories continued to bloom.

After going deep, observing, wandering, and searching, Qiao Yu gradually felt that the dark side of this world, this abstract world, is really strange.


Letting out a long breath, Qiao Yu found that the breath he exhaled was a combination of colors and distorted spatial geometry.

Seeing this, Qiao Yu couldn't help shaking his head.

Whether it's movement, thinking, shape, or even attack, as long as Qiao Yu has a movement, then in this abstract world, there will be one or more forms of blended states.

"It's also fortunate that I can still feel the invisible door of space, and I can return along the invisible door. Otherwise, once I enter the dark side of this world, I'm afraid I will never go back."

Being able to feel the invisible door is Qiao Yu's greatest strength.

With the continuous deepening, when Qiao Yu came to a place, suddenly, Qiao Yu's heart throbbed.

"What's going on?" There seemed to be something in that direction.

At this time, within Qiao Yu's perception range, Qiao Yu felt the existence of a very mysterious thing.

"Let's go and have a look."

Under the surge of thoughts.Qiao Yu walked towards that special sensory object.

As soon as he got close to that range, Qiao Yu was overjoyed.

I saw that in the space, a six-color Rubik's Cube was floating there.The six-color Rubik's Cube floated there, astonishingly materializing all the abstract forms around it.The materialized area is a silent void.

Seeing this six-phase color transform the abstraction of the surrounding space into reality, Qiao Yu's heart moved slightly.Immediately flipping his hands, Qiao Yu took out a six-color Rubik's Cube.Immediately, Qiao Yu's form appeared perfectly, and the surrounding space became empty under the surge of the six-phase color Rubik's Cube.

"Huh... So the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube has such a magical effect. If I had known this, there would be no need for such trouble."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Qiao Yu gathered the six-color Rubik's Cube suspended in the void.

Gently sensing the invisible door, Qiao Yu suddenly found that he had been advancing in one direction with all his strength for more than half an hour, but he had only advanced more than 30 meters in this half hour.

"The abstract world cannot be measured in physical form. Maybe distance is measured in time, and speed may be constant forever in this world."

"However, now that I have the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube, I can go deeper quickly."

With the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube in hand, the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube is like a lantern, lighting up Qiao Yu's surroundings and dispelling those abstract worlds.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu looked in one direction while holding the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube.

Previously, when Qiao Yu was also in an abstract form, Qiao Yu could not clearly see everything around him.

But when the six-phase Rubik's Cube dispelled the abstraction, Qiao Yu found a direction, where the abstraction seemed to emerge particularly violently.

"Let's go and have a look."

Holding the Six-Phase Rubik's Cube, Qiao Yu moved forward easily and quickly.

A few minutes later, Qiao Yu resolutely came to this edge area with abnormal abstraction.

After seeing it, Qiao Yu couldn't help but be moved.


At this time, in the abstracted world, there is a very huge fish sac bubble.The length is twelve or thirteen kilometers, and the width and height are five or six kilometers.

Inside the bubbles of fish sacs, there is a concrete world, that is, the real material world.

There are many humans in the fish sac bubbles. These humans are none other than those legionnaires.

Just by feeling on the edge, Qiao Yu can feel that there are many and extremely terrifying auras in this bubble world.Most of these breaths are supreme level, and a small amount is SSS level.

Holy Shield Project.

This word suddenly appeared in Qiao Yu's mind.

Tian Sari once told Qiao Yu that the legionnaire had a terrible plan.

This plan is to cultivate extremely many and powerful Supremes.

"In this abstract world, the rules are different from those of the outside world. If these SSS-level masters are put to sleep, then put them into the abstract world, then use permissions to fix them, and finally use the abstract The rules will continuously improve them. In this way, many SSS-level masters will become supreme masters in their slumber."

"There will only be more and more of these supreme beings with endless lifespans. This is the most terrifying method used by legionary soldiers. As far as I can feel so far, there may be as many as five or six hundred supreme beings here."

Five or six hundred Supreme, thinking about this number, Qiao Yu felt terrible.I'm afraid there are not so many Supremes in the entire border lands.Not to mention the abyss ladder and the like.

"These supreme and SSS-level powerhouses." Looking at the many powerhouses in the bubble, a dark thought was born in Qiao Yu's heart.


After taking a deep breath, Qiao Yu began to observe the fish sac bubble carefully.

First of all, there is a portal in the central area of ​​the fish sac. This portal is connected to the Starry Sky Demon City. People can be directly transported from the Starry Sky Demon City into the fish sac bubble world.

At the same time, there are not only those sleeping powerhouses in the bubble, but also many guards.

Those guards are all at the supreme level, and there are a total of sixteen in number.

At the same time, there are very, very many workers at the SSS level and below.

Obviously, the three major armies attached great importance to this place.

"It is obviously unrealistic to directly kill all these legion fighters, but I can use the six-color Rubik's Cube to form a seal and seal the teleportation array."

"However, it is impossible for legionnaires to have only one teleportation array, they must have other means."

"What kind of method must be used to kill all the masters here?"

Looking at the huge fish sac bubble, Qiao Yu fell into deep thought.

"A strong attack is definitely not enough. As far as my strength is concerned, I may be able to resist the attack of the supreme being, but I may not be able to kill the supreme being."

"I have the fruit of destruction, so I can eliminate those supreme beings one by one, but once I attack and destroy two of them in a sneak attack, I still have nothing to do when those supreme beings react."

"Then what kind of method should I use to trap all these five or six hundred supreme masters here. Or to destroy them all?"

Gazing at this huge world of fish sac bubbles, Qiao Yu's mind kept popping up one plan after another.

Qiao Yu is very clear that once many supreme beings here are eliminated, it will undoubtedly be fatal to the entire legion fighters.

And after eliminating the legionnaires, Qiao Yu will become the real authority ruler of this world.

Is it for someone else to wipe out the Legionnaires?

Qiao Yu is not that great. All that Qiao Yu did was just for himself, because the only way to be true is to hold everything in his own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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