Calamity Frontier

Chapter 396 Explore

Chapter 396 Explore
"This black octopus is really powerful and terrifying."

Looking at the Supreme of the remaining 100 legions who were on the verge of collapse, Qiao Yu smiled softly.

After resting for more than ten hours, the black octopus returned to its former fierceness.

And the more than 600 legionnaires became [-], and the threat level dropped a lot.

Facing these more than 300 legion soldiers, the lively black octopus completely entered the state of crushing the opponent.

In the frenzied attack, soon, the legion soldiers collapsed.

Even though they were masters at the Supreme level, when they collapsed, they scattered like everyone else.

Ever since, a chaotic chase started in this world of fish sac bubbles.

Facing the attack of the black octopus, those desperate lords have nothing to do. All they can do is to flee, hide, try to buy themselves some more time, and wait for the outside world to rescue them.

However, their waiting and escape are undoubtedly in vain.

First of all, Qiao Yu can clearly see their traces. Even if the black octopus did not find them, Qiao Yu can. With Qiao Yu around, the black octopus can kill everyone with great precision.

Second, backup?It doesn't exist.

With authority, Qiao Yu crushed the opponent, and the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube completely blocked their teleportation array.

Facing Qiao Yu, the Legion had nothing to do.

While the Legion Warriors and others were waiting in torment in the outside world, many Legion Warrior Supremes in the inner world were waiting in despair.

However, death is inevitable after all.

With the disintegration of the legion soldiers, the black octopus became more and more powerful. With Qiao Yu's guidance, the black octopus hunted down the secret legion soldiers who thought they were hiding one by one.


The black octopus easily pierced through a mid-week Supreme.

"Uh..." The invisible Supreme looked at his pierced chest in disbelief, then fell to the ground and died.

"The last one is finally cleaned up." Looking at the Supreme who fell on the ground, the black octopus was extremely happy.

"Okay." Qiao Yu said slowly.

At this time, the black octopus had killed all these legionnaires, and Qiao Yu also needed to continue with his follow-up plan.

"For you, the corpses of these supreme beings are your food. You collect these corpses yourself and leave here, otherwise, it will be bad for those high-level supreme beings to come here." Qiao Yu lightly Said lightly.

"Okay, no problem." The black octopus happily went to collect the many corpses. For him, these corpses are the resources of his strength, and he will not waste any of them.

For this world of fish sacs and bubbles, Qiao Yu sealed the six-phase color Rubik's Cube with multiple teleportation arrays, and Qiao Yu is not going to withdraw it.Just seal it here.

Anyway, for Qiao Yu now, there are many six-color Rubik's Cubes on the dark side of the world.As long as you spend some time, you can get a lot of six-phase color cubes.

Qiao Yu would not give this fish sac bubble world to the other party.

Here Qiao Yu can completely regard it as a huge base for himself.

After all, there are permissions shrouded here, and Qiao Yu can carry out authority distribution and transmission.

While thinking about it, Qiao Yu focused his eyes on the black octopus.

"Creatures like the cosmic octopus, although they have never mastered natural forces, their physical bodies are simply too powerful. Once they are allowed to grow, they cannot be restrained."

"If I develop my own strength, then this cosmic octopus family must be wiped out."

"However, this cosmic octopus family can burst out cosmic crystal nuclei, which are treasures for strengthening the body."

"Under my rule in the future, those people can continue to hunt and kill these cosmic octopuses, and then continue to strengthen their bodies."

"Of course." Qiao Yu's eyes fell on the black octopus. "This guy must be well controlled. After all, once this guy escapes, it will be difficult."

"Four-star supreme, the strength is strong, but now, my strength is also close to the supreme level. Once I break through to SS level, after a while, I can have the strength of the supreme level. Once I stabilize, I will be a one-star supreme. After practicing slowly, it is not a problem to deal with this black octopus."

Several hours later, the black octopus had gathered all the corpses.

Under the leadership of Qiao Yu, the black octopus passed through the dark side of the world, and was then dropped by Qiao Yu into the room of the original mothership.

The black octopus was extremely cooperative during the whole process, and there was never a slight change in it.

However, Qiao Yu is very clear that all the calm surfaces are turbulent undercurrents, as long as the black octopus is given a chance, this guy will definitely turn against the trend.

However, Qiao Yu would never give him any chance.The most important thing is to fully grasp the initiative in your own hands.

dealt with these things.

Qiao Yu once again entered the dark side of the world.

Qiao Yu has not forgotten his original intention of entering the dark side of the world, which is to find the highest level of the world - the level of control.

What happened to the fish sac bubble world was just a small episode in the whole journey.But this little episode is indeed a very important point.

An important point for striking Legionnaires and breaking their Holy Shield plan.

When Qiao Yu disappeared in the depths of the dark side of the world, after a powerful authority point infiltrated into the authority center of Starry Sky Demon City, finally, a trace of authority penetrated into this "dark side sub-plane".

But the scene in front of him stunned many Supreme Beings present.

At this time, in the sub-plane of the dark side, the steel jungle buildings on the ground completely collapsed, and the surrounding mountains were even razed to the ground.What's even more frightening is that there is no life breath in the entire subplane.

In other words, all the Supremes here have disappeared, or died.

Of course, there is still one who did not die, but the five-star Supreme was even more miserable, because he was sealed, sealed in the six-color Rubik's Cube.

Not only was it sealed, but the six teleportation arrays were also sealed by the six-color Rubik's Cube.

The shroud of the ninth-level authority, the seal of the six-color Rubik's Cube.

The actual dominance of this dark sub-plane has been completely lost by the soldiers of their legion.

Seeing the situation on the dark subplane, all the Supremes fell silent.There was a suffocating coldness in the air.

After a long time, the Supreme Candle spoke slowly.

"You have all seen the situation. The power that Qiao Yu possesses seems to be stronger than what we know. According to what we know so far, that Qiao Yu still has in-depth contact with the Borderlands."

"The second level of the Holy Shield plan, and the third level, and even all the sleeping personnel in the fourth level plan have all woken up."

"Ku Zhu, if we let them all wake up, I'm afraid that some of them who could break through may not be able to break through again." The Water Mist Supreme reminded carefully.

"That's better than dying in a deep sleep."

"Now." Kuzhu Supreme said in an unprecedentedly low and deep tone. "The time has come to determine the life and death of our legionnaires. That guy is far more difficult than we imagined."

(End of this chapter)

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