Calamity Frontier

Chapter 399 Chapter 2

Chapter 399 Second Level

"After being deceived into this world, I realized that I was imprisoned here. My strength is certainly strong, but the existence of the control level here is far stronger than me, so I was suppressed. "

"Although my true self has been suppressed, I can still allocate part of my power to form an avatar, which is my body." The dragon-headed creature pointed to his body.

"I have a long lifespan, but I don't have an infinite lifespan like you, so if I want to survive, I must obtain enough energy. Extend my lifespan."

"Coincidentally, in this world, every once in a while, many people like you will come here, and this gives me an opportunity."

"I will deceive them, then kill them, and finally destroy their packages or rings, or those Rubik's Cubes stored in their bodies."

"Using the Rubik's Cube, I can extend my life. In this way, I have survived from a long time ago until now."

When the dragon-headed creature told his story, Qiao Yu fell into deep thought.

"A lot of people like me?" This is the deepest question for Qiao Yu to think about.

"The one who crossed the dark side of the world and manipulated the Rubik's Cube?" Qiao Yu asked.

"of course."

"Did they all die at your hands?" Qiao Yu asked.

"No, it's not, many of them are like you, very smart, and then they left here, and in the end, they never came back."

"After you left, you never came back?"


"Then what are they doing here?"

"Modify the rules here."

"What rule?" Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"A rule that allows people at a lower level to enter the upper authority level."

"What?" Qiao Yu was startled suddenly.

Many people have done the same task.

what is this……


Or this world...


Still unreal...


Or reincarnation...

"You've been here all this time, have you ever spoken to those people?"

"A few have. In fact, they were all as smart as you, but, once they left, they never came back."

"Is there none?"

"None, without exception."

Listening to the words of this dragon-headed creature, Qiao Yu felt an inexplicable horror.

Everything that I came across in a daze seemed to become more real.

"It stands to reason that they all have endless lifespans, but what about them now! The last epoch, or the last epoch, is every epoch a similar task. Could it be that those who used to be like me , None of them survived? Or maybe this dragon-headed creature is deceiving me? But I feel that there is no abnormal change in the process of his explanation. It seems that there is no deliberate deception."

Qiao Yu fell into deep thought for a long time.

"If possible, can you bring me enough six-color Rubik's Cubes before leaving after modifying the rules here?" At this time, the dragon-headed creature asked.

Qiao Yu was still in deep thought, ignoring the dragon-headed creature.

"The six-color Rubik's Cube not only allows me to have a long life, but also allows you to have an extraordinary life." At this moment, the dragon-headed creature said softly.

Hearing this, Qiao Yu still didn't care.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu raised his head and looked at the dragon-headed creature for a while.

At this moment, the dragon-headed creature looked at Qiao Yu with piercing eyes.

"What did you say?"

"I mean, the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube can not only bring me a long life span, but also allow you to have an extraordinary life span. So, I hope you can bring me enough Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cubes, thank you." Dragon Head The creature repeated like this.

"Six-color Rubik's Cube, extraordinary lifespan?" Qiao Yu realized something.

As soon as he raised his hand, a ring containing more than 100 six-color Rubik's cubes fell into the hand of the dragon-headed creature.

"Thank you." Wei Wei took a look at the dragon-headed creature to thank, then turned and left.

And Qiao Yu looked at the back of the dragon-headed creature leaving with an unprecedented tranquility.

"Trap, here is a trap, a terrible trap." Qiao Yu took a deep breath.

"Here..." Qiao Yu looked up at the world. "The highest level of control in the world."

"The power here is supreme. Even though I have special features, I can modify some of the rules here by virtue of my own special features. However, after that, I am afraid that I will perish."

"No, or in other words, after the modification, I will surely perish."

"Because, me and that dragon-headed creature, we are all the same kind of people, and we were all tricked into entering here."

"Lie." Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. "Did he deceive me, or did he not know what's going on here?"

"If I fall, what's the benefit to him?" The most convenient technique for judging whether a person has a conspiracy is who has the most benefit.

After some speculation, Qiao Yu found that Na Lie's income from his own death was actually irrelevant.

"However... you still have to be careful. Maybe in some aspects, he has special characteristics that I don't know about."

"Now, Qiao Yu looks at the sky of this world."

"Advanced life forms are not enough to resist the obliteration of the rules of this world. Then, what will my higher-level life form, the life form I obtained in this world, be like?" Thinking of this, Qiao Yu couldn't help but pinch slightly. fist.

"Anyway, the flow of time here is very slow. Moreover, there are a lot of six-color Rubik's cubes in the edge area here. I am practicing here, and I will try my best to improve the second form of my cell armament. I want to see, this first What does the effect of the double form look like in this particular world."

With this in mind, Qiao Yu has already made a decision to devote himself to practicing in this world. After all, strength alone cannot solve everything in front of him.Qiao Yu's deeper level is needed more.

Now that it is decided to carry out subliminal training here, a series of follow-up actions are essential.

First of all, Qiao Yu started to collect the six-color Rubik's Cube.

There are so many six-color Rubik's Cubes here.In the edge area of ​​the crack, Qiao Yu soon found more than 900 six-color Rubik's Cubes.

At the same time, Qiao Yu can also judge from the number of six-color Rubik's cubes here. On the dark side of this world, six-color Rubik's Cubes can be continuously derived.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu began to cultivate.

The direction of latent cultivation is the second form of cell arming.

Through the magical power within the six-color Rubik's Cube, Qiao Yu accelerated the perfect construction of the second layer.

As time went by, Qiao Yu was completely immersed in the second slave construction of the cell arm.

(End of this chapter)

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