Calamity Frontier

Chapter 401 Modifications

Chapter 401 Modifications
In the quiet rainy alley, heavy rain was pouring down.

Qiao Yu sat cross-legged in an antique room with bead curtains.


With breathing, Qiao Yu's physical body, the golden light, gradually restrained, and then showed traces of blue light.

Surrounded by this blue light, Qiao Yu's whole body was full of immortality, and he looked as if he was flying like a fairy.

An indistinct sound of light crane crowing lingered and bloomed, and under the pervasive white light, Qiao Yu was dazzled all over.


After letting out a long breath, Qiao Yu slowly opened his eyes.

"Finally..." Qiao Yu looked at his palm, then squeezed his fist slightly.

"Successfully stepped into the mysterious realm of the second layer of physical cell armament."

In this world of supreme authority, Qiao Yu consumed more than 130 six-phase color Rubik's Cubes in the past six months, extracted a lot of energy from them, and continued to build the second layer of his cell armament.

Now, Qiao Yu's cellular armament has perfectly constructed the second form, and at the same time, Qiao Yu's physical body has also perfectly displayed the second extraordinary characteristics.This characteristic is - slight perception and resistance to rules.

Yes, when Qiao Yu touched the second level, Qiao Yu felt the power of the rules in this world.

At the beginning, when Qiao Yu came to this world, Qiao Yu's physical body was the first form. At that time, Qiao Yu was still the weakest.

Although with the help of authority, Qiao Yu can modify the rules, but the first form makes Qiao Yu almost have no resistance to this world.

So Qiao Yu realized that once he modified the rules here, he would probably be obliterated by the Lord God of Calamity in the future.

However, now that Qiao Yu's physical body has stepped into the second form, Qiao Yu has a certain ability to manipulate and resist the rules of this world.With the help of authority, Qiao Yu is fully qualified to modify the rules here.

Raising his head, Qiao Yu's eyes looked at the sky beyond the majestic heavy rain.

Stretching out his hand and flicking slightly in front of him, Qiao Yu felt a great will.

That is the grand will of the God of Calamity.Vast and majestic, it abides by the rules and at the same time guards the rules.


This is the core of this control level world.

And Qiao Yu is about to touch the core of this world now.

Just a little touch, Qiao Yu felt a wave of will pressure crushing him.

The God of Calamity is the guardian of the most rules, he has the right to obliterate anyone who modifies the rules here.

Qiao Yu just perceived the rule information here, and he was already under the pressure of the will of the God of Calamity.

It is conceivable that if Qiao Yu changes the rules here, then obliteration is inevitable.

"Let's get started!" Qiao Yu immersed himself in his thoughts, and began to carefully search for the rules that imprisoned the masters of the border lands and could not enter the calamity world.

After some searching, it didn't take long for Qiao Yu to discover the rules of interception and imprisonment.

It is obviously very difficult to forcibly modify this rule.Qiao Yu also didn't have the ability to forcibly modify it.

However, with minor modifications, it can still be done.

"This layer of rules that imprison the power of the supreme level and above changes the column of human beings to desolate beasts. In this way, there are double rules for the existence of desolate beasts. For human beings, It is to completely untie the confinement of the supreme level and above. In this way, it is completed."

Using the authority to touch the rules, and then using his own particularity, Qiao Yu quickly modified the rules here.

As soon as the modification is completed, the next moment.An indescribably terrifying force of obliteration penetrated.

"Touch the rules of the world, obliterate! obliterate! obliterate!"


The power of the terrible rule obliteration descended.

This kind of obliteration does not remain immediately, but slowly seeps in.

If Qiao Yu is still in the first physical form, then under this rule, even if he has the authority to help Qiao Yu carry it, then Qiao Yu will inevitably fall with time, that is, Qiao Yu modified the here. According to the rules, after leaving, we will never be able to come back.

This is undoubtedly the same fate as everyone in the past.

Qiao Yu was able to change all this through his own second cell armed form.

"bring it on!"

Qiao Yu secretly said in his heart.

Immediately, manipulating the physical body, Qiao Yu began to use the power of the six-phase color facial Buddha to resist the many obliterating forces that came.

Yes.Qiao Yu wants to use his special physical form to resist the obliteration of the rules of this world.

The first physical form gave Qiao Yu extraordinary and mysterious perception and manipulation of the world.

The second physical form is to give Qiao Yu a certain understanding of the rules of this world and the ability to resist.

With the release of authority resistance, Qiao Yu quickly absorbed a large amount of the power of the six-color Rubik's Cube, and began to resist and consume the obliteration rules.

The power of the six-color Rubik's Cube cannot resist the rules.After all, the Rubik's Cube is a manifestation of the rules.

However, Qiao Yu's physical body can completely resist the absorption of the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube.

chi chi chi...

When the invisible rules came, Qiao Yu resisted directly with his body.Suddenly, an indescribable form of resistance bloomed on Qiao Yu's body.

The surrounding space, time, and even various forms of power began to annihilate, and a vacuum area of ​​regular destruction was formed around Qiao Yu.

Driven by the energy of the six-color Rubik's Cube, Qiao Yu resisted the power of the rules with all his strength, and annihilated the coming rules to obliterate them.

"There is no problem at all. With so many six-color Rubik's Cubes on my body, combined with my physical body, I can completely eliminate all these obliterating powers." Even though his body was suffering terrible pain, Qiao Yu was very quiet and peaceful. peaceful.

Qiao Yu could feel that once he got over the obliteration of this rule, he would face an unprecedented new world.

At that time, it also represented this world, not only the God of Calamity existed, but he had mastered the rules.

When Qiao Yu changed the rules of this world.

the frontier.

Between leisurely.Lie looked at the sky, and then laughed violently. "That kid really did it, it's unbelievable. I have to say that that kid did a very good job. If he died under the rules, I can resurrect him in the future. However, I feel that that kid obviously won't do that Easy death."

After staring at the sky.Lie withdrew his gaze.

"Everyone." Lie's voice spread throughout the entire Bloody Cliff.At the same time, more than 100 Supremes opened their eyes at the same time, looking at where Lie was.

The many supreme beings here are not those low-level supreme beings.These supreme beings are at least three-star, and there are even seven-star horrors.Of course, the existence of those nine stars will not appear casually.

"The rules have been changed, so... we can come to the disaster world." Lie's voice slowly bloomed.

"Can I go back to my disaster world?" Everyone was shocked, and some even trembled.

I don't know that the hope of the young years has finally come true at this moment.

At the same time, this piece of news, under the dissemination of many Supreme Beings, spread one after another.

Soon, this news spread throughout the borderlands.

"Hahaha..." At this moment, a Supreme laughed loudly. "Then what are you waiting for, let me enter the calamity world and completely destroy the authority of that calamity world in one fell swoop."

"Ha ha……"

"that is……"

"Go. It's time for us to show our talents."

At this time, many supreme beings burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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