Calamity Frontier

Chapter 405 Surrender

Chapter 405 Surrender
Inside the Starry Sky Demon City.


A group of more than 50 supreme beings was stunned when they saw the battle just now.

"how can that be?"

A supreme yelled strangely in an instant.

"How did those guys become so powerful in an instant? Among their masters, they are only five-star and six-star. There are very few seven-star levels, and the master of swordsmanship who made the shot is a seven-star master. And we have never seen one before." Pass."

At this time, many other supreme beings also looked stunned.

Except for the nine-star supreme who established the three major legions, many other supreme are seven-star and below.

It can even be said that the vast majority of Supremes are below three stars.

And many masters in the abyss, brood, ladder, and sacred tree are not that powerful.

Therefore, under the suppression of legionnaires, they generally do not have much chance to resist.

However, at this moment, the high-level combat power displayed by the opponent seems to be extraordinarily fierce.

The terrifying combat power of the four nine-stars was one of the strengths of the legion.

But now, it seems that this top-level terrifying combat power does not seem to have an advantage.

"That is……"

At this time, among the crowd, a well-informed Supreme Being named "Qian Wen" saw the Supreme Being on the attacker's side rushing forward brazenly, and he instantly recognized many Supreme Beings.

He even noticed that the Supreme was named "Supreme God".

"The supreme god is a person from the borderlands. As the supreme being, he can actually enter the borderlands. This..." Supreme Qianwen trembled in his heart.

"Venerable Kuzhu." Qianwen Supreme said suddenly.

The other people who were talking a lot, suddenly whispered, and they all thought about Qian Wen Zhizun.

"Huh?" Kuzhu Supreme also looked over. "What's wrong?"

"This time, our legion is really going to be in disaster. Because I know the Seven Star Supreme who just shot, and that guy's name is 'Supreme God' but this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is , that guy is from the 'Far Lands'."

Far Lands!

When the people around heard the words, the whole hall fell into silence in an instant.

A few seconds later, the entire hall erupted instantly.

"How is it possible? It is impossible for people from the Borderlands to enter our calamity world. This is the rule of this world. It is impossible for those guys to break the rules of the world."

"Don't forget, that Lie Ke is in the Borderlands."

"Hmph! That Lie is powerful, but that guy hasn't broken the rules yet."

"A bunch of idiots, discussing now, what's the use of these, those Supremes are from the borderlands, it's already a fact."

"Who knows if Qian Wen saw it clearly, or if what he said is true."

Many people started a hot debate one after another.


Above the high position, Supreme Candle sternly shouted.

Immediately, the people below became quiet, and no longer dared to speak to each other.

Supreme Kuzhu looked at Supreme Qianwen: "Are you sure you are right?"

"It's absolutely true." Supreme Master Qianwen said seriously.

"I have collected a lot of information on the Borderlands. Just now, among the Supremes who shot, as far as I know, there are seven masters of the Borderlands. At the same time, I have also come into contact with many People in the calamity world, their aura, after careful identification, can still be discerned."

"The more than 30 supreme beings just now confirmed that they are from the border land."

After hearing Supreme Master Qianwen's confirmation, many people around fell into deep thought again.

After a long time, the Supreme Candle spoke slowly.

"I didn't expect that the people from the borderlands would also come to the disaster world. It seems that they don't know how they got here, but it's meaningless to discuss these now."

"Now that the seven-star God Supreme has come, the other eight-star and even nine-star Supremes have also arrived in the borderlands with abundant resources. The attackers a few days ago suddenly started to drop a lot of money. The S-level masters are attacking wildly, we should have seen it. Their backup has arrived."

"If my guess is correct, then there are probably at least ten nine-star supreme beings gathered on the Blue Star Floating Island. At the same time, there are also a large number of other levels of supreme beings gathered there."

The words of Supreme Candle made everyone's hearts tremble.

If this is the case, I am afraid that the soldiers of their legion are really in danger this time.

"So, this time, we need—surrender." The voice of Supreme Candle slowly passed through the audience.


In the past few days, Qiao Yu is undoubtedly very relaxed.You don't need Qiao Yu to do the battle, Qiao Yu only needs to manipulate the authority here to suppress the authority of the Starry Sky Demon City.

Therefore, most of the time, Qiao Yu sat here and practiced with peace of mind.

Although Qiao Yu felt that he was about to break through and enter the SS level, Qiao Yu was not in a hurry. At this stage, Qiao Yu didn't need to fight at all, he just needed to continue to improve the life level of his body.

For others, the improvement is the strength, but for Qiao Yu, the improvement is the class.The higher the class, the more terrifying abilities Qiao Yu can possess in this world.The scope of Qiao Yu's practice has already surpassed the ordinary way of practice.


Qiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in the permission mothership, opened his eyes, and then looked at the message board.

"Surrender? Negotiation?"

Looking at the message sent, Qiao Yu couldn't help but startled.

Immediately, Qiao Yu read all the information carefully.

After seeing it, Qiao Yu smiled.

"It actually surrendered, this is really an interesting thing."

Ten minutes ago, the legion side suddenly evacuated all combatants and abandoned the third and fourth floor satellite floating islands.

And the white flag will be raised.

Yes, Legionnaires, actually surrendered.

When Qiao Yu manipulated the authority projection to enter the main hall of the Blue Star Floating Island.

The abyss, the ladder, the mother's nest, the sacred tree, the disaster fighters, and many masters and representatives of the six major forces of the border lands have gathered here at this time.

Naturally, what everyone wanted to discuss was the surrender of the soldiers of the legion.

As soon as Qiao Yu descended, many people immediately looked over.

"Okay, since little brother Qiao Yu has come, let's start the meeting!" said a representative of the Calamity Warriors.

"The first thing we need to confirm is whether the legion fighters are delaying time or really surrendering." The human calamity warrior said so.

"Everyone has seen what the soldiers of the legion have done all the time. I'm afraid they will tear up the agreement after the golden star shines."

"You can't take their word for it. If you compromise now, you're basically falling for them."

(End of this chapter)

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