Calamity Frontier

Chapter 407 Authority Seal

Chapter 407 Authority Seal

"Give us permission after three days?"

Qiao Yu laughed.

"What a beautiful and hypocritical argument."

"Indeed, it seems they have another plan."

"Yes, it is indeed impossible to trust them."

Facing the information sent by the Legion, the discussion among the people at this time was highly consistent, that is, the Legion didn't believe what the Legion said at all.To be able to get to this point, none of you present are easily deceived.At the same time, this group of ruthless people gathered together to form an extremely cruel group. How could these people be easily fooled by the enemy's schemes.

"Everyone, everyone has also seen that the legion side has no sincerity at all. They voluntarily surrendered, but they have no sincerity. It will be delayed until three days later, and the time for the golden star is not much. One month. Even after fifteen days, the golden star will weaken."

"I dare say that if we delay until three days later, the soldiers of the legion will definitely do everything possible to continue delaying until our patience is exhausted, and then they will stick to the last moment of the golden star. Once the golden star is over, At that time, their energy barriers will be opened. Needless to say, even the Supreme cannot break through the energy barriers. They will rest and recuperate. In the future, even if I go out, I am afraid that they will be hunted down by them. I can only protect myself , and you, this is to face the endless pursuit of the legionnaires."

"So, everyone, don't hesitate. Now, immediately, immediately, attack crazily, attack, attack again, and within three days, hit the interior of the Starry Sky Demon City, so that they are not eligible to discuss with us."




Everyone agreed at this moment.

"So how do we respond to the message?" said the representative who sent the message.

"It's very simple, you just say, you prepare yours, we attack ours, and don't interfere with each other." Qiao Yu said so lightly.


Soon, the multi-party coalition forces began to attack the second floor of the Starry Sky Demon Capital in a frantic manner.

The defensive satellite city floating islands on the second and first floors were instantly drawn into the flames of war.

The core floating island of Starry Sky Demon City.

"Those guys really weren't fooled and started attacking."

"So what if we weren't fooled. This time our legion has paid enough. As long as we get through this catastrophe, we must try to kill Qiao Yu. Once we kill Qiao Yu, our legion will be able to You can guard here forever." Water Mist Supreme said so.

"It's too early to say anything at all, it's time to step up our defenses."

Then the Kuzhu Supreme looked at the Haotian Supreme.

"Is there no problem with the burning of authority?"

"There is no problem. Although the Holy Shield plan of our legion has been destroyed. However, our long-standing method of 'authority burning' is not a problem at this time."

"Privilege burning." Thinking of this, Kuzhu Zhizun also had a trace of unbearable expression on his face
Their Starry Sky Demon Capital has level [-] authority, but this time, once the authority is burned once, their authority will drop to level [-].

However, they would rather burn all permissions, or even destroy all permissions, than hand them over to others.


The defensive layer of Starry Sky Demon City, the first layer, the second layer.

At this moment, this place is completely a death grinder.

All those who can enter here are S-level, SS-level, and SSS-level masters.

At this time, the offensive side is completely in an absolute advantage.

A large number of attacks, incomparably crazy, almost every corner, every moment has various long-range attack skills advancing.

Even though there are still many legion fighters resisting, these resistances are obviously meaningless.

A large number of attackers gathered together, advancing frantically, advancing, advancing again.

A large number of S-level masters gather together. If the supreme master makes a move at this moment, then any large-scale attack can kill a large number of S-level masters.

However, at this moment, the Supremes of the legion did not dare to come out. After all, the 120 Supremes who came out earlier were all wiped out in an instant.If some more Supremes die on the side of the legion, then the attackers can directly use the general attack.At that time, the legion side was completely finished.

Therefore, even though there were heavy casualties, the supreme leader of the legion was still unable to hold out.

With the advance, the first day at dusk.

The second layer of satellite floating islands has fallen.

Once the satellite floating island on the first floor falls again, the floating island of the starry sky magic capital in the core area will be exposed to everyone.


With the sound of horns, the attackers charged towards the last layer of defense measures of the satellite city.

"Finally, I'm going to step into the floating island of the Starry Sky Demon Capital, hahaha..."

Seeing that the coalition forces were making great strides forward, many Supreme Beings observing from the rear showed smiles on their faces.

"Indeed, this is indeed an unprecedented victory."

"I remember, once, the most in-depth fight was about 3000 years ago during the golden star show. At that time, the coalition forces pushed into the third floor. But after that, the golden star show ended, and that time the Starry Sky Demon The three major armies in the capital suffered heavy losses, they recuperated for more than 100 years before recovering, and then they brutally besieged us."

"And this time, even if we didn't take down the Starry Sky Demon City, it would cause them a heavy loss. I'm afraid they will not be able to recover their vitality for hundreds of years."

"Indeed, this time, we must hurt those legion bastards."


At this time, a voice resounded leisurely among the crowd.

Everyone looked over one after another, and it was Qiao Yu's authority projection avatar that appeared among them.

"This time, we must eliminate the legion." Qiao Yu said slowly.


Everyone couldn't help but move slightly.

"Otherwise, in the future, we will have to face the Legion's endless pursuit." Qiao Yu said lightly.

Everyone thought about it and then turned their eyes to the frontal battlefield.

"I'm afraid, those legionnaires will not be easy to destroy. After all, they have existed for a long time, and I think they must have many extraordinary means." Among the crowd, an abyssal supreme said so.

"That's why we need to go all out, don't we? Even I have consumed a lot of authority in order to advance." Qiao Yu said, squinting at the Supreme.

Although Qiao Yu was only at the S rank, but squinting at the Supreme, there was a vague look of a superior.

That Abyss Supreme didn't even dare to look at Qiao Yu.


“This time we really need to go all out.”

Everyone discussed in low voices and then nodded slightly.


An SSS-level red-skinned orc warrior roared and charged forward.

As a top red-skinned orc at the SSS level, and with the five-fold orc totem on his body, this orc warrior already possessed the strength of an ordinary one-star supreme.Therefore, in this battle, this red-skinned orc had already killed more than 20 legion masters.

When he killed an SS-level legion assassin who was about to attack him with an axe, the red-skinned orc still saw the starry sky magic city behind the first satellite layer.

"Finally killed through." The orc was overjoyed when he saw the floating core island of the Starry Sky Demon City.


The red-skinned orc roared and leaped suddenly, intending to jump directly from the first layer of defense into the Starry Sky Demon City.

Yet at this moment.


A burst of golden light instantly bloomed ferociously from the interior of the Starry Sky Demon City, penetrating the sky.

An indescribable coercion of will and fluctuations in authority bloomed.pervades the entire universe.

For a moment, everyone looked at the beam of light that permeated the sky and the earth, and at the same time, everyone, even the Supreme, was suppressed by this coercion of will.

(End of this chapter)

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