Chapter 120
Qu Sa couldn't stay in this small courtyard for a second. Hearing Han Xu say that he got a new car, she immediately asked what kind of car it was, how many seats it had, and what color it was. She pretended to be very interested, and Han Xu Xu saw it clearly, but he didn't expose it, but followed Qu Sa's words: "Why don't you go and have a look? It's right in front of my house."

After speaking, he looked at the others.

Qu Ershun was feeling aggrieved and depressed, and Qu Sanning had a lot to say to Qu Dawan, how could they have the mood to visit Han Xu's new car at this moment, they just said they would look at it another day.Qu Sa said in a cold tone, "If you don't go, I will."

Seeing that no one spoke, Qu Sijing asked Qu Sa to come back early.

As soon as Qu Sa and Han Xu left the small courtyard, the pot exploded behind them. Even if a certain woman didn't want to hear it, the words of the second sister's hatred of iron and steel still fell in her ears, "Qu Dawan! What's the matter with you? You are usually soft I didn't let others slap me in the face like still, why are you crying!"

"Fu Heqing doesn't want to marry her, of course she wants to cry!" This is Qu Sanning's voice, "I just don't understand, there is such an old woman in his family, it's too late for normal people to avoid it, but ours is fine, If you want to stick up on the pole, I think she is itchy after a long time, and she misses Shen Guilan's tricks again!"

"Ah no!" Qu Sanning added after yelling, "This old lady is more difficult than Shen Guilan, I advise elder sister to be careful!"

"Third Sister! Don't, don't be like this..." Qu Sijing just couldn't listen anymore, and suddenly covered Qu Sanning's mouth. Behind him, Qu Sanning murmured a lot, but Qu Sa didn't hear it again.

She followed Han Xu forward numbly, the distance between the two families was only twenty steps, but Qu Sa moved for a long time.It wasn't until a red car came into view under the bright moonlight that her messy thoughts were driven away a lot.

To be honest, people like Qu Sa who have driven luxury cars such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Ferrari, look back at the Santana 90 in the 2000s, and suddenly have an indescribable feeling.Ugly, this car is really ugly, regardless of its shape or color, it is ugly and tacky, but according to Qu Sa's understanding, this car can only be won for at least 10,000+.

What concept? The 90+ in the 10,000s is equivalent to 30 million in the next two or three decades.

The wealth of the Han family shocked Qu Sa again. She couldn't help but think that a family like the Han family should be regarded as the upper class of society.

Regarding the origin of the car, Han Xu didn't wait for Qu Sa to ask, and took the initiative to say, "When I just graduated, I didn't want to help my mother open a medical clinic, so she treated me hard and softly, and promised that if I do well in the future, I just rewarded a car, hehe... I thought she was joking, I didn't feel relieved at all, who knew that she called me a few days ago and asked me to pick up the car, tsk tsk, it really is my mother, she did what she said!"

Seeing Han Xu's happy face, Qu Sa suddenly thought that if she had a child one day, she would definitely give him a happy and warm environment to grow up. Warm and confident.Looking back at their family, the eldest sister is cowardly, the second sister is irritable, the third sister likes to speak out, and the fourth sister is taciturn.As for her, she was the most failed one. After living two lifetimes, she only found a little direction in life, and her distorted psychology was corrected a little bit.

"Go up and take you for a ride!"

Facing Han Xu's kind invitation, Qu Sa did not hesitate at all. Anyway, she didn't want to go back to the small courtyard at this time, so she simply went out with Han Xu for a breather.So, just as Han Xu opened the passenger door, Qu Sa slipped in.

The night is slightly cool.

The red car was running on the wide and quiet road. After more than ten minutes, it was Han Xu who broke the silence.

"Qu Sa, do you feel that you are too tired?"

Why do you ask?Qu Sa turned her head to look at Han Xu, then turned back after a while, looking at the vast night ahead, she honestly thought about it and replied: "I am a little tired. At first, my body was tired, but now, my heart is also a little tired."

From the beginning of this life, she chose a completely different path from her previous life, so naturally she was not as relaxed and comfortable as her previous life.Of course, at that time she was very tired alone, but no matter how hard or tired she was, it was all for herself. Unlike now, besides her, she had to care about her sisters all the time, lest they be sad, lest they accidentally meet a scumbag The best, I'm afraid they don't know people well.

In terms of age, they are her older sisters, but in fact, she is the elder of the family.

"Take a break when you're tired, don't hold on. Everyone has their own way to go, even sisters. Although I don't know much about your family, I know that you have been protecting Watching them. It’s good, it’s not good, but everyone can’t just grow old without growing their brains, otherwise, they will suffer and be fooled everywhere.”

After a long silence, Qu Sa nodded and said softly, "Thank you, Doctor Han."

"You're welcome." Han Xu smiled and continued to stare at the front, but the speed of the car slowed down a lot.

At this time, Qu Sa poured out his thoughts, "Eldest sister is cowardly, otherwise, she would not have been abused at her ex-husband's house for four years, and she would not divorce until she couldn't stand it anymore. Speaking of divorce..." Qu Sa smiled wryly, " In fact, it was still planned by me alone, if there was no me at the time, the current eldest sister, maybe..." Maybe she is no longer alive.

"Perhaps, I'm still struggling in that muddy pile. But this time, my nature is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the elder sister was moved by the truth. I noticed this situation a few months ago, but I didn't think much about it at the time. Unexpectedly, after the old lady made a fuss, I realized that the elder sister was so deeply involved. It's incredible..."

"Why do you say that? It's because people have emotions and desires. If you really have emotions, you can't stop them."

Qu Sa admits that what Han Xu said makes sense. Although she has lived two lifetimes and has never tasted the taste of so-called love until now, there is one thing she insists on. "If the so-called love requires groveling, Losing my dignity, I would rather be alone for the rest of my life.”

"Ha!" Han Xu was overjoyed, and the car stopped suddenly, "Yeah, you're only so old to say that."

"It has nothing to do with age, does it?"

"Of course there is a relationship. Many ideas in youth will slowly change over time."

The two debated whether love is more important or respect is more important. Qu Sa discovered for the first time that Han Xu not only has good medical skills, but also has great eloquence.At the end of the debate, she was dragged in. Unwilling, she thought for a while and said suddenly: "Doctor Han worships love so much, probably he already has something in his heart or has an unforgettable experience?"

Han Xu froze, then shook his head solemnly, "No."

"However, I've seen it..." Han Xu smiled when he thought of his parents' unforgettable love story.

(End of this chapter)

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