Reborn 1990 is booming

Chapter 317 Simulation Marketing

Chapter 317 Simulation Marketing
The three sisters were dumbfounded. They finally understood why the younger sister didn't train them herself, and she still refused despite their strong demands.Now, finally, the truth is revealed.

With such a resolute manner, they listened in vain, it was a waste of time.

"Hello!" Qu Sa suddenly smiled at Qu Ershun.

Qu Ershun frowned, and replied "Hello" in a bewildered manner, but she didn't know what to say other than that.

Qu Sanning glanced at Qu Sijing, what is the little girl doing?
"From now until the end of your sales career, you must develop the habit of showing people a smile anytime, anywhere. When the other party greets you with a smile, you have to respond ten times or a hundred times more enthusiastically. In this way, the other party's enthusiasm will be increase rapidly."

Qu Ershun vaguely understood that the little girl seemed to be teaching her something herself, so she collected herself, immediately put on a bright smile, nodded slightly and said, "Hello!"

Seeing her on the road, Qu Sa continued, "I want to buy a necklace, what do you think is suitable for me to wear?"

Qu Ershun carefully looked at Qu Sa's clothing and hairstyle today, and smiled after a few seconds: "You look good, and you can look good in whatever you wear, but according to your clothing and hairstyle today, I suggest you wear coral jade. Red coral The jade necklace is not only eye-catching, but also can suppress evil spirits, and now everyone is raving about it."

"Oh, really?" Qu Sa smiled and shook her head, "But I don't like red."

"There are pink and white, orange, white, blue and other colors, you can choose one of your favorite colors."

"Oh... Then, can these colors also suppress evil?"

"Yes, as long as it's coral jade, it's fine."

"Then, besides coral, are there any other materials?"

"Yes, jadeite, agate, turquoise, Dushan jade, colored shellfish, etc."

"So much, thank you, hard work."


Qu Ershun wanted to introduce necklaces made of other materials, but Qu Sa ended the topic.

"Second sister, have you sold your necklace yet?"

Qu Ershun shook his head, blushed and said, "You left before I finished speaking."

Qu Sa smiled softly: "It's not me who left, but the customer. From the conversation just now, do you have a basic judgment on the customer?"

"Yes! This person is very kind and polite. He looks like someone who works in an office building."

Qu Sa nodded, the second sister's basic judgment was correct.

"But it's a pity that this customer is rich and polite, but you failed to sell a necklace. Do you know what the problem is? She gave you the initiative, but you threw it back to her. In the end, she could only leave with regret. Obviously, at first she wanted to ask for your advice and choose a necklace for her. According to your thinking, you think she looks good with coral jade. Black, sell her the necklace of coral jade. She doesn’t like red, so you can use other colors. Remember, she asks you to help her choose, and you have the initiative. When she asks you whether other colors can suppress evil, But you lied, remember, this is absolutely not allowed. You can say that, whether to suppress evil or not is sought after by people, but the things in the deep sea do give people a sense of mystery. It doesn’t take much, just a few general words After all, she came to choose the necklace, not the evil-suppressing item, and then immediately changed the subject and continued to sell your necklace..."

Qu Ershun wanted to take notes, but Qu Sa spoke so fast that she couldn't keep up, so she could only listen attentively.Qu Sijing, on the other hand, writes and draws with great care.



"Second sister, is the necklace sold?"

Qu Ershun nodded frantically, "You've said that, if she doesn't buy it again, it can only be said that she doesn't really want to choose the necklace, but she went straight to the goal when she came, so it's a lie if she doesn't mean it."

Qu Sa smiled at her, looked at Qu Sanning suddenly, changed his face in the next second, and shouted: "Are you blind? You actually chose a jade bracelet with cracks for me! Is your shop specialized in What a scam!"

"You are grandma's trickster!!" Qu Sanning pinched his waist and fought back, cursing.

At this moment Fang Xing was coming in to get the accounts, seeing Qu Sanning's appearance and hearing what she said, he couldn't help laughing.

Qu Sa endured the "headache" and patiently explained, "Sister San, we are open for business, not cursing with others."

The third sister's violent temper would have side effects whenever this happened.

"But she said we cheated, why don't you fight back?"

"Why did she say we cheated? Could it be for no reason?"

"It's not..." Qu Sanning suddenly remembered Qu Sa's first words, and reacted, "You said our jade bracelet is cracked, show it to me."

Qu Sa immediately picked a jade bracelet from the display stand and handed it to Qu Sanning, "Look! You can see it if you don't look carefully, it might break one day, my ten dollars are wasted!"

Qu Sanning saw at a glance that the blemish was not a blemish, and replied with the bracelet: "This is not called a crack, but this is a stone pattern, understand? In the process of jade formation, some lines are formed due to external pressure or pulling. It will not affect the lifespan of the jade bracelet at all, as long as you don't intentionally break it, I guarantee you will wear it for a lifetime."

Qu Sa took the jade bracelet and left angrily.


"Third sister, is the problem solved?"

Qu Sanning nodded. Of course, it didn't solve the problem after everyone left, and it didn't leave any bad influence.

"But this customer won't come again next time, because of your attitude and your explanation made her very frustrated. It seems that she is ignorant and uneducated and deserves to make a mistake. Do you feel that way about yourself just now?"

Qu Sanning said nothing.

"Then let's turn it around, you are the angry customer."

Qu Sanning was stunned for two seconds before reacting, imitating Qu Sa's ferocity just now and roaring: "Are you blind! Choose a jade bracelet with cracks for me, and I'll accept ten bucks for just such a broken bracelet." One dollar, a scam!"

Qu Sa picked out her ears and had to admit that the third sister has always had a talent for quarreling.

"Hello, don't get excited, please let me see the jade bracelet." Qu Sa smiled brightly, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Qu Sanning gave her the jade bracelet carelessly, "Hey! Such a long crack, you can see it even if you don't look carefully."

"Oh, this is not a crack, but a stone pattern... Many jade stones have this kind of pattern, if you don't believe me, take a look..." Qu Sa took out a few more jade bracelets, pointed them to Qu Sanning one by one, and then said with a smile: "There are very few jade stones that are clean and flawless. If they are real and made into jewelry, they must be extremely valuable. But having said that, some stone patterns look similar to cracks, no wonder you misread them."

Qu Sanning was stunned. Originally, she wanted to "quarrel" with her little sister, but unconsciously, she lost a lot of anger.

Qu Sa smiled and said: "Your reaction is the instinctive reaction of the customer. As long as you say a few more polite words and give her a step up, she will automatically calm down. Remember, open the door to welcome guests, smile in all directions, it will work. The problem solved by the smiling face must not be shrugged off, otherwise, it will definitely lose face in the end, and we must be the one who loses face. But if she makes a fuss, it will not only delay our time, but also affect other customers who come to the door."

Qu Sanning nodded heavily.

"Of course, there are many people who are messing around. If you really encounter someone who deliberately finds fault, how will you solve it?"



Time passed unknowingly. All morning, Qu Sa repeatedly conducted marketing simulations with her sisters, various perspectives, various roles, and various "intractable diseases". After the whole morning, the three sisters benefited a lot, and this model , and became the best way for them to learn later.

(End of this chapter)

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