Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 115 Too Much

Chapter 115 Too Much (2)

"No, I have to code tomorrow." Lin Ziyu blushed softly after hearing this.

"Then change to one that you won't use much tomorrow." Fu Zichen squeezed her little palm, opened his mouth to hold her earlobe, and nibbled gently. The warm breath brushed over her ear and smoked her white jade. like profile.

What did she have that she didn't use often enough to quench the fire on him?

Lin Ziyu's mind flashed through the hundreds of G resources that Fu Siqi shared with her. Although she only watched two or three or three or four, she seemed to guess what Fu Zichen was referring to, and she punched his fist chest.

Pouted and said: "Who said I don't use it often? Don't I use it? Besides, I'm going to karaoke with Xiaopangpang tomorrow!"

snort!Don't mess with her idea!
Fu Zichen raised his long and narrow phoenix eyes, and his wife responded quite quickly.

He tilted his head and kissed one after another at the corner of her lips, his big hands tightened her catkin, and his voice was sexy|sexy, "Honey, I will hold your hand, and I promise not to tire you."

"You are so beautiful, so stop thinking about being beautiful." Lin Ziyu rolled his eyes at him.

What kind of husband is this, he will fool his wife!

"You can only think beautiful if you look beautiful, my wife." Fu Zichen blinked his eyes and answered solemnly.

"Then you have to learn from my good moral character. Look at me. Others say that I am beautiful, but I never want to be beautiful. Do things in a down-to-earth manner and be a diligent person."

Fu Zichen: "..."

"But now I think you have a pretty good idea."

Lin Ziyu is angry!
Su hand twisted his waist, and said viciously, "You, say it again."


"Mrs. Fu, you are so beautiful, the most, the most beautiful." Fu Zichen begged for mercy, approached her small face to please her and smiled, "Beautiful Mrs. Fu, Mrs. Fu who is down-to-earth and hard-working, shouldn't you Also hurt your husband?"

Lin Ziyu: "..."


After half an hour.

"Hmm...squeeze." Lin Ziyu stretched out her sore arm in front of someone, and someone turned over, and the big palm consciously covered the back of her hand and kneaded it gently.

Lin Ziyu gave him a sideways glance, and the words slipped out as soon as they reached his lips.

"Isn't that how the calluses on your palm came from?"

It's not like she just met him for a day or two. She knew that he, the young master who was born with a golden spoon, had never experienced any hardship since he was a child.

Fu Zichen: "..."

What color content do you want?
His eyes turned to her, and his thin lips moved: "No."

"What is that?" Lin Ziyu asked, "Don't you often go to the project to do it yourself?"

Fu Zichen: "..."

"I often go to projects, but I don't need to do it myself."

"Then did the calluses on your hands grow out of nowhere?" Lin Ziyu rolled his eyes at him. How could a pampered person have calluses on his hands? !

Fu Zichen stopped kneading, and pinched her knuckles with his fingers: "Think about the bright side, Mrs. Fu."

Her knuckles were so thin, it seemed that he would break them with just a little force.

"It's great to be self-sufficient."

Fu Zichen was at a loss for words for the nth time, he took her hand tightly and stroked it slowly along his strong chest muscles, and finally stopped at the lower abdomen.

Breathing heavily, he asked her, "What did you touch?"

"Your meat."

Fu Zichen almost ran away. She's not pregnant, is she?Why did you suddenly become stupid?

"Mrs. Fu, the correct answer is abdominal muscles."

(End of this chapter)

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