Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 133 Sorry

Chapter 133 Sorry (2)

If it doesn't happen sooner, it won't happen later, but such a big thing happened at the coming-of-age ceremony. If someone didn't do it deliberately, it can only be used to deceive children.

Just like Lin Ziyu, who was only half a child at that time, always firmly believed that what happened that day was just an accident, she just ran into it by chance, and she didn't know the seriousness of the matter. When Fu Sishen asked about Fu Zijin's situation, She said it without a trace of reservation.

"Qiqi, Ziyu, have you seen little aunt? The banquet is about to begin."

"I didn't see it." Fu Siqi shook her head.

"Well... I ran into her in the bathroom just now, and she was holding her stomach while walking, as if she had eaten something bad... She should be resting in the room now."

At that time, she answered without thinking.

"Thank you Ziyu." Fu Sishen pinched her small face with a smile, her brows and eyes were curved, her face without makeup was so beautiful that one couldn't help holding her breath.

If you really want to talk about who is superior, among the five sisters of the Fu family, Fu Sishen is undoubtedly the one with the most amazing looks.

Fu Sishen's beauty is like the fog in the mountains, the moon in the water, within reach but also out of reach, hazy, near and far away, alluring people's hearts, and the suitors can go around the Fu's mansion several times.

However, Fu Sishen is not Fu Zidong's biological daughter, but Fu Zidong's second wife, Zhang Jingrong, brought the child who married into the Fu's family, and only after she came to the Fu's family did she get the Fu's household registration.

"Ah! Little aunt, are you injured? Why is your body so blue and purple?"

Not long after Fu Sishen went upstairs, Lin Ziyu and Fu Siqi vaguely heard her surprised voice, followed the sound curiously, and saw Fu Sishen running out in a hurry with her skirt in her hands, shouting, "Come on, little aunt is injured, Hurry up and call Dr. Liu..."

After that, it was chaos.

There are women crying, men scolding...

At that time, Lin Ziyu didn't understand why everyone reacted so strangely when she was injured, and it would be fine if the doctor bandaged her.

It wasn't until a few months later that Fu Siqi heard that Fu Zijin gave birth to a baby boy and the father was unknown, and she gradually realized something.

On the day of the coming-of-age ceremony, Fu Zijin was not injured at all, but was defiled, and was uncovered naked in front of the public, dripping with blood.

And she, invisibly piled up a handful.

"That's why you ignored me?" She suddenly heard Fu Zichen's obscure voice in a daze, and when she raised her eyes to look at him, she saw that his black eyes, like those of a summer night, were silent, like thousands of dust Nothing pollutes him, pure and beautiful.

"Yes." Lin Ziyu nodded without any hesitation.

At that moment, she had a sudden epiphany, and she slapped herself hard on the mouth|slap|slap|slap|snap several times, tears streaming down her face.

She was the one who ruined Fu Zijin.

If she hadn't said it stupidly, it wouldn't be like that in the future...

Fu Zijin will not give birth to a child early, let alone go crazy.

"Stupid!" Fu Zichen rubbed the top of her hair, and then asked, "What was the reason for going to college?"

On the front foot, she told the little brother at the milk tea shop near her home that he was her boyfriend, but on the back foot, she just ignored him, and what was even more exaggerated was that she actually talked about her boyfriend.

"Eh..." Lin Ziyu never expected that he would mention this, and looked out the window erratically, and said softly, "I didn't ignore you."

University Fu Siqi went to study in Germany, and she went to K city, and Fu Siqi was not there when she came back from winter and summer vacations, she really couldn't think of meeting him for a meal or afternoon tea, but every time she came back, she often saw his pink reports .

(End of this chapter)

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