Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 174 New Debt and Old Debt

Chapter 174 New Debt and Old Debt (1)

The face of the person on the other end of the phone sank immediately, and the voice squeezed out through the teeth, "Lin Ziyu, how did you promise me last night?"

"What did I promise you last night?" Lin Ziyu asked subconsciously, "Beep, beep, beep," a busy tone came from the phone.


What the hell!

Did she tell him something in a dream again?

Why has she been talking so much in her sleep recently?

At this time, Fu Zichen's car had already slowly driven out of the Kunhua Building, he slapped the steering wheel heavily, and turned back to the company.

Last night, the two of them nestled in the quilt and agreed in this way→
"Honey, there is a banquet tomorrow afternoon, you accompany me." Fu Zichen hugged her from behind, rubbing his chin against her neck, his voice low.

"Okay." Lin Ziyu replied without opening her eyes.

So tired, her whole body is about to fall apart, she just wants to have a good sleep.

"Are you asleep? Mrs. Fu." Fu Zichen asked specifically to prevent her from messing with him again.

"Yeah, I fell asleep."

"Huh? Who was that talking to me?"

"The most, most, and most beautiful little fairy."

After speaking, both of them couldn't help laughing out loud.

"The most beautiful little fairy, good night~" Fu Zichen rubbed his chin against her neck again, rolled his thin lips around her earlobe and sucked gently, his warm breath brushed her cheeks, his soft words were like March The gentle breeze blowing across the lake is so gentle that it makes people intoxicated.

"Good night, husband of the most most beautiful little fairy."

At this moment, Lin Ziyu couldn't remember what she had promised Fu Zichen last night. She only knew that she had definitely offended him.

Holding the phone in his hand, he sent him one message after another.

[Honey~ I was wrong~~ I accidentally forgot what I promised you last night, and now I am having dinner with my friends, and when I get home, I will apologize to you, okay? 】

【Husband~~ okay? 】

【is it okay? 】

【is it okay?Husband, don't ignore me. 】

[Honey, I'll wait for you for nothing when I go home, okay? can do whatever you want. 】

[Husband~~ wait for you. #se lure##se lure#]

Fu Zichen didn't respond to the above several messages, and Lin Ziyu was so angry that he sent it himself.

Love can't come back! !Why is she coaxing him, hum!

Fu Zichen is now in a rage, new and old accounts are all calculated on her head, and he can't wait to catch her and spank her ass.

I still remember that many years ago, two little girls, she and Fu Siqi, dragged him to drink, saying that they wanted to drink away their worries with him.

Who knows, before he had his fill of fun, the two little girls were already too drunk to find their way out.

Lin Ziyu's drinking capacity is a little bit better than Fu Siqi's. Fu Siqi is already unconscious, and she can still chat with him in a nonsensical manner.

At the end of the drink, he still dragged them to the hotel to rest.

"Lin Ziyu, are you fat? Why are you so heavy?"

At that time, hotel manager Zhang walked in front of Fu Siqi, who was unconscious, while he walked behind Lin Ziyu, who kept yelling that he was not drunk.

"Isn't it good to be fat? If you are fat, you have breasts, ass|butt, and a monster figure, do you understand?" Lin Ziyu wrapped his arms around his neck with Bai Shengsheng, and rolled his eyes at him with a flick of his eyelids.

Fu Zichen glanced lightly at her flat figure with almost no ups and downs, and sneered in his heart.

Do you still have breasts and ass?It's so flat that the plane can take off, and I don't know where your confidence comes from.

"Fu Zichen, are you talking bad about me again in your heart?" Lin Ziyu squinted at him again when he didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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