Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 178 Love Is a Ray of Light

Chapter 178 Love Is a Light (3)

"Everyone, each other, my eldest niece." Lin Ziyu's small eyes looked at her meaningfully.

If she hadn't witnessed it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that she would wear such a white dress that made her look fat no matter how she wore it.

Spend money to find abuse?

Fu Siqi spread her hands helplessly, "It's not me who paid the money, what can I do? The old man's eyes can't understand."

Today, Wen Ruyun didn't know what kind of style she was having, but she suddenly became overwhelmed with love, caring about her little daughter who was not a few years younger than her, and busy picking out skirts for her.

The fabric of this skirt is very good, the tailoring is also top-notch, and the price is very beautiful, but!The effect of the upper body is just like a joke, completely showing the shortcomings of her figure.

"Oh, your dad's love suddenly overflowed?" Lin Ziyu raised his eyebrows, "Is it because I'm getting older and suddenly feel that it is necessary to care about you?"

Among the sisters of the Fu family, Fu Siqi is the most popular among them.

The eldest lady Fu Sishi's mother was Fu Zidong's first woman. Although the two didn't get together in the end, at least they had some affection.

The second young lady, Fu Sijun's mother was Fu Zidong's first wife, and they were in the same family. When they first got married, they had a deep relationship, but there was still some friendship.

Zhang Jingrong, the mother of the third lady Fu Sishen and the fourth lady Fu Sisi, married Fu Zidong when she was unmarried and pregnant. She has been Mrs. Fu for decades. If Wen Ruyun hadn't stepped in, she would probably still be in charge of Zhang Jingrong now.

And Fu Siqi's mother, Zhen Yue, was just a working girl in a bar before. She accidentally had a relationship with Fu Zidong. The Fu family.

In the few years since I first went to Fu's house, if Fu Zichen and Fu Zijin hadn't been there, Fu Siqi would have become the backer for several sisters, and Zhang Jingrong's servant who would come and go when called.

However, fortunately, Fu Zichen's siblings were there to protect her.

"Heh, he just wanted to pack me up and sell me for a good price." Fu Siqi snorted disdainfully.

What a good father she is!There are many young and promising men, but she has introduced a divorced man with three children.

Tsk tsk tsk, I really do not hesitate to pay others back.

"Fuck, who does he want to sell you to?" Lin Ziyu stared at her beautifully, and curled her small mouth, "Aren't Fu Sishen and Fu Sisi not married yet? Why did they suddenly want to marry you? This is too biased." Come on! There is no elder sister who is not yet married, but the younger sister will marry first."

"It's always been like this." Fu Siqi shrugged indifferently.

As long as there is food, drink and play, she doesn't care about the little father's love, she has already seen through it when she was very young.

Lin Ziyu took her arm like a lotus root, patted her little paw to comfort her, and directly gave her a ruthless move: "Go back and tell Fu Zidong that you have Brother Xu, and you won't marry unless he is the one If you force you to marry, you will elope with Brother Xu. No, you can cook the rice and get pregnant before marriage. He has a baby, so he can’t let you beat him, can he?”

"Let me think about it." Fu Siqi sighed, stroked her aching forehead, and suddenly, how would she respond?

"No, there is Fu Zichen, he must be on your side."

Among the nieces, Fu Zichen favored her the most, and if Fu Zichen came forward to have a good talk with Fu Zidong, it would definitely work out.

"By the way, my little uncle is here too." As soon as Fu Zichen was mentioned, Fu Siqi suddenly remembered what she was looking for.

(End of this chapter)

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