Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 312 Subtle Relationship

Chapter 312 Subtle Relationship (7)

The sisters of the Fu family have a chain of contempt.

Fu Sisi despises Fu Siqi as an illegitimate daughter, Fu Sijun despises Fu Sisi as the daughter of Xiaosan, Fu Sishi despises Fu Sijun's love of petty tricks, and Fu Sishen, a little oil bottle, can't offend anyone. He is a good guy among the few sisters , acting as their lubricant.

The good friends of these sisters can chat with anyone Fu Sishen, such as Fu Sijun's good friend Zhou Jinyu, Fu Siqi's good friend Lin Ziyu.

As soon as Lin Ziyu sat down, although he hadn't seen each other for several years, Fu Sishen quickly found a topic and chatted with Lin Ziyu, as intimate as if they were close before.

"Seeing how cute little Sichen is, I want to give birth to one." Fu Sishen stroked little Douding bouncing in Lin Ziyu's arms.

"Then give birth to one." Lin Ziyu answered with a smile.

Fu Sishen and Wen Ruyun seem to be the same age, and Wen Ruyun's son is already in the small class, so she can have one if she is ready.

The last time she saw Fu Sichen, she thought this little doll was quite annoying, but now that she gets along a lot, she thinks he is quite cute.

It made her want to have one.

When it comes to lifelong events, Fu Sishen feels a little melancholy, "Oh, I don't even have time to fall in love every day, so I can't have a baby by myself. Now that Sisi and Siqi both have boyfriends, I'm doomed Be an older unmarried aunt."

When Fu Zidong and Zhang Jingrong divorced, they compensated Zhang Jingrong 1.2 million yuan. Afterwards, Zhang Jingrong and Fu Sishen, mother and daughter, bought shares in several chain stores and opened a small company by themselves. It can be said that life is very comfortable.

Fu Xiaopang is now free, Lin Ziyu thought.

However, it didn't show on the face.

It is very irresponsible to make assumptions: "When fate comes, I can't stop it. Maybe I will meet when I get out of KTV later."

Just like she and Fu Zichen had a flash marriage on the day of the blind date, and after receiving the certificate, she was in a daze.

"Thank you for your kind words." Fu Sishen rolled his eyes.

She looks like Zhang Jingrong, her gestures are soft and coquettish, coquettish and sweet, her frown and smile are sweet and charming, naughty and charming, and she speaks gently and softly. Anyone who has been with her will like her above the ninth floor.

"Ziyu, look at little uncle, he is sitting there alone, why is he so miserable, should we go and sit with him?"

After chatting for another two or three irrelevant words, Fu Sishen suddenly looked in Fu Zichen's direction, with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

After Fu Sichen, singing has become Wen Ruyun's world. Fu Zidong held Wen Ruyun's hand because he couldn't sing, and looked at her affectionately, with the words "my wife is the best" written all over his face.

And Fu Siqi, who was very drunk, fell asleep leaning on Tang Xuxiao, and Fu Sisi and Xu Zhirao who were sitting next to them were also chatting with each other, and Fu Zichen was sitting alone playing with his mobile phone, so miserable.

Xu felt the eyes of Lin Ziyu and Fu Sixhen, and his eyes suddenly turned from the phone screen to them.

"Sit here." Lin Ziyu patted the empty seat beside her, and looked at him with a smile.

So Fu Zichen got up and moved over.

Then, Fu Sichen's goal shifted to Fu Zichen, instead of Lin Ziyu hugging him, Fu Zichen wanted to play with him.

"Little uncle, why don't you smile at all when you play with Si Chen? Even the timid ones are scared by you and dare not play."

Seeing that Fu Zichen was playing with Fu Sixhen in his arms, with a calm expression on his face, Fu Sixhen couldn't help teasing him.

Hearing this, Lin Ziyu couldn't help but take another look at Fu Sishen.

Among the few nieces, she is the only one who dares to sneak Fu Zichen like this.

(End of this chapter)

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