Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 323 The days when he was not around

Chapter 323 The days when he was not around (1)

The first day of Fu Zichen's business trip was a cloudy and rainy day, and Lin Ziyu slept under the quilt all day.

The next day was a rainy day, and she slept for another day, and only after dinner did she begin to rush to draft.

After eleven o'clock, I played a video with Fu Zichen and promised him to sleep after finishing writing. However, an hour passed...

Another hour passed...

Another hour passed...

She was still sitting in front of the computer and tapping on the keyboard.

Her long hair was all tied up, revealing a delicate little face, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes full of seriousness.

The rain outside the window stopped, and the night wind blew the raindrops on the branches with a rustling sound. As I was writing, I suddenly felt hungry, so I stretched myself and went downstairs to find something to eat.

Two minutes later, he went upstairs with milk in one hand and biscuits and fruit in the other.

The biscuit was baked by Xiao Cui today, oh no, yesterday afternoon, with a lot of dried cranberries kneaded in it, the sweet and sour taste is very appetizing to Lin Ziyu.

She's been hungry at night lately, and when she's hungry, she can't control her mouth...

I don't know if it's her illusion, but she seems to be a little fatter than before she got married.

When the rain stopped, she opened the window to let the wind in, and the cool air shook her spirits.

After drinking milk, eating biscuits and fruits, she was full of energy again. Lin Ziyu felt that it would be no problem for her to write all night.

Anyway, Fu Zichen wasn't here these days, no one cared if she stayed up late.

Even if he did, it would be thousands of miles away, and he couldn't see it.

At this time, the person who was soundly asleep suddenly dreamed that she quietly got up from the bed to type, and was caught by him, and held up her hands in a guilty conscience, "5 minutes, just 5 minutes, just 5 minutes..."

Then, he waited for 5 minutes and 5 minutes, and she was still not well.

When inspiration came, Lin Ziyu didn't know what time was, and wrote for more than half an hour, when he suddenly smelled the smell of burnt meat.

The little nose inhaled vigorously, mouth salivating and muttering: "It's the middle of the night, who hasn't slept yet and made barbecue?"

This damn temptation|temptation!
Man Ruo's ten fingers galloped on the keyboard, and there was another sudden pause. Huo Di stood up, cursed "Damn it" in a low voice, and went straight downstairs with his slippers on.

On the first floor at this time, thick smoke billowed out from the kitchen, and the choking smoke was comparable to a large-scale fire scene.

Lin Ziyu coughed several times due to choking, covered her nose and rushed into the kitchen, frantically turned off the natural gas, opened the range hood and windows.

This is not someone else's meat, it is obviously my own.

Thinking it was over, Fu Zichen knew if he would spank her ass when he got home.

In the spotless kitchen, a dark saucepan was placed on the gas stove, and there were pieces of scorched black things lying on the bottom of the pan, and the pot was full of cracks.

If she hadn't put the pot on it herself, she wouldn't have believed that it was the purple clay stew pot at home. Now it has completely changed its color, and by the way, "patterns" have been added to the pot.

"Oh." She rubbed her forehead with a headache, wondering if she should tell Fu Zichen about this.

When the pot is cold, take it off the gas stove with a towel, and roll up your sleeves to clean up the mess.

There was so much smoke just now that the walls were slightly yellowed by the smoke.

After tidying up, the smell of cigarettes was almost gone. I rubbed my sore arms and went back to the study. I was not in the mood to type. When I was about to turn off the computer, I suddenly found Fu Zichen's unread messages on WeChat.

There is only one sentence above, [Suddenly dreamed that you stayed up late to write a manuscript again. 】

Sent time was 3 minutes ago.

Lin Ziyu was so frightened that she didn't dare to breathe, could she still dream of such a thing?

It's too accurate.

However, he pretended not to see it, hastily turned off the computer, went back to the bedroom to wash and sleep.

However, before going to bed, I still remember to send a message to Xiaocui, voluntarily admitting my mistake tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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