Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 338 Absolutely Biological

Chapter 338 Absolutely Biological (1)

[Have you told Fu Zichen everything? 】

【Did he call you stupid? ...Did I beat you up? 】

After waking up again, Lin Ziyu finally received condolences from her mother, Ms. Li.

But she didn't feel any comfort at all, more of a ruthless ridicule.

He turned over and continued to lie in Fu Zichen's arms. He didn't sleep much last night, so he must be sleepy.

As soon as she moved, Fu Zichen also moved, without opening his eyes, his long arms naturally wrapped around her waist, and he lowered his head to kiss her forehead.

If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, Lin Ziyu would not have believed that he still has this kind of skill.

She won't be like this at night, will she?

He turned over, and she followed him and hugged him.

She guessed right, it was indeed like this at night.

As soon as he turned over and it was uncomfortable to hold him, she would chase after him and hug him.

When there was no one in his arms, he would search subconsciously again to make sure there was her in his arms.

They are in perfect harmony with each other.

After squinting again for a while, Lin Ziyu wanted to eat again, so she opened her eyes, moved to his lips and kissed him, gently lifted the thin quilt and got out of bed, picked up her mobile phone and went to the study to find something to eat.

The drawers of the desk used to be filled with documents, but recently she was the only one there, and she quietly stacked the documents in a cabinet, which contained dried fruits, nuts, biscuits, potato chips, spicy bars and the like.

If you want to eat while coding, just open the drawer.

In the past few days, she has been busy finishing the old book, and sorting out the framework of the new book, but she always feels that something is missing, and the characters are not full|full | interesting enough.

Well-drawn characters are half the battle.

She took out the dried mango from the drawer and browsed through the manuscript while chewing. She had already picked out the typo once, but just in case, she checked it carefully again.

Before, I thought about eating something, checked it briefly, and went back to the master bedroom, but I forgot after looking at it.

I also forgot to message her mother back.

It wasn't until the phone rang that I suddenly remembered that there was still such a stubble.

"Hey, Mom."

"Did Fu Zichen scold you?" Ms. Li didn't go around in circles with her, and asked straight to the point.

When Lin Jianjun came back last night, he asked her if she had been back. She was the only one who bought vegetables at home and directly bought cooked food.

She simply told Lin Jianjun the general situation, and Lin Jianjun's face changed on the spot, and his tone was inevitably a bit serious.

"How can you rest assured that Ziyu will go back at this time? What if the two really fight? No, I have to pick her up."

"If I did this instead, would you hit me?" Ms. Li gave him a blank look and asked indifferently.

"Aren't you full of praise for your son-in-law recently? Let's see what he does. He really dares to beat our baby, so we two will beat him together."

If it were Ms. Li who caused the trouble, Lin Jianjun really wouldn't do anything to her, so he was silent for a while.

Recently, Fu Zichen has shown his presence in front of the couple from time to time, asking his assistant to deliver this, and sometimes his bodyguard to deliver that. Occasionally, when he met outside, he would personally send them home, with a very good attitude.

Lin Jianjun didn't say anything about this son-in-law, but the more he looked at him, the more pleasing he was.

When mentioning Fu Zichen, it was as natural as mentioning his own son.

Knowing that Lin Ziyu was married, Mrs. Lu even came to the house to complain to her, that kid Lu Yicheng was too disappointing, he played with him since he was a child, but he couldn't compete with Fu Zichen who he hadn't known for a long time.

"Ziyu has known Fu Zichen for more than ten years...not short." Lin Jianjun listened and spoke for Fu Zichen.

(End of this chapter)

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