Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 353 Listening

Chapter 353 Listening (1)

A few days ago, I was going to report to Kunhua, but Lin Ziyu didn't go because I was busy finishing the old books.

It took almost a week to register, and on the first day there was a weekly meeting.

Except for those who were on business trips, all the leaders above the director level were present, sitting in a dark space.

The purpose of Lin Ziyu's coming to Kunhua is to understand what each department does, not to do it specifically, so Fu Ziyu specially allowed her to sit aside and listen.

Many people thought that she would be airborne in a certain position.

The table in the conference room is a large oval table of dark purple color. There are three floors in total. The first floor is occupied by vice presidents, directors, and general managers.

The second floor is for deputy directors, managers, and deputy managers, and the third floor is for directors.

And Lin Ziyu was inserted into the director level, and the one sitting next to him happened to be Cranberry Wenwen.

During the mid-year assessment last year, Chi Wenwen was promoted to deputy director, and after half a year she passed the assessment to become a full-time employee.

After working as a supervisor for five years, she was finally promoted. In the past few days, Zhi Wenwen walked with ease, smiled when she saw everyone, and the four words "Happy Old Lady" were written all over her face.

Suddenly, I saw Lin Ziyu sitting in the conference room, changed places with other colleagues, and moved closer to Lin Ziyu.

She asked gossipingly, "Ma'am, are you coming to work too?"

Boss is so rich, why does she come to work?Experience life?
"Yes." Lin Ziyu nodded, and sat down obediently.

Others have notebooks in their hands, and she also has a notebook in her hand.

It's just that others remember the main points of work, but she remembers the language and actions of each speaker.

In the past, Fu Zichen would only arrive half a minute early for every meeting, but today he was 5 minutes early, a full 5 minutes. Everyone who entered the meeting room noticed that he was already sitting in his seat, and they couldn't help but drum in their hearts. Is this a week? If there is something important to do, he skipped the warm greetings with other colleagues, and sat obediently in his own seat.

The weekly meeting officially started at nine o'clock. The first thing in the meeting was to check whether the people from all departments had arrived. However, no one from the director to the general manager of the Investment Promotion Department came. on the desktop.

Shen Sheng said: "All departments reported their work last week."

Lin Ziyu was a layman when it came to reporting work, so she was dizzy. She just simply wrote down the tone of each department's reporting representatives, as well as the image of each of them, as well as her first impression of them.

The work report of the Investment Promotion Department was originally ranked second, but it was late and could only be ranked last.

"Boss, and colleagues, good morning everyone. I'm very sorry that I was late because of something happened on the road."

Before reporting on the work, Manager Chen, the investment manager, explained weakly.

Manager Chen is a fat, middle-aged man with a hairline approaching the top of his head. He is probably the type of person who is very smart.

"Won't you ask for a leave if you're late?" The man sitting on the chief asked indifferently, and glanced at the investment manager with a pair of deep eyes that were cold and indifferent.

The investment manager swallowed, and stood up tremblingly, with his head drooping slightly, like a child who did something wrong.

Fu Zichen didn't let him sit down either. He tapped the dark purple table with his slender fingers, and parted his thin lips slightly: "The report continues."

So the investment manager had no choice but to bite the bullet and stand up and report the work of the entire department.

"Yujing Plaza, have you overwhelmed the investment promotion progress of Yujingyue Mansion?" After listening, Fu Zichen asked casually.

All of a sudden, the people in the conference room dared not breathe.

Generally, if you ask this question, you are very dissatisfied, very, very dissatisfied.

 Thank you little fairies for your tickets, good night~~see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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