Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 361 Rejection is invalid

Chapter 361 Rejection is invalid (2)

I saw countless scratches and tooth marks on the strong wheat-colored chest, and there were dark brown scars in several places.

Lin Ziyu's eyes jumped when he saw the crisscross scars!
Mom, why did she strike so hard?
But it can't be her fault, she just wants to scratch him...

Meimu blinked lightly, then blinked again, her light white hand "wow" opened the T-shirt on her body, and her red lips parted slightly:

"Assignment, acceptance."

The corners of Fu Zichen's lips twitched faintly, and his gaze couldn't help stopping on her half-exposed shoulders.

Her shoulders are round and fair, half-hidden and alluring.

Of course, this is just a normal state, the current state is...the white is intertwined with bruises, and the panic is revealing sexy.

"Hand." Fu Zichen coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment.

Although Lin Ziyu felt a little strange, she obediently stretched it out to show him, "Here."

Fu Zichen hadn't paid much attention to how long her nails were, so he wanted to pull them off for her.

With such long nails, is she going to practice Jiuyin White Bone Claw?
No wonder he has been scratched all over by her every night recently.

Fu Zichen's own nails were all neatly trimmed, but he suddenly noticed Lin Ziyu's. He rummaged through the box to find her a nail clipper, and ordered her to cut her nails.

"No, I only had my nails done for more than half a month, and it cost more than 300 yuan. What a pity to cut them." Lin Ziyu said with puffy cheeks, hiding her hands behind her back, and refused without hesitation. over him.

300 yuan is not money, is it?

Why do you need to cut such beautiful nails? !

"Huh!" Fu Zichen snorted coldly, and she didn't agree, so he sat beside her and held her hand to help her trim it himself.

"Husband, don't cut it, okay? Let me keep such beautiful nails."

Lin Ziyu's hand has been retracted countless times, and how many times it has been pulled back by Fu Ziyu, looking at him eagerly, with a sweet and soft voice, delicate to the bone.

However, Fu Zichen was unmoved, and asked indifferently: "If you don't cut it, do you want to keep it for you to scratch me?"

"Then can I not scratch you? Hmm~~husband? Husband, you are the best~~ just keep it for me."

The nails made by nail salons are not nail polish, but glue, and several layers are applied repeatedly. After one layer is applied, it needs to be exposed to ultraviolet light for about 1 minute. Except for professional nail removal tools, it is very harmful to nails.

"Acting like a baby is useless." Fu Zichen refused expressionlessly.

bad guy!

Lin Ziyu curled her lips, straightened up and pecked his lips, and looked at him flatteringly, "Then give you a kiss?"


"Then give you a hug, okay?"


"That, that... come on, you can do whatever you want."

With a "swish", he pulled his clothes off again...

At this time, Fu Zichen rarely even raised his eyelids, and continued to trim her nails seriously: "I just want to trim your nails."

Lin Ziyu: "!!!"

Fu Zichen's nail-cutting skills are similar to her father Lin Jianguo's. The nail clippers are cut against the flesh. After cutting, the fingers are bare and ugly. The nail glue that can't be snapped off is like the nail shell of a nail that hasn't been trimmed for many years. So thick, Lin Ziyu was so angry that he didn't say anything to Fu Zichen.

Whenever he spoke to her, she turned her head away and ignored him.

After doing this three or four times in a row, Fu Zichen realized the seriousness of the matter.

He hugged her shoulder flatteringly: "Shall we go and get a new one?"

"No!" Lin Ziyu finally muffled.

"Then let's go to barbecue? Didn't you say you want to eat barbecue last night?"

Lin Ziyu's ears moved, but she didn't immediately agree.

 That's all for today's update, thank you little fairies for your votes, good night~~ See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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