Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 366 I Was Wrong

Chapter 366 I Was Wrong (4)

She wasn't sure if Fu Zijin had found the restroom, and she wasn't sure if she had returned to the store just now, running around, sweating profusely.

What should she do if she can't be found?
"Hello, is my sister back?" Lin Ziyu asked impatiently as soon as she entered the store.

"No." The clerk shook his head. Seeing her anxious face, he suggested in a low voice, "You can call her..."

She understands that people will automatically ignore certain things when they are nervous.

"She doesn't have a mobile phone." Lin Ziyu was so anxious that she was about to cry.

If Fu Zijin had a mobile phone, she wouldn't be in such a hurry.

"Ah?" The clerk was a little surprised that there are still people who don't use mobile phones in this day and age, and their eyes are round, but when they think that Fu Zijin is not a child anymore, he suggested and comforted Lin Ziyu, "Maybe she is here. I got lost on the road and found something wrong after walking for a while. I should ask passers-by or follow the signs to come back. You wait here for a few minutes, maybe she will come back later, she is not a child anymore, although she does not have a mobile phone, but you Don't worry too much."

"Her mentality is the same as that of a seven or eight-year-old child." Lin Ziyu's heart became heavier after saying this.

When the clerk heard this, she became nervous along with Lin Ziyu for no reason, "Then let's look for it for you. She hasn't been out for a long time, so she should be around here."

"Thank you." Lin Ziyu thanked her sincerely, put the things in the store for the time being, and called Xiao Yu to explain the situation.

Running around the mall aimlessly, breaking down until tears rolled in the eyes.

If something happened to Fu Zijin, how should she explain to Fu Zichen?

While running, he dialed Fu Zichen's phone number. As soon as Fu Zichen's voice came, tears immediately flowed down his face.

"Honey, sister Zijin is missing, I can't find her no matter how hard I look..."

"Hey", Fu Zichen stood up from the chair, his voice was a little unsteady: "When did you disappear, where are you now?"

"I was in MAX shopping. I went to the fitting room to try on clothes 10 minutes ago and they disappeared. The clerk told me that Miss Zijin asked the clerk how to get to the bathroom, but I couldn't find her when I went to the bathroom... I thought we were in I missed it on the way, and I went back to the store, but she still didn't come back..."

"You go to the monitoring room of the shopping mall to adjust the monitoring... I will go there right away."

"Yeah." Lin Ziyu nodded, tears rolled down her cheeks in big drops, wiped away the tears vigorously, and called Yu's phone again: "Yu, you continue to look for him on the third floor. , I'll go to the monitoring room to adjust the monitoring."

"Okay, young lady."

Afterwards, Lin Ziyu found a store nearby and asked them if they knew where the surveillance room of the shopping mall was. Many shop assistants replied that they were only part-time workers and didn't know about it.

After asking seven or eight companies in a row, I found out that the monitoring room is between A1-18 and A1-20 in Area A of the shopping mall.

Lin Ziyu was just a shopper, so she didn't know what A1A2 was. After asking carefully, she found out that it was in the leftmost row on the first floor of the shopping mall.

I took the straight ladder to the first floor, and ran all the way to the left.

I hope Fu Zijin is just lost...

"Hello, my sister got lost on the way to the bathroom in the Dior clothing store on the third floor. Her mind is like that of a seven or eight-year-old child. I'm worried that something happened to her..."

After finding the monitoring room, Lin Ziyu said as soon as she came up that her little face, which was as big as a palm, was crying.

(End of this chapter)

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