Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 371 On a whim

Chapter 371 On a whim (2)

Her waist-length hair was braided into two braids, and she put on a playful short skirt, a gentle long skirt, and a handsome denim suit... Smiling softly at the camera, she vaguely had a sweet look back then.

"Miss Zijin is good at posing, she has a great sense of camera, and she is a natural model." Lin Ziyu twirled a strawberry and handed it to his lips, commenting impartially.

Fu Zichen held it in his mouth, chewed it, and hummed absently.

When we were very young, we took pictures together, and when he stood casually, Fu Zijin would tell him that he would look ugly when he stood like that, and he should pose in such a way that he would look good.

In a blink of an eye, they hadn't taken a group photo for more than ten years, and the most recent one was taken when his little nephew was full moon.

[Sister is beautiful and looks good in anything, even more beautiful than other models. #色##色#]

Lin Ziyu replied to Tang Wanqiu after Fu Zichen finished reading.

After a pause, he typed another line, [Brother Chen also said that sister is gorgeous. 】

Fu Zichen was an old boring coquettish man, his eyes were clearly amazed when he looked at it, but he just hummed indifferently.

He didn't say anything, she spoke for him.

After returning to Tang Wanqiu, she went to see what her mother had sent, and after seeing what it was, a mouthful of strawberry stuck in her throat, and she coughed violently.

Fu Zichen chopped off the half-signed name, immediately put down the pen in his hand, turned around and patted her on the back.

The tone was a little helpless: "No one will grab you, Mrs. Fu."

"I know..." Lin Ziyu's face was flushed from coughing, tears came out of his eyes, he swallowed suddenly, swallowed most of the strawberries abruptly, and then handed him the phone ,"look by youself."

After reading Ms. Li's news, Fu Zichen was not calm. Ruye stared slightly, and wiped away the tears from the corners of Lin Ziyu's eyes with a tissue on the table.

Ask her in turn, "What do you think?"

"Can I delay it for a few more months? My new book has been sent to the editor for review, and I will publish it after the editor nods. I'm afraid that I will. I don't want to do anything but eat and sleep every day, and I don't want to do anything but sleep..."

After two months of marriage, the mother-in-law is not in a hurry, the husband is not in a hurry, but my own mother is in a hurry first.

"Okay." Fu Zichen nodded lightly, and held her catkin with his slender hand.

While Lin Ziyu was recovering from sleep, Ms. Li sent her more than N messages.

【Mom wants to tell you a serious question. 】

[You and Fu Zichen have also received the certificate for two months, have you taken measures, or have you not? 】

[There is a little girl in our unit who graduated last year just like you, but now her baby is about to be born...]

[I'm not married, so it's nonsense to say whether to have a baby or not, but now that it's over, let's hurry up and have a baby while I'm young and in good health.Born early, recovering quickly, you only want your child to cry when you are old. 】

[The first time you brought Fu Zichen home, your father and I thought you were talking because you had a certificate. 】

【Oh, or do you mean that you don't usually get together? 】

[Fu Zichen can't be a silver pewter gun head, it looks good but it doesn't work? 】

[I didn't answer me a word, you won't get up yet, right? 】

Lin Ziyu got up and fell asleep again, so she simply replied: 【Get up now. 】

[Fu Zichen himself said that I'm still young...I'll ask for it later. 】

[Compared to him, of course you are younger. ] Ms. Li replied in seconds.

The corners of Lin Ziyu's lips twitched. It was true for the comparison.

But I still couldn't help but speak for my man, 【He's only thirty, okay, a man has 31 flowers. 】

(End of this chapter)

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