Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 376 Talking Well

Chapter 376 Speak Well (3)

Half an hour after distributing the milk tea, I returned to the office and kept sighing.

There are so many people in the company, if every single person gives her a reason...

How can she let them find their other half and live a life of sexual bliss?
"You have already sighed for the fifth time, Mrs. Fu." Fu Zichen couldn't listen anymore.

"Oh, I'm really worried, husband." Lin Ziyu scratched her long hair.

Why is it so difficult? It is even more difficult than writing novels across themes.

"Huh? All because of what?" Fu Zichen Shi Shiran stood up from the swivel chair and walked straight towards Lin Ziyu.

"Isn't it because of making friends with Li Wenwen..." Lin Ziyu muttered in a low voice, telling him all about distributing milk tea to them and interviewing them by the way, frowning in worry.

"Crane Wenwen is just nagging, don't pay attention to her." Fu Zichen patted her head comfortingly.

"But I promised her..."

She must have lost her mind to agree to such an unreasonable request from Chi Wenwen.

Fu Zichen held her limp and boneless catkin and kissed it on his lips, Ru Ye's eyes were dark and deep, "My wife is so good, she can definitely do it."

After being busy for a while, Fu Zichen took her out for a drive.

After going there, Lin Ziyu found out that it was Long Guang who asked him to play golf, and he asked Fu Zichen indirectly if there were any young talents he could introduce to Long Xiaoxian. He was going to be driven crazy by his father.

Lin Ziyu felt a little bit sorry for Long Guang, and even more for her own man. He looks like a man who doesn't know how to draw red lines.

"Honey, what do you think of Qin Sheng? Why don't you connect Qin Sheng and Long Xiaoxian..."

After thinking for a long time, Lin Ziyu only thought of such a person.

There are quite a few of her classmates who are single, but they are much younger than Long Xiaoxian, and most of the boys don't like to hug gold bricks.

She didn't mention it, Fu Zichen really didn't expect that there was such a high-quality leftover man under his nose.

Immediately, he called Qin Sheng and briefly talked with Qin Sheng. Qin Sheng sprayed his coffee on the computer screen after taking a sip.

It was only three hours since Madam asked, and the boss came to match up.

Premeditated, bare|naked premeditation.

"Hua Hua Hua" took out a few paper towels and wiped the screen.

Weakly asked: "Do you have a picture?"


Last time I had a meal, Long Xiaoxian posted a photo with Lin Ziyu on Moments, and refined the picture.

Fu Zichen found the photo and sent it to Qin Sheng.

[The age looks a bit young. ] After receiving the photo, Qin Sheng returned immediately.

【thirty. 】

【That's not too small...】

【Your photo. 】

This means exchanging photos.

Qin Sheng didn't take many photos at ordinary times, so he flipped through a few hard photos of suits and leather shoes, compared the light, and sent Fu Zichen the ones that were white and tall and smiling.

After receiving the photo, Fu Zichen did not send it directly to Long Xiaoxian, but first sent it to Long Guang to check it out. Long Guang thought it was all right, so he made an appointment for the two to meet.

After that, it is said that on the day they met, the two had a good talk, had dinner together, and watched a movie, but no one fell in love with the other.

"Tell Brother Long that he has to take Xiaoxian to the gym. Xiaoxian is already seriously obese at this weight. What about uric acid, blood pressure and blood sugar should have seriously exceeded the standard... Finding a partner is secondary, but health is the first Ah." Although unfamiliar, Lin Ziyu couldn't help but make a suggestion.

That's not one hundred and thirty four, it's two hundred catties, two hundred catties! !It is more than 1.8 catties heavier than his [-] meters and eight heads.

(End of this chapter)

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