Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 510 Little Secret

Chapter 510 Little Secret

"She scolded me, and Manshen helped me pick it out."

She felt that Zhou Jinyu was also big-hearted. She even found out that it was her Weibo account, but she just changed the Weibo name, and then continued to post on the account from time to time as if nothing happened.

What an amazing woman.

Man Shen, it turned out to be a friend she met while writing a book, Fu Zichen understood.

Then zoomed in on the photo of Zhou Jinyu's po, carefully looked at the details of the ring, and felt that it was no different from the ring advertised by a jewelry advertiser.

What I said to Lin Ziyu was full of desire to survive, "There are many rings like this one, it may not be that the previous one returned to her hand."

"What if it is?" Lin Ziyu looked at him faintly from the corner of his eye, and asked casually.

"Yes, it doesn't mean anything."

"Aren't you wearing the ring from before? She is wearing it. Aren't yours a pair?"

She hadn't noticed what his ring looked like, it seemed like a simple Perkin circle.

"I asked the jewelry store to deal with it as a pair, and what I'm wearing now is a pair with yours." Fu Zichen took her hand with a well-articulated hand and smiled flatteringly.

He has been stupid once, but he can't do it a second time.

Although she might never know that he changed the ring for the rest of his life, he knew it himself, and there was always a knot in his heart, feeling like he was not loyal to her.

"That's about the same." Lin Ziyu pouted and hummed airily.

Although she was dissatisfied with the fact that he and Zhou Jinyu almost got married, what could she do? She was only a sophomore in high school when they were talking about getting married, and she was not yet an adult.

"Mrs. Fu, you seem to have a lot of Weibo."

The atmosphere finally eased, and the two nestled on the sofa to eat fruit...

Uh, Lin Ziyu was lying on Fu Zichen's lap playing with his mobile phone, and he was in charge of feeding.

With a low glance, he scanned the page where she switched Weibo, um, three Weibo accounts.

"Oh, you don't understand...

One is my personal account, that is, the account that is related to you. The Weibo forwarded is full of positive energy, and looks like a good-natured youth.

The other is my author number, on which are the chapter update links, IP adaptation and other forwarding.

The other one is my trumpet, freeing myself, specially used to tear X and chase stars, ahem. "

After thinking about it, she suddenly remembered that she had not only three Weibo accounts, but also a big V who was certified as an actor. However, she hadn't logged in since she stopped receiving notifications.

Hey smiled, "In addition to these three accounts, I used to have an actor account, and there were hundreds of thousands of fans when I opened it... I didn't take care of it later, so I stopped logging in."

That account was the most lively. Some people praised her beauty and acting skills, and some people said that she was not as good as the goddess Meng Lu or Sisi.

Xu Menglu won the best actress award, and Song Sisi won the best newcomer award. They all praised her too much.

"Your division of labor is quite clear." Fu Zichen couldn't help laughing at her after hearing the usefulness of each of her accounts.

"There must be a clear division of labor, otherwise it will be troublesome to tear it apart."

She is most afraid of trouble.

Fu Zichen patted her head with his palms repeatedly, and squinted at her with his long and narrow phoenix eyes.

Yinhong's thin lips moved slightly: "Have you ever thought about tailoring a role for yourself in the script?"

"Well, I haven't thought about it." Lin Ziyu replied in seconds, "I don't act, so why choose a role for myself?"

"Actually, you can treat acting as a hobby. If you have a script you like, you can act. If you don't, you can write a book... If you don't want to write a book someday, you can go to the mountains and rivers every day."

(End of this chapter)

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