Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 518 You Turned White

Chapter 518 You Turned White
They were all neighbors, and Li Lixiang's mother and daughter were trustworthy people, so Xiaoyou gave Li Lixiang the spare key, so that Li Lixiang would not have to knock on the door when he came over, and he would have to jump and jump to open the door.

Although it was a bit embarrassing a few days ago, Li Lixiang still brought him food every day.

The store hadn't been opened for a long time, and he came over to take a look today, but he just happened to meet her.

It must be somewhere that they were destined to meet.

Lin Ziyu stepped into the store and saw Ah Zhen sitting at the front desk while Fu Zijin was standing aside, feeling a bit delicate in the atmosphere.

"Young mistress." Ah Zhen greeted her with a smile when she saw her, showing four white teeth, and her bright smile dazzled her eyes.

"Ah, why does it feel like I haven't seen you for a while, Ah Zhen, have you turned white?" Another thing Lin Ziyu noticed when entering the door was this.

Ah Zhen often runs to the flower market in the store, and usually drives to deliver goods, her skin color is bronze or even darker.

When I saw him today, I felt that he was at least two degrees whiter, but he looked a few years younger.

He is not a few years older than Fu Zichen, but he looks vicissitudes after being exposed to too much sun and not taking care of it.

"A while ago, I was in a small car accident when I was delivering goods. My leg was injured, so I stayed at home to recuperate and didn't go out... It turned white after a while." Ah Zhen smiled, and quietly looked at Fu Zijin, telling her indirectly how it hurt.

"Ah? Then do you want it?" Lin Ziyu was startled, sad that Fu Zijin would come over in a hurry, because he knew he was injured...

She didn't know he was injured when she came, so she came empty-handed.

"It's much better, and the plaster can be removed in ten days and a half months... just can't drive for a short time."

During the peak season, he goes to the flower market almost every day to stock up. Now that it’s just after Qixi Festival, he’s not so busy. If he wants to stock up, he calls his old customers and tells them what flowers he wants to buy and what kind of flowers he wants. The cost is higher than buying by car.

He was injured two days before Qixi Festival, and he moved a small Maza in the house that day and was busy packing.

Fortunately, Xiaoyou could help him before school started, so he asked Xiaoyou to send flowers to Fu Zijin in Phoenix Bay.

Xiaoyou is a very sensible kid. He went to play with Fu Zijin for a long time and kept silent about his injury. When he came back, he brought him many photos of Fu Zijin.

"The body is important, and the other things are put in the back. The body is the capital of the revolution." Lin Ziyu said with a smile. Seeing a lot of real estate advertisements at the front desk, he picked one up and looked at it, and asked casually: "Huh?" , are you planning to buy a house?"

Ah Zhen nodded, "Well... I have saved some savings in the past few years, and I want to buy a small two-bedroom house. The house prices have been rising faster and faster in the past few years, and the speed of making money cannot compare with the speed of house price rises. If you delay, you will buy more Great."

"This is..."

Lin Ziyu casually flipped through the leaflets he was reading, "Well...these you saw were off-plan houses. The ones that will be handed over next year...Are you in a hurry to move in?"

She had worked in the sales department for three months before, so she knew this area quite well.

"There's no rush right now..."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help looking at Fu Zijin again.

The place where he and Xiaoyou live now is rented, and the rent is also a considerable expense.

After buying a house, although the mortgage is much higher than the rent, the house is at least your own.

"Then you can buy an off-plan house... The newly opened houses in your neighborhood are still okay. However, if you buy it, you have to go to the sales department to see it. These advertisements are all intermediaries, and the intermediary fee is also a lot of money."

(End of this chapter)

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