Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 534 Contest

Chapter 534 Contest (5)

When Wen Li relayed Zhou Jinyu's words to Fu Zichen, Fu Zichen was still outside and just asked her to tell Zhou Jinyu that Tang Wanqiu was fine.

The boss replied as he said, and Wen Li relayed Fu Zichen's words to Zhou Jinyu.

"My mother is fine." Fu Zichen's original words were like this. After hearing this, Zhou Jinyu became more certain that something must have happened, and asked Wen Li to help her ask Tang Wanqiu which hospital she was in, so she could go there.

"No, my wife is taking care of it." Fu Zichen's reply was still concise and clear.

This stall should avoid suspicion or avoid suspicion.

When he rushed from the hospital to the detention center, he saw Fu Zidong and Zhang Jingrong taking Fu Sishen away in a low-key way with dozens of people, watching their family leave across the road, stroking the watch on his wrist with his slender fingers, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"Sorry, boss." Qin Sheng, who came to the detention center early in the morning, bowed deeply to him.

He entrusted him with such an important matter, but he could only watch helplessly as Fu Zidong led someone to pick Fu Sishen away.

"No problem." Fu Zichen's thin lips parted slightly, and his voice was so low that there was no trace of warmth or waves.

If he was there, he might not be able to stop Fu Zidong.

After Qin Sheng got into the car, he handed over the iPad in his bag to Fu Zichen, "Boss, you asked me to investigate a few days ago. Currently, there are three samples that meet the requirements. Take a look."

Fu Zichen just flipped through it casually, and then returned the iPad to Qin Sheng, "Go to the hospital for sampling."

Zhou Jinyu told him that his little nephew's disappearance might be related to Zhang Jingrong, so he asked Tang Wanqiu if Zhang Jingrong had told her before that he would send his little nephew away, and even contacted the adoptive family.

"Jing Rong did suggest to me to send Xiao Yu away before, but I refused." Tang Wanqiu did not deny that Zhang Jingrong had suggested this to her.

Later, she told him that when the child disappeared, she immediately asked Zhang Jingrong. Zhang Jingrong also had a dazed face, and said that her relatives in the countryside who had been infertile for many years would come to the city to see the child in a few days. No, how would she explain to them.

At that time, Fu Zichen just said a faint "um", and he had already outlined the general development direction of the matter in his heart.

It is very likely that Zhang Jingrong made the initiative to send Xiao Yu away.

Just, why would she do this?
When a child disappears, the first thought is not to find the child, but to worry about how to explain to relatives?

He asked people to go to Zhang Jingrong's hometown, and after investigation, there were three children who matched the age.

He was not sure which of them was his little nephew, and he was even less sure that it would be among them, so he had to do a relative test first and then make a decision.


At this time, Zhang Jingrong's residence.

Fu Zidong lazily leaned on the sofa drinking tea, Zhang Jingrong squatted down and peeled apples with low eyebrows, Fu Sishen looked out the window with disheveled hair, the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

"Shouldn't you explain why you messed with Ah Chen?" Fu Zidong held the delicate purple sand teacup with his fingertips, his eyes sharply swept towards Fu Sishen, and his voice was not angry but mighty.

Hmph, is your family fighting against your own family? Do you engage in infighting? !
Zhang Jingrong's ears twitched, her brows and eyes were still drooping and she couldn't see the emotion in her eyes, she was already panicking, the peel of the apple that had been cut to the same size suddenly broke, gouging out a large piece of flesh.

Fu Sishen's temperament has changed drastically recently. Unlike before, she just said what she said and talked back first-rately.

Silently, he cut the peeled apples into pieces and stacked them on the plate, and carefully inserted the toothpicks before stacking them in front of Fu Zidong.

(End of this chapter)

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