Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 569 New Skills

Chapter 569 New Skills (2)

When she got up the next day, Lin Ziyu went to the study on the third floor to teach Fu Zijin how to shop online.

Although many keys on the keyboard are broken, it doesn't affect the use.

"I want to buy clothes for Xiaoyou and Ah Zhen. I haven't bought anything for them yet." Fu Zijin stood aside and watched Lin Ziyu operate, smiling a little embarrassedly.

"Then you choose some clothes for them." Lin Ziyu gave her the seat in front of the computer.

Of course, she used her account for shopping. Fu Zichen made intimate payment for her, and everything she bought would be deducted from Fu Zichen's account, so she didn't have to worry about money at all.

It was the first time Fu Zijin came into contact with online shopping, and it felt quite strange. After looking at it, I felt that this one was good, that one was good, this one was cheap, that one was also cheap, and I felt that I would suffer if I didn’t buy it. a lot.

Lin Ziyu is an experienced online shopper, so she showed Fu Zijin one more time before paying. She didn't want to buy anything with a bad reputation, and compared similar ones, she chose the one with high cost performance.

Pick and choose, there are not a few sets left in the end.

"Why don't you just fill in A Zhenna's address? Maybe it will arrive, and I can't send it to him right away for a try."

When placing an order, Lin Ziyu suggested it.

"Well, fill in Ah Zhen's." Fu Zijin nodded in agreement, and casually gave the address and phone number of Ah Zhen's store.

Then, after a few days, Ah Zhen had to sign for several packages every day, wondering who bought things for him.

Fu Zijin's first thought was also Fu Zijin, but Fu Zijin used his cell phone secretly, and would contact him only in case of emergency. She probably wouldn't do online shopping.

"You can ask mom, maybe mom just learned it." Seeing more and more packages piled up in the store, Xiaoyou frowned childishly.

After signing for more than a dozen packages in a row, the father and son didn't open them to see what was inside, and they were still discussing how to send them back.

"Then I'll call and ask her."

Now it's broad daylight, of course the call is from the Phoenix Bay landline.

"Zijin, have you learned how to shop online?"

As soon as Fu Zijin answered the phone, Ah Zhen asked straight to the point.

"Well, Ziyu taught me." Fu Zijin agreed with a smile.

Hearing that it was her, Ah Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled helplessly, "Why did you buy so many?"

"Have you tried it?" Fu Zijin calmly changed the subject.

"Um, not yet."

I don't know who bought it, and he still wants to return it.

"Then go and try it, and tell me if it suits you." Fu Zijin lowered his voice and looked in the direction of the kitchen warily.

At present, only Lin Ziyu knows that she is well, and she is still the same in front of others.

"it is good."

Before hanging up the phone, I couldn't help but say: "You, don't buy me things randomly... You keep the money for yourself."

The card she gave him, the last time she came over, she went to the ATM to check the balance, and there were more than 100 million in it, and she transferred all of it to his account at once, saying that he was going to buy it for Xiaoyou.

He himself has lived frugally and hasn't saved that much money for several years, and his heart is very complicated.

"Got it, got it, go and try it."

Fu Zijin didn't like what he divided between you and me, so he urged him to try on clothes quickly.

"It's mom, right?"

Seeing the helplessness on Ah Zhen's face, Xiao You knew the answer.

"Yeah." Ah Zhen nodded.

When I got home for the test at night, I sent a photo to Fu Zijin.

Fu Zijin's cell phone was bought for her secretly by him, and the two of them would contact each other secretly if something happened.

(End of this chapter)

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