Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 576 Virtuous

Chapter 576 Virtuous (5)

He was very, very hungry before looking for something to eat, and he couldn't even wait two or three ten minutes for the delivery of food. How could he wait for her for half an hour?
"Yes." Lin Ziyu nodded without hesitation, paused, and looked up at him, "Can you... know how to cook?"

"It should be." Fu Zichen told her very irresponsibly.

Turn around and go downstairs to search how to cook noodles...

Then, follow the steps step by step.

Lin Ziyu also knew that his food and clothing had been taken care of by someone since he was a child, and after typing hundreds of words, he still went downstairs to have a look.

Well, it turns out that he is still doing pretty well, except that his movements are not very fluent.

Fu Zichen followed the steps of the Internet, cracked two eggs in the noodles, and prepared chopped green onions.

It’s just that the scallions are cut a bit long, the eggs still have eggshells, and the noodles...

Some are soft, some are hard, and some are mushy.

However, after all, it is the first time to cook, and it is worthy of praise for making it like this.

"It's great, my husband. You don't look like a novice at all. If you cook it two or three times more, it will be better than mine." Lin Ziyu hugged him from behind, and kissed him on the lips rewardingly.

After all, it was the fruit of his own labor. Although the taste was not good, Fu Zichen ate it deliciously like never before, and even came up with an idea that he was very talented in this area.

Confidently boasting to Lin Ziyu, "I'll cook for you when I have time."

Lin Ziyu was stunned for a moment. He had just learned how to cook noodles and was about to cook for her. Was he about to run as soon as he knew how to walk?

Turning his eyes for a while, without breaking his confidence, he nodded with a smile, "Well, good~"

With love, I wiped out the full bowl of noodles. When eating, I kept reminding myself that this bowl of noodles was the first bowl of noodles he cooked for her. It was very, very, very delicious, yes, very, very delicious, it was simply delicious in the world what.

After sucking and sucking, the little paw touched the round belly, and burped by the way, so full that he didn't want to move.

Leaning on the chair and looking at the person sitting opposite, he said with a smile, "My husband~"


"After cooking the noodles, don't you have to learn to wash the dishes?"

At home, she only knows how to wash and choose vegetables. Either Ms. Li or Lin Jianguo cooks and cooks. She pays for all the dishes.


If he cooks, will the task of washing dishes fall on her shoulders again?

She doesn't like washing dishes at all.

Seeing her fawning smile, Fu Zichen knew that she was fooling him into doing things.

Nodding helplessly, "Yeah."

Then, he started his dishwashing career, and Lin Ziyu was only responsible for standing aside and helping.

It's the same in the Ginkgo community now. He is in charge of washing the dishes, and Lin Ziyu is in charge of washing.

"Why is my husband so nice?" Lin Ziyu raised her head and looked at him with a smile on her face when she was about to wash, begging him for a kiss with her lips pursed.

Still holding the plate in his hand, Fu Zichen lowered his head and pecked her lips, the corners of his lips slowly curled up.

In fact, cooking and washing dishes are also very good, if she is with her.

Ms. Li poured a glass of water and walked towards the bedroom. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the two kissing in the kitchen. The old face blushed, and her pace involuntarily quickened.

These two kids are really...

Okay, she doesn't have to worry about their relationship problems.

Lin Jianguo lay down on the bed to rest after drinking too much, his face was blushing, and when he saw Ms. Li carrying water into the bedroom, he smiled cheerfully, "It's better to be my wife."

(End of this chapter)

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