Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 592 Who Is More Stupid?

Chapter 592 Who Is More Stupid?
Jump up with open arms and hug him tightly.

By the way, he closed the bedroom door.

"Why did you come back so early tonight?" Lin Ziyu hugged his neck tightly and looked up at him, panting slightly.

I haven't looked at him well for a few days, why do I feel that he has lost weight?
"Come back when you're done." Fu Zichen looked at her with burning eyes, and he hadn't looked at her for several days.

Lin Ziyu grinned, looked into his eyes like water, and said softly, "Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook noodles for you?"

"Hungry." Fu Zichen blinked his long and narrow eyes, a smile rippling on the corners of his lips, his voice lowered a lot
Lin Ziyu understood.


two hours later.

"Honey, what have you been up to these days? I feel like you've lost weight." Lin Ziyu poked his cheek with her fingertips.

Fu Zichen grabbed her little paw, and the corners of his lips curled slightly, "Work."

Lin Ziyu: "..."

Looking at his side face gently, "Then no matter how busy you are, you must remember to eat on time, and I don't like it no matter how thin you are... It hurts to hug you."

"Well, listen to my wife." Fu Zichen blinked his eyes, and his soft|soft lips slid across her palm, "Shall we have dinner together tomorrow?"

It felt like they hadn't eaten together for a long time.

Lin Ziyu pinched his earlobe with the other, "I can do it, it depends on your time."

After finishing speaking, he asked him why Chen Yuanyan was at their house, "Didn't I make an appointment with you today? If you didn't come, I changed the appointment with Yuanyuan and the others. Afterwards, it was too late to drink tea at home. Let her go back, it's not safe to take a taxi at night."


After a pause of two or three seconds, he raised his hand to touch her blushing face, and said, "When you have time, go out for a stroll more often. Staying at home every day makes yourself stupid."

"No way." Lin Ziyu glanced at him sideways, and curled her glistening lips, "Isn't there still you in this house? With you here, how could it be so easy to be stupid..."

Quarrel with him from time to time to develop brain power to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

"Stupid wife." Fu Zichen scratched the tip of her nose with his index finger, and started to trick her in a moment of inattention.

Lin Ziyu stared, and instantly got a new title: "Silly husband."

"Silly wife."

"Silly husband~~"

"You are the most beautiful."

"You are the most handsome..."


"You are the most handsome."


Lin Ziyu: "..."

Usually, when he was on a business trip or something, he would not see her for a few days, and Fu Zichen would drag her to lie on the bed when he got home, but this time he dragged her out of the bed early in the morning.

Lin Ziyu stared at his sleepy eyes again and ran mechanically behind him.

Recently he went to bed late and got up early, she woke up and almost met him, he didn't care if she ate well or slept well, but she didn't exercise much recently, Lin Ziyu was on the verge of breaking out.

But as he was running behind, the breeze blew, and he woke up, clutching his clothes shamelessly.

Looking at the back of his head, he moaned, "I have short legs, can you slow down a bit?"

Fu Zichen: "..."

Suddenly he was not stingy with his exaggeration, "Your legs are relatively long among girls."

But it's really short compared to him.

Who made her short.

"No matter how long it is, it's not as long as you!" Lin Ziyu's eyes bent.

Most men's body proportions are not as good as women's, but he is the golden ratio of the model standard. When a photo is taken, the screen is full of long legs.

(End of this chapter)

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