Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 699 Luckily

Chapter 699 Luckily (3)

At that time, Fu Zichen's room was on the left, while Fu Zidong's was on the right.

Zhang Jingrong intentionally ordered someone to send Fu Zidong, who was drunk at the party, to the first left.

Then, draw the curtains again and close the door.

The water that Fu Zidong drank was actually seasoned, but he drank a little too much and didn't think about those things when he got a fever.

Wen Ruyun was really uncomfortably hot, so after hesitating for a while, she went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Wen Ruyun, you are hopeless, how can you think of such a thing at this time!!"

When I came out of the bathroom, I found that the room was pitch black, and I fumbled for the switch indiscriminately, with my heart pounding.

She didn't close the curtains when she went to take a shower. Did Fu Zichen come back?

Relying on memory, I reached the bed.

She remembered that there was a light by the bed.

When she touched the bed, she also smelled alcohol.

He reached out to the person on the bed, "Ah Chen, are you drunk?"

But when she woke up after the absurdity, the person lying beside her was not the one she was thinking of.

At that time, Fu Zichen went to Lin's house to carry Lin Ziyu's luggage, and accompanied Fu Siqi and Lin Ziyu to wait for the plane at the airport. He had to go back to Shanhaihui only to realize that his girlfriend was still in the mansion...

It was only when we arrived at the mansion that everyone's expressions became more and more exciting.

Fu Zidong blushed and had a thick neck, Zhang Jingrong's face was ashen, Fu Sishen's complexion was complicated, Wen Ruyun burst into tears...

"What's wrong?" Fu Zichen frowned, and asked lightly.

However, none of the four men answered his question.

So he raised his voice: "Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Little uncle..." Fu Sishen called Fu Zichen weakly, and immediately lowered his head, his voice almost crying, "I'm's all my's all my fault..."

Later, Ai Ai revealed what happened during the three hours or so that Fu Zichen was away.

After Fu Zichen heard this, his face darkened instantly.

Thinking about Wen Ruyun taking a bath, how could Fu Zidong sleep in his room by such a coincidence, and he was still drunk.

He doesn't quite believe the so-called disorderly sex after drinking...

Because according to his personal standards, he just wants to sleep well when he is drunk.

At that time, Fu Zichen smelled a hint of conspiracy.

The phoenix eyes glanced at Fu Zidong and Zhang Jingrong and his wife coldly: "What are Brother Dong and sister-in-law going to do?"

Although nothing happened between Fu Zichen and Wen Ruyun for two years together, but Wen Ruyun was his girlfriend no matter what.It was undoubtedly a severe slap in the face for such a thing to happen in his own home.

Asked by him, Fu Zidong turned his face away in shame, while Zhang Jingrong remained silent...

It was Fu Zichen who personally sent Wen Ruyun home that day. In the car, Wen Ruyun cried so much that she was about to faint...

On the third day after that incident, Fu Zidong also responded——

Transfer a villa and a shop under his name to Wen Ruyun.

But she never expected that a month later, Wen Ruyun would become pregnant.

Fu Sixhen knew Wen Ruyun's menstrual period well, and when planning with Zhang Jingrong, he even carefully calculated Wen Ruyun's ovulation period.

Fu Sishen told Zhang Jingrong what stage Wen Ruyun and Fu Zichen had reached, but when Wen Ruyun was pregnant, Zhang Jingrong deliberately said in a weird way: "Who knows whether the child belongs to Ah Chen or Brother Dong."

(End of this chapter)

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