Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 701 That's Your Illusion

Chapter 701 That's Your Illusion (1)

Lin Ziyu gained a lot of weight in the past two months, and couldn't fit in many clothes.

Because of the official announcement, Weibo was as lively as Chinese New Year, but she and Fu Zichen were shopping in the mall.

After walking for more than half an hour, she refused to leave.

Of course, she was not tired, but hungry.

Paw touched his stomach, and looked at his man with aggrieved eyes: "Husband, the baby said he was hungry."

In view of her frequent hunger recently, her coquettish words have changed from "husband, I'm hungry" to "husband, the baby is hungry", completely shifting the responsibility to the two unborn babies.

"Let's go eat." Fu Zichen tilted his head and pecked her on the lips.

Within an hour, there was another report on the Internet that Lin Ziyu's abdomen was slightly protruding and she was suspected of being pregnant.

Kunhua conveyed the news to Fu Zichen immediately, and Fu Zichen also responded generously——

[Yes, Mrs. Fu and I are now parents-to-be and mother-to-be. 】

In fact, it's time for dinner now, but it's just that Lin Ziyu left after eating a big bowl of noodles two hours ago...

Fu Zichen was really worried that she wouldn't be able to lose weight after giving birth.

She is so stinking and beautiful, how can she bear her bloated figure.

On the way to the food city, the two discussed what to eat later.

Of course, Fu Zichen depends on his wife's choice.

When they arrived at the gate of the food city, they even met an acquaintance.

"Come to eat?" Lin Ziyu glanced at the cute little girl beside Lu Yicheng, and winked at Lu Yicheng maliciously.

Oops, it's okay, bachelors have girlfriends for thousands of years.

He still doesn't admit that he likes soft and cute little girls like Lin Yinyin, man, duplicity!
Lu Yicheng didn't expect to meet her here, so he nodded unnaturally, "Yeah."

【Brother Yicheng, when did you get your girlfriend?Let's drink together at night~] Lin Ziyu followed Lu Yicheng's words aboveboard.

Lu Yicheng: 【No time tonight. 】

I can't drink even if you are free, Lin Ziyu patted her stomach.

【Ouch, I understand~~Brother Yicheng, have a nice date~~】

When I looked up, I found that the face of the man sitting opposite was completely black, as if someone owed him billions.

Su put her hand on the back of his hand, and asked cautiously: "Well, what's the matter, husband? Are you tired of eating hot pot? But I just want to eat hot pot..."

Speaking of the latter, the voice was lowered, as much as he was aggrieved.

As long as conditions permit, she is OK to eat hot pot for ten consecutive days and half a month.

"It's not about the hot pot." Fu Zichen rolled his eyes helplessly. His dark eyes fixed on Lin Ziyu's eyes. Very cold: "Are you happy to see your ex-boyfriend?"

"Ah? Ex-boyfriend?" Lin Ziyu opened her mouth slightly, "Why didn't I know when I met my ex-boyfriend?"

Weird, weird!

Fu Zichen only regarded her as a three-year-old fool, and glanced at her with his long and narrow phoenix eyes, "The boy I met at the gate of the food city just now."

"Huh? Which boy?"

For a while, Lin Ziyu really couldn't remember who she had met. After all, she only had an ex-boyfriend, Chen Lin.

Fu Zichen felt that she was pretending to be stupid, so he hummed dissatisfied, with an arrogant look on his face.

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Ziyu remembered that he met Lu Yicheng and Lu Yicheng's girlfriend at the gate of the food city.

Uncertainly asked: "You don't mean Brother Yicheng, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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