Chapter 708

"Husband, don't you give your lovely wife and two lovely babies a New Year's money?"

Lin Ziyu raised the three red envelopes in his hand, caressed his belly with plain hands, and asked some people with a smile.

Fu Zichen paused, and reached out to tap her on the head: "You are in your twenties, what do you want for New Year's money? No matter how much you press, you won't grow taller."

"Then you're not going to give it?" Lin Ziyu put his hands on his small waist, oh no, bucket waist, and squinted at Fu Zichen with a smile on his face.

Little sample, he dared to say no, but she couldn't guarantee that she would beat him up.

"It's not intended, but it's true." Fu Zichen looked like giving up the treatment, but in the blink of an eye he wrapped a super big red envelope for Xiaoyou.

There is also Fu Zijin who is a sister, and Tang Wanqiu who is a mother.

In front of Tang Wanqiu and Fu Zijin, Lin Ziyu managed to remain calm, but as soon as the door was closed, she lay on the bed and did not wash up.

Aggrieved, she looked at a man who was looking for pajamas and was about to take a bath: "I'm still a cute baby, and you didn't give me the New Year's money, it's too bad for you."

"How can the baby have such a big belly?" Fu Zichen turned his head and swept her slightly swollen belly.

Lin Ziyu curled her lips, and patted the bulge with her hands: "There are babies inside, and there are still two of them."

"How did I hear you were a baby just now?"

"You heard it wrong, the baby is inside."

Fu Zichen put the selected pajamas on the sofa, walked towards the crooked and paralyzed person on the bed with long legs, bowed his head and pecked her on the lips.

He said to her in a coaxing tone: "It's getting late, can I go take a bath first? Wife."

"No, I want to watch the year, it's still early." Lin Ziyu reached out and pushed his chest.

I didn't say anything, I still want to eat tofu, I think it's beautiful.

"Pfft, I don't think you can make it past twelve o'clock." Fu Zichen shaved her small nose and looked at her tenderly, but Lin Ziyu curled his lips and turned his face away from him: "You Don't look down on people, I will definitely last until twelve o'clock."

Before she was pregnant, she could stay up late until three or four in the morning, but after she became pregnant, she became sleepy, wanting to sleep every day.

Recently, it was after nine o'clock, and I was sleepy by ten o'clock. I usually walked around after eating, and went back to the room to wash and sleep.

Fu Zichen tilted his head following her, and pecked her lips again, with a faint smile in his voice: "I hid the lucky money in the room, you found it, it's all yours, if you can't find it... Uh huh, next year Keep looking."

When the New Year's money was mentioned, Lin Ziyu was full of energy, and quickly got up to rummage through the boxes.

And Fu Zichen didn't help, he rested his hands behind his head and looked at her anxiously.


He found out that after she was pregnant, her daily physical activity became smaller, almost to zero, so he encouraged her to exercise more.

"What did you wrap it in?"

I looked for the bedside table, I looked for the TV cabinet, I looked for Lin Ziyu for the dressing table, but there was nothing there.

She has a big belly, so he shouldn't embarrass her as a pregnant woman, right?

Make things difficult for her, and when she gives birth to the baby, she will take the baby together... and beat him up.

"Of course the New Year's money should be wrapped in red." Fu Zichen answered calmly.

"What kind of red envelope? Is it hidden deep? Is it thick or thin? Is it hidden high or low?"

She didn't believe that she didn't look for the so-called red envelope, unless he wasn't prepared at all.

(End of this chapter)

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