Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 710 Give You a Chance to Show

Chapter 710 Give You a Chance to Show (2)

"Yes, soft-boiled eggs are the best."

Lin Ziyu, who just put on a knitted sweater after taking a shower, smelled the fragrance and came here.

"Happy New Year, little aunt." Xiaoyou turned her head and smiled at Lin Ziyu, strode forward and opened the chair of the dining table for Lin Ziyu to sit on.

Pregnant women are preferred.

"Happy New Year, Xiaoyou." Lin Ziyu patted his head, pulled away the chair next to her and patted it: "Come and sit here, Xiaoyou."

"Thank you, little aunt." Xiao You thanked politely before sitting on it lightly.

But Lin Ziyu's eyes were on her busy man: "Happy New Year, Mr. Fu."

"Happy New Year, Mrs. Fu." Fu Zichen glanced at her at the dining table from the corner of his eye, and fried six eggs in total before putting breakfast on the table one after another.

When Xiaoyou was three or four years old, she would help Ah Zhen serve the dishes, and when she saw Fu Zichen serving breakfast, she immediately stood up to help.

“Eggs are delicious.”

"The pumpkin and millet porridge is delicious."

"The three delicacies soup is delicious."

“The ham is delicious...”

On the first day of the new year, Fu Zichen received a wave of rainbow farts from his wife.

For Tang Wanqiu's mother and Fu Zijin's sister, it was the first time in 31 years that they ate breakfast made by Fu Zichen, and the taste was quite good.

"Ah Chen is hiding something." After eating and drinking enough, Fu Zijin laughed and teased Fu Zichen.

In terms of cooking skills, she always thought that he and her were the same, but she didn't expect that there was a big gap.

After studying with Ah Zhen for two months, the only thing she can barely come up with is scrambled eggs with tomato, which is quite a bit worse than Xiaoyou.

As far as his father and son kept saying that she was great, every time she scrambled tomatoes and eggs, they both ate them all out of shame.

"It was Mrs. Fu who gave me the chance to show off." Fu Zichen turned his attention to Lin Ziyu who was playing checkers with Xiaoyou.

When Lin Ziyu heard this, his eyes turned, and he looked up at Fu Zichen with a smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely give you more opportunities like this in the future."


She can't cook either.

There is no such talent.

She stopped messing around.

"Hahaha, then Ah Chen, you have to behave well." Fu Zijin rolled his eyes.

The tableware used for breakfast was cleaned up by Ah Zhen. After cleaning up, he made tea for everyone.

The chess game between Lin Ziyu and Xiaoyou, within a few minutes, there were several more onlookers...

After all, Lin Ziyu got Fu Zichen's true biography, and it took no effort to trick Xiaoyou, which made Fu Zijin and Ah Zhen, who were abused by Xiaoyou every day, doubt their lives.

"I want to fight too, I want to fight too."

At the end of the game, Fu Zijin clamored to join the team.

"Little aunt is very powerful." Xiaoyou couldn't help reminding her mother in a low voice.

Fu Zijin: "..."

"Mom will do her best, son." She stretched out her hand and rubbed Xiaoyou's little head. When Xiaoyou moved the seat to her, she was so excited that she rolled up her sleeves, as if she was ready to have a big fight.

Ah Zhen, who was watching the battle, laughed so hard that he almost lost his eyes: "Come on, Zijin."

Fu Zichen believed in his own skills, and also believed in his wife's comprehension ability, so he just sat behind Lin Ziyu with his arms and legs spread out and continued to watch the battle. From time to time, he would squeeze her shoulders and feed her a fruit to loosen her or something.

"Sister Zijin, you go first." The person who won the first battle twitched his eyebrows, and couldn't hide the satisfied smile at the corners of his eyes.

"Then I won't be polite." Fu Zijin's eyes rolled around the chessboard, and he quickly picked up the beads and took a step.

 Thank you little fairies for your votes and rewards, good night~

  see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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