Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 713 We Are Us

Chapter 713 We Are Us (3)

"Fighting against you, 1V1 is not fair, I am doing it for the sake of real fairness." Long Xiaoxian smiled squintingly, as cunning as a little fox.

When Lin Ziyu heard this, he also took a look at Fu Zichen: "Look, Xiaoxian is the real one, and you can see the unfairness at a glance."

Fu Zichen: "..."

It's just that there are no people on both sides of him.

Today's Phoenix Bay is lively, Long Xiaoxian and Long Chengyi only came for a while, Fu Siqi and Tang Xuxiao also came, and also brought Fu Sixhen, it looks like they just came after visiting the mansion.

Fu Sichen met Xiaoyou last time, and when he met again today, he fell in love with this little brother, followed behind Xiaoyou's buttocks and shouted sweetly.

In the first year of marriage, Fu Zichen also wrapped a big red envelope for Fu Siqi, a niece, and Fu Siqi felt embarrassed.

"No matter how old you are, you are still not a little girl in his eyes." Lin Ziyu joked with a smile.

"You're a little girl too." Fu Zichen looked at her with burning eyes, Lin Ziyu's eyes were bent, and he waved his hand to let him go: "Got it, hubby."

When Fu Zichen left, Fu Siqi took Lin Ziyu's hand and said to her mysteriously: "Well, didn't we meet Lu Si when we had dinner together a year ago, and then he suddenly asked me if I knew you? A very cute little girl... He seems to be interested in that girl, and he was busy before, so I forgot."

"Ah? He still doesn't give up?" Lin Ziyu stared at her almond eyes, turned her head to look in the direction of the stairs, lowered her voice and said to Fu Siqi, "The girl is down there."

"Ah?" Now Fu Siqi was shocked again, the only girl below...wasn't Long Xiaoxian?
Coco is cute?
The corners of her lips twitched faintly, and Lu Si's eyes... were indeed too cute.

However, when he thought that Lu Si had chased him before, his expression almost cracked.

She personally feels that there is still a little gap between her and Long Xiaoxian, at least in terms of tonnage, the difference is seventy to eighty catties.

"Hmm~~" Lin Ziyu nodded her chin. From the bottom of her heart, she admired Lu Si's perseverance. She told her about meeting Lu Si at her wedding, and Lu Si repeatedly asking her for Long Xiaoxian's contact information. After telling Fu Siqi, Fu Siqi raised her eyebrows while listening, somehow feeling that Lu Si was quite persistent.

Xiaopang touched his chin: "I think he should be serious."

"Hmm..." Lin Ziyu also nodded, and then he spread his hands helplessly: "It's just that Xiaoxian doesn't give it, so I can't help it. He was so ridiculous before, don't you think so?"

As for the absurdity, both of them more or less knew it.

"My dad wasn't ridiculous before, but now..." Fu Siqi paused at this point.

She wanted to say that she and Wen Ruyun were not on good terms now, but then she thought that Fu Zidong was still in the detention center...

His dark eyes were stained with sadness.

Lin Ziyu reached out and hugged her waist, looked at the white snow outside the window, and said the second part of the words for her in a very soft voice: "It's fine now. He is responsible, dedicated, and a qualified father. "

Fu Siqi nodded: "Mmm..."

He lowered his head, his eyes slowly filled with tears.

Opening his eyes forcefully, trying to force back the tears, he said softly, "I'm sorry, Ziyu. I'm sorry...I didn't expect my dad to do such a thing. I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

(End of this chapter)

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