Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 719 Work hard

Chapter 719 Work hard (5)

She can't sit in the seat of two people by herself.

Long Xiaoxian was embarrassed, touched the tip of his nose resentfully, and thanked the two children: "Thank you children, but Auntie just wandered around casually, you continue to sit."

As soon as the words fell, the round body almost ran away.

A few days ago, Long Xiaoxian went back immediately after getting off the gym. Today, he walked around in circles for a long time. When he reached the parking lot, it was already getting dark. Long Chengyi called her in the middle and asked her It's not that I was delayed by something, why I haven't gone back yet.

"Dad, I'm shopping."

In order not to worry Long Chengyi, Long Xiaoxian concealed the fact that he was wandering around.

As he walked and smelled the aroma of grilled skewers, his stomach let out a "gurgling" sound, so loud that Long Xiaoxian's face turned red.

Covering his stomach with his hands, his eyes looked around, looking for the location of the barbecue stand.

I saw a small stall set up about 80 meters away, and the fan was blowing, blowing smoke from the charcoal fire, and wafting around with the aroma of barbecue.

For a week in a row, he only ate diet meals, with little salt and sugar, and the faint smell of barbecue was really tempting to Long Xiaoxian, so he couldn't help but move towards it.

However, I didn’t order anything. I just stood at a position of about ten meters and smelled the smell. I enjoyed it. I dragged my hands in my pockets and swallowed my saliva several times. My mind automatically added mutton skewers, beef skewers, and grilled oysters. , palm treasure and other skewers taste.

"Are you waiting for someone?" The sudden voice startled Long Xiaoxian, and when she turned her head in astonishment, she saw Lu Si in a camel coat looking at her with complicated eyes.

He repeatedly asked Lin Ziyu about his contact information. Long Xiaoxian still had some impressions, but he never expected to meet him.

A thought flashed through his mind, would he ask himself for contact information in the street?

Shaking his head, he ran away.

In other words, she might not be able to run before, but after exercising for several days, she ran to the parking lot in one breath, got in the car, started the engine, stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Lu Si, who was frozen in place, fell into deep self-doubt, is he really that bad?
[I ran into Lu Si on the street today, and it scared me to death. 】

After dinner, Lin Ziyu was lazily watching the drama in Fu Zichen's arms, when she suddenly received such a message from Long Xiaoxian.

【what?Did he do anything excessive? ] Lin Ziyu straightened up immediately.

That guy Lu Si has a lot of ex-corkers, so he wouldn't have done something shocking in the public, right?

[No, he just asked me who I was waiting for, I shook my head and ran away...]


[If I meet you again, I will play by ear. 】

Long Xiaoxian: [Yes, that's the only way to go. 】

"Husband, do you know Lu Si?" Lin Ziyu nestled in her man's arms again. He had a faint cologne on him. He had never smoked since she was pregnant. There was less smell of smoke and more A little warm.

"Him?" Fu Zichen raised his eyebrows with great interest, "I don't really understand."

The two had drank together before when they had the same bad reputation, but they were just casual acquaintances.

Searching through the few impressions I met with Lu Si, I gave a very pertinent evaluation: "Apart from liking the new and disliking the old, there are no major shortcomings."

"Pfft—isn't liking the new and dislike the old considered a major shortcoming?" Lin Ziyu laughed so hard that her eyes rolled.

Does he hurt Lu Si by saying this? !
(End of this chapter)

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