Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 738 The predecessor's predecessor 2

Chapter 738 The predecessor's predecessor 2
Then, the two were together again.

"How do you know such a thing?" Lin Ziyu looked at Fu Zichen with scrutiny.

How could he be so clear about the resurgence of ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend?

Fu Zichen saw that you still cared about her, so he patted her little head with a twist of his finger.

"Where did you think? Is your husband the kind of person who has no integrity?"

"Not sure." Lin Ziyu looked him up and down seriously.

Fu Zichen: "..."

He pulled her back into his arms, lowered his head and ravaged her soft lips.

He laughed softly, "Little vinegar jar."

"No, I'm not." Lin Ziyu categorically denied it, turned black and white, and smiled cheerfully: "I'm obviously a big jealousy."

After speaking, I still counted with my fingers, "First, I don't like you to have too much contact with other women; second, you can't watch too much; third, you can't even think about it. You are only allowed to love me, look at me, and hug me , kiss me, love me."

"Pfft, that's really a big vinegar vat." Fu Zichen looked down at the smiling person, pressed his forehead against hers, and said in a gentle voice, "But I just love this big vinegar vat very much."

"It's okay if you don't love, and you can only love this person." Lin Ziyu pouted and pointed to her own fair cheeks, her eyes were as gentle as water, but her tone was full of domineering.

Fu Zichen tapped her little nose with his fingertips, and stared at her with fiery eyes: "I will always love this person for the rest of my life."

"Me too, I have always loved this person." Lin Ziyu smiled slightly, and brushed his red lips with his fingertips, revealing the tenderness in the room.

Knowing that Zhou Jinyu is in a relationship is just a coincidence. A few days ago, Fu Zichen met Zhou Jinyu and Alexander when he went to discuss business.

Maybe because he didn't expect to meet him, Zhou Jinyu's smiling face froze instantly.

Fu Zichen was quite relieved that she could go out.

The person who was in business with Fu Zichen knew Zhou Jinyu. Whether Fu Zichen wanted to hear it or not, he told him about Zhou Jinyu's "new" relationship in detail.

What the man said was that Zhou Jinyu fell in love in the first year of studying abroad, but they broke up after a short time.

I was with Alexander soon after graduation.

After graduation, the two lived together for two years.

The two often quarreled together, and they didn't know how many times they separated and reunited.

Later, for some reason, Zhou Jinyu suddenly returned to China. Alexander asked her to reconcile several times, but Zhou Jinyu ignored him.

When the man told Fu Zichen, he had already secretly thought that Zhou Jinyu must have come back for Fu Zichen, but she never expected that Fu Zichen would marry Lin Ziyu instead of continuing his relationship with her.

Combined with online reports several times, Fu Zichen and Zhou Jinyu came out of a certain hotel in the evening and ate together in a certain restaurant.

Zhou Jinyu thought she could break Lin Ziyu's wall, but she didn't know that Fu Zichen wasn't tempted at all, and everything was just her own sentimentality.

After finally realizing the impossibility, Zhou Jinyu finally let go of Fu Zichen.

But Zhou Jinyu's upright father introduced her to her again and again, and her ex eagerly sought to get back together. After making a comparison, Zhou Jinyu felt that her ex was pretty good, so the two got back together.

Alexander also heard a little about Zhou Jinyu and Fu Zichen, so he just flew over from Australia to guard Zhou Jinyu.

After hearing this, Fu Zichen was relieved. Fortunately, Zhou Jinyu was not hanging on his own tree...

Otherwise, sometimes he still feels guilty.

 Seeing that a little fairy said jumping in the chapter review, my son went to see it... I found that chapter 740 [Making Things Like God 3] was really jumping, and now it has been changed. Little fairies can re-read it, I am very sorry <(__)>
  good night~

(End of this chapter)

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