Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 741 The first strike is stronger

Chapter 741 The first strike is stronger (2)

Lin Ziyu's admiring little eyes, Fu Zichen is the most useful, it seems that every dish will be cut into a flower, his eyebrows are beaming, and he is very unhappy.

"I hope our baby can cook like you in the future." The onlookers lazily leaned on the chairs, holding a plate of red and black cherries, no matter how they looked, they looked like people eating melons .

"I can teach." The self-study following the online steps cut the vegetables without looking back.

Lin Ziyu said "Oh", grinned at the corners of her lips, and smiled happily, "That's a good idea. In the future, they will be like their mother, who can only cook noodles when they are in their twenties. Wait until the day parents Going a long distance, either eating takeaway, or instant noodles..."


She was thinking too far ahead, the two babies were still tiny in her womb.

But these words touched Fu Zichen's heart, and he nodded in agreement, "Well, I'll start teaching them when they can get a shovel."

Look at what this said, it is safe to abandon the child and the couple to go out and play.

"I can teach them how to choose vegetables, wash vegetables and cut vegetables. As for how to cook...that's up to you."

Lin Ziyu still has a little balance in her heart even though she has a few pounds and a few taels.

After Lin Ziyu became pregnant, her appetite increased greatly, and she could taste the most delicious food in the world. Fu Zichen, who was eating with her, was infected by her, and unconsciously ate a few more dishes with chopsticks, a few mouthfuls of rice, Accidentally, Lin Ziyu was more than four months pregnant, and he also gained five kilograms.

However, fortunately, he usually likes to exercise, and the five kilograms he gained have been transformed into muscles. He is heavy, but it is not obvious.


It is said that Long Xiaoxian has lost weight for more than two months, and his whole body seems to be completely reborn. He has become thinner and more energetic. When he went to Phoenix Bay with Long Chengyi, no matter how you look at it, he is much smaller than before. Tang Wan Qiu not only loves her dearly, but is also really happy for her.

In the past, Long Xiaoxian's weight of two hundred catties was too scary, far exceeding obesity, but now he is slowly approaching slightly fat.

"Before I was too fat, but suddenly I lost a lot of weight and my skin loosened a lot. When I got to a hundred and twenty-three, I went to the hospital to cut off the excess skin." He took the initiative to tell Tang Wanqiu about his hard work in losing weight, Long Xiaoxian's face was full of smiles, not the dry forced smiles like before.

Now she was wearing the dress she wore when she was at her peak weight, and it was as empty as the gown.

The T-shirts I used to wear, because the waist is too much to stretch out, can now be worn as short skirts.

Tang Wanqiu had heard a little about cutting off excess skin after losing weight, so she patted Long Xiaoxian's hand affectionately, and said with a smile: "Then Auntie is waiting for your good news."

"Hahaha, sure, auntie." Long Xiaoxian laughed heartily.

In fact, most of the people who came to Phoenix Bay were Long Chengyi who came to look for Tang Wanqiu, but he himself was as timid as Long Xiaoxian, and it was awkward to come alone.

As a daughter, Long Xiaoxian has nothing to do every day anyway, so we can just go together when he calls.

Both she and Long Guang hoped that he could get rid of Tang Wanqiu as soon as possible, so that their brother and sister would also have a mother.

After all, Long Xiaoxian has never been married, and some things cannot be learned without a teacher.

Instead, when he came home at night, at the dinner table, Long Guang asked Long Chengyi in front of the whole family: "Dad, how far have you and Aunt Tang developed?"

Needless to say, this question is very attractive, not to mention Long Xiaoxian and Mrs. Long, the two children also eat in one meal, looking at their grandfather in a tacit understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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