Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 756 Satisfied

Chapter 756 Satisfied (2)

Fu Zichen gently stroked|stroked|touched her soft|soft long hair, his deep eyes were rippling with the night outside the car window, his eyes were as quiet as water, and he let out a soft "hmm" from his nose.

"Then you can bring me more, so that you don't have to drink so much..." Lin Ziyu's eyebrows and eyes were bent, and the corners of her slightly raised lips revealed a bit of cunning.

Fu Zichen's eyes moved, this suggestion was good, and she heard her counting again.

"I had already given birth during the year-end assessment, and when the time comes, our family of four will go to battle, and it will be over early.

Next year, the child will still be young.

In the year after next, the child should know that he is looking for his father, and let the child look for you. "

"Pfft, wife, you are too smart." Fu Zichen was delighted to hear that.

For the assessment, the wine bureau is indispensable, it's just a matter of drinking too much and drinking too little.

Mostly because of getting older, I used to get hurt from drinking, but now I was so drunk the first night, and I had to take it easy the next morning, instead of getting up and washing up like before, and going to work as if nothing happened.

In a daze, he remembered the time when he was in college. He got drunk on a party the first night, and got up early the next morning to go to class.

He couldn't smell it himself, but the brother sitting next to him said that his cheeks were flushed and his body smelled faintly of alcohol. It seemed that he drank too much the day before.

"Not much." At that time, he replied lightly, his eyes seemed to be looking at the blackboard, but in fact he didn't, but rushed to do his homework on the spot.

"You face is so red, are you shy?" The buddy asked reluctantly.

"No." His tone was still calm.


That doesn't exist.

"Cut~~ Then you are angry?"


"I'm sure you must have been drinking, either last night or this morning."

"I drank it last night."

"Look, look, let me just say, you went out for a drink last night. It's too disrespectful to go out for a drink on a big night and not make an appointment with your buddies!" The blackboard turned to them.

Fu Zichen cursed in his heart, I didn't go to play, if it wasn't for entertainment, who would drink so much wine out of boredom?
Still writing on his hand, his thin lips parted slightly: "Please drink when you have time."

Afterwards, he even invited friends from a dormitory to have a drink.

He goes to class and works at the same time. The bed in the dormitory is still so small that he really can't get used to it. He rarely appears in the dormitory, and rarely participates in dormitory activities or class activities.

After four years, he didn't even know the names of some students.

Now tell Lin Ziyu about this matter, Lin Ziyu just hugged him distressedly, comforting him silently.

The corners of Fu Zichen's lips curled up, drawing a slight arc, "Silly girl, I'm not sad, there was still you at that time..."

She eats with him every day, chats with him, and walks with him.

Small stature, childish face, sweet smile, soft voice...

For many years, he has carefully guarded his love for her.

Lin Ziyu snuggled into his arms, full of his breath, his body temperature, and smiled contentedly.

Fortunately, she at that time met him at that time.

Maybe in the future or in the future, she and he will not have feelings for each other, and then carefully hide them in their hearts.

Until we meet again, releasing our love for each other bit by bit.

How can there be so much love at first sight in the world, but it is a long-planned plan.

(End of this chapter)

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