Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 770 The longest routine

Chapter 770 The longest routine (4)

"I'll see you off." Lu Nan also stood up immediately.

"No need." Fu Zichen flatly refused, raised his foot and walked towards the door.

Their home is next door, so no delivery is required.

Tang Wanqiu couldn't help but glanced at Fu Zichen, and couldn't help sighing in her heart, Ah Chen's temper...

Looking at Lu Nan helplessly, he said again: "Go to bed early."

The indirect meaning is that he should not send it away.

Lu Nan understood what she meant, put his hands on his stomach in embarrassment, and smiled cheerfully: "You guys also go to bed earlier."

After leaving Lu's house, the three of them were speechless all the way.

But when he reached the door of the room, Fu Zichen paused, and then said, "No matter what you choose, I will support you."

After speaking, without waiting for Tang Wanqiu's answer, she turned the doorknob and entered the room.

When he went downstairs, he just wanted to put a cup. He didn’t expect to go to the next door to watch half a game of Go, and played a game by the way. The person who was leaning on the bedside and holding the iPad code word fell asleep, his head tilted, and he fell asleep. Oh, and the iPad dropped on the pillow too.

Fu Zichen closed the door, walked lightly, helped the person who was sleeping by the head of the bed onto the bed, and gently tucked the corner of the quilt for her.Then, I picked up the iPad and opened it, clicked save, exited the background, and put it on the bedside table.

Once, Lin Ziyu was writing a novel with an iPad before taking a nap. He fell asleep accidentally while writing. I didn't save any, and kept humming unhappily while eating.

But at this moment Tang Wanqiu is still standing outside the door thoughtfully.


When Lin Ziyu got up the next day, Fu Zichen had already gone to the company. After lunch, he sent Xiaoyou back to Shanhaihui.

Another day went by in tidying up the nursery for two babies.

The baby's due date is at the end of July, and she will be unloading in two months.

I don't know if it is two cute little boys, or two cute little girls, or a son and a daughter, it makes up a good word.

However, no matter it is a boy or a girl, they are all her darlings.

Because I didn't deliberately ask about gender, I bought baby products for both boys and girls.

Fu Zichen, an old father, also came back from time to time to find some things, saying that they were for his daughter or his son. The child was not born yet, and his tone was already full of embarrassment. He wondered if he would float up after the birth.

Once the things were shrunk many times, they became inexplicably cute. Lin Ziyu's heart melted when she tidied up the child's small clothes and shoes. She clicked and took more than N photos and sent them to the child's father.

【Husband, so cute~~ These little shoes are not as long as my palm, and the clothes are only a little bigger than my palm. 】

In fact, after tidying up, the room is not very tidy, after all, there are really too many things.

【I just bought this. 】Fu Zichen quickly replied and took a photo of the little yellow duck toy.

The little yellow duck is only the size of a baby's fist, and when they can hold things, they can hold them in their hands and play with them.

A little bigger, give them a bath, and you can also put the little yellow duck in the bathtub for them to play.

He saw it online and thought it was cute, so he bought it when he saw it in a store.

[Ah, ah, so cute~~Darling, you are awesome~] Lin Ziyu also likes this kind of cute little toy.

Uh, later the child got tired of playing, but she was still playing with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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