Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 780 Reserve the Little Flower Girl

Chapter 780 Reserve the Little Flower Girl (1)

Although Fu Siqi had a hard pregnancy, she gave birth very quickly, and she was out of the delivery room within [-] minutes.

Lin Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Tang Xuxiao's good news.

When Fu Siqi was pregnant, the edema was so severe that she almost swelled into a ball.

Fortunately, when I was born, I didn't have such a toss.

He lowered his head and kissed his sister's little cheek, then kissed his brother's little cheek.

The voice softly coaxed the two children, "Sister Jingjing and Brother Chengyu have a nephew~~"

As she expected, two days and one month away, the younger sister's weight has already surpassed that of her elder brother, and when she hugged her, she felt a little heavy.


In two days, Xiao Jingjing and Chengyu's full moon feast.

The child was still young and didn't do anything big, just called relatives and friends who were very close to have a meal.


Then, Lu Nan, who was not invited, had the cheek to come over for dinner, and pretending to be a grandfather, he brought a set of car models to his elder brother, and a set of bilingbiling princess tiaras to his younger sister. Lin Ziyu felt heavy in his hand , a little worried that the sparkling tiara would bend my sister's little neck.

The guy who called himself grandpa just arrived, and soon the guy who called himself uncle also came, moreover, he also brought his daughter Zhenzhen with him, as soon as he entered the door, he shouted to hug his two little nephews, the posture was really like a child kissing an uncle.

Seeing that Tang Wanqiu just smiled helplessly, Lin Ziyu also had a clue in her heart.

It seems that Lu Nan has already dealt with Tang Wanqiu.

Lu Zhenzhen and Fu Saichen were the same age, and they were still in the same class, so they didn't deliberately ask, and the parents didn't know they were classmates.

As soon as the two children met, they waved their little hands excitedly at each other from a distance.

Shan Haihui Fu Sixen would come over to play from time to time, and today he took the initiative to serve as Zhen Zhen's little tour guide, and the two little radish heads walked around the villa hand in hand.

When going up the stairs, Fu Sixen also took the initiative to help Zhen Zhen carry her skirts. The two little dolls, who were not too big, turned a group of people around, and said how happy it is to have two children of the same age in the family.

How could Jingjing and Chengyu's full moon banquet be without two godfathers from City B?

Around three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Yicheng came, bringing Bai Yuanyuan with him.

"Jing Jing looks very similar to you when you were a child." Lu Yicheng hugged his limp younger sister, the corners of Lu Yicheng's lips curled up, his cold face was like a golden holy light, gentle and kind.

He fixed his eyes on the little doll in his arms, thinking that this chubby look was not a copy of Lin Ziyu's when he was a child.

"That's necessary, of course I was born like me." Lin Ziyu answered with a smile, unable to hide the embarrassment in her eyes.

His eyes rolled around, and he glanced at Bai Yuanyuan, who was holding his brother in a hurry at the beginning, but now he has slowly found the way to stare at her brother.

"When are you going to get married?"

Did he raise his girlfriend like a pig?

It's only been half a year since she first saw Bai Yuanyuan, but she can clearly feel that Bai Yuanyuan has rounded up a lot.

Hmm... The speed of gaining weight was as fast as she was three months pregnant.

Hearing this, Lu Yicheng and Bai Yuanyuan looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

"When Jingjing and Chengyu can walk, they will be our flower girls." Lu Yicheng made a decision.

The brothers and sisters Jingjing and Chengyu are now completely miniature versions of their parents. After a year, they will definitely be a pair of cute little milk babies.

In the past, Lu Yicheng didn't look forward to falling in love and being with someone all the time, but now after falling in love, he thinks it's good to have someone by his side all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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