Mrs Fu is so sweet

Chapter 787 Come on, let’s play

Chapter 787 Come on, let’s play (5)

My sister turned over, sat, and crawled, a large part of the reason was because of my brother.

She was easy to move, and when her brother moved, she wanted to move too.

Moreover, if you do a good job, your mother will hold her in her arms and reward her with kisses.

At this time, he crawled towards Lin Ziyu with his hands and feet buried in his hands and feet, his little face flushed from holding back.

Lin Ziyu didn't help his brothers and sisters either, but squatted down slowly, opened his hands towards them with a smile, and looked tenderly at his "competing" sons and daughters, "Come on brother~Come on sister~"

Hearing their mother's encouragement, the siblings crawled even more joyfully. Their joint-like limbs seemed to be equipped with small motors, and they happily "planed" on the blanket, as if splashing water in a bathtub.

Xiao Yu, who was in charge of taking care of the two brothers and sisters, had his eyes narrowed with laughter.

The two brothers and sisters are too cute. They took out their mobile phones to record videos of them, and they can show them to their father who is thousands of miles away later.

Lin Ziyu watched the two of them thumping about, and always felt that they were going to kick off their clothes.

"啪|啪|啪" clapped their hands, attracting the eyes of the siblings.

"Come on, quietly~"

"Come on, Seungwoo~"

"Ah—" Xiao Jingjing yelled, and her limbs crawled harder.

However, within a short while, Cheng Yu had already crawled in front of Lin Ziyu, smiling at Lin Ziyu with his small face upturned.

After getting up by himself, he stretched out his hand to ask Lin Ziyu to hug him, so cute.

"Brother, it's amazing." Lin Ziyu put his hands through his armpits, hugged him in his arms, and lowered his head to kiss his cheeks.

The eight-month-old baby is still a milk baby, and his body is full of gentle milky fragrance.

Lin Ziyu's lips touched his little face, Cheng Yu was happy, but a little itchy, and giggled.

The younger sister who was lagging behind became anxious, yelling "ang, ang" non-stop, and waving her two little lotus arms even more eagerly.

Lin Ziyu didn't have as much strength as their father, so it was impractical to hug her left and right, so she let go of her brother and picked up her sister again.

"mua~~ Quiet is so good."

Although her younger sister was lagging behind, Lin Ziyu was not unbiased, and kissed each other's cheeks.

Jingjing knew that sticking the corners of her lips to her face meant she loved her. She kissed her little face twice, and her little mouth moved close to Lin Ziyu's face, "mua, mua" sticking to Lin Ziyu's face. drool.

"Xiao Jingjing, did you do it on purpose?" Lin Ziyu tilted her buttocks, Jingjing just raised her voice at her, Xiao|mouth grinning wide.

And Cheng Yu who was on the blanket got up by himself, and squeezed into Lin Ziyu's arms with both hands and feet.

Lin Ziyu really couldn't hold the two at a time, so she took off her shoes and sat on the blanket, sitting with the siblings.

Because there are two baby babies who are less than one year old at home, she only came back after taking off her makeup after filming, because she was afraid that the makeup would rub off on the brothers and sisters.

The siblings have already started to eat complementary food. When Lin Ziyu is not around, when they are hungry, they will be fed some rice noodles, porridge and the like.

When the brother and sister had just teeth and could bite, Lin Ziyu wanted to wean his mother and let them drink milk powder.

But when Ms. Li drank Tang Wanqiu, she said that children who drank mother's milk for a long time had a good physique, and they should be fed for another two months, so they were put on hold.

Every time Lin Ziyu came back from the outside, besides reaching out for a hug, the siblings would also bow their little heads into her arms.

Now the siblings sat and played for a while, and when they were tired, they dropped the toys and crawled to Lin Ziyu's side...

(End of this chapter)

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