Allure: The Man God's Love Wanted

Chapter 112 Love is also for those who beat, and those who love are violently beaten [06]

Chapter 112 Love is also for those who beat, and those who love are violently beaten [06]

"This perfume is relatively young. It is not suitable for me to use it. It is best for you to use it if you like it."

"Really? Thanks Lily."

"Silly boy."

When they spoke, English was mixed in, but judging from their cheerful expressions, even people who don't understand English can guess that the friendship between them is not shallow.

When Nie Jiajun saw his little girlfriend being left out in the cold, he immediately became dissatisfied with Lily and called out, "Mommy."

Lily patted the back of Gao Sushan's hand, smiled and turned to look at them, suddenly came over: "Oh, Lucia, are you here too?"

One is warm and friendly, and the other is indifferent and contemptuous.

One is an ordinary classmate and the other is a little girlfriend.

Nie Jiajun's face suddenly darkened, and he frowned, as if he was embarrassing Lu Xiya by doing so.

He said: "Mommy, you talk slowly, I will accompany Xiaoya to see the progress over there."

After that, he took Lu Xiya's hand and left.

Lily was stunned for a moment, and her face darkened, but she didn't snort.

Watching the back of them leaving, Gao Sushan had a sad face, her expression was sad: "Klaus doesn't want to see me."

"Don't worry, I have my way of calling you here, let's go, let's go back to the living room and talk."

The man with a bitter face immediately beamed with joy, he took Lily's arm and said flatteringly, "I brought two servings of your favorite caviar and red wine, why don't we try it."

"Okay, good boy."


"Your mother doesn't like me." Lucia sighed.

"It's fine if I like you." He hugged her tighter, disapprovingly: "I'm the one who's dating you, not her, so just leave her alone."

"She is your mother, can you leave her alone?" She squinted at him.

"I'll find a way, don't worry." He hugged her, bowed his head and kissed her hair.

The two walked around the garden, put on a show, and then returned to the bedroom on the second floor.

At that time, her bedroom was next to his bedroom, and there were still daily necessities she used in it.

On the big single bed were the evening dresses, jewelry and handbags he bought with her the day before yesterday, and high heels were placed on the carpet.

Nie Jiajun arranged a makeup artist for her. After freshening up, the makeup artist made a simple moisturizing mask for her, and then put on light makeup and hair accessories.

A few strands of red hair were dyed to erase her excessively wild personality and put it in an elegant bun.

According to Nie Jiajun's requirements, the makeup should not be too thick, but should be light and fresh.

After she changed into a blue evening dress, Nie Jiajun knocked on the door.

The makeup artist went to open the door: "Third young master."

Although Nie Jiajun is an only child, and he is cousins ​​with Nie Xichen and Nie Hong, but in front of outsiders, he was called this way since he was a child.

Nie Xichen is the first young master of the Nie family, Nie Hong is the second young master, Nie Jiajun is naturally the third young master, and the illegitimate daughter Ye Ziye is called the fourth young lady.

In private, the four of them have a very good relationship, no different from brothers and sisters.

He asked, "What about her?"

The make-up artist smiled and opened the door of the room, allowing him who was standing outside to see the room clearly.

I saw a young girl like an angel appearing in front of me, so beautiful and refined.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothing, Buddha depends on gold clothing, it is indeed a wise saying.

A person who has been carefully dressed is so beautiful that it makes people tremble physically and mentally.

He looked at her with a bit of obsession, his deep blue eyes froze, completely stunned.

As beautiful as a fairy, she walked towards him with a delicate face and a slight smile.

(End of this chapter)

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